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How to get rid of brown discoloration from acne?

So I messed with a small pimple on my nose ONE MONTH ago and there is still discoloration left behind. It's a big brownish pink spot and it's so annoying. It does peel though. It peeled today but I can still see the spot. When I apply makeup on it, the foundation thing says it has sunscreen or something in it. I also apply aloe vera gel on it every night. Are there any CHEAP ways to QUICKLY get rid of this spot? It isn't lifted or a hole. Do not recommend a dermatologist. Thanks.

2 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    I usually wrap ice in a cloth and rub it on my face for a few minutes and I swear it makes a difference on brown discoloration

  • 7 years ago

    i use a poop facemask to get rid of mine. if the poops too hard, mix a little pee with it until you can get smooth circular motions avoiding your eyes. relax for half an hour then wash off in the shower - all gone!

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