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How to get rid of red brown purple discoloration from acne?

I have a big red,brown purple spot on my nose from a little pimple I messed with one month ago. It really brings down my self esteem, plus I'm going on vacation in a few days and I don't want this ugly thing in the middle of my nose while I'm out on vacation. The scar isn't lifted or deep. I put a big glob of aloe vera gel on it every night but it doesn't get rid of the discoloration. are there any home remedies? My mom doesn't want to buy any products. For home remedies, don't include honey or baking soda, i don't hAve those. Please help asap. And do not recommend going to a dermatologist.

6 Answers

  • 5 years ago

    People are probably gonna think I'm very stupid but this is what works for me. So, I did this a few months ago because I'm not the smartest. Keep that in mind. Acne is caused by bacteria growing in and under your skin right? So I absolutely thought that if Hand Sanitizer killed bacteria, why can't it kill it on my face? Andddd that lead to me putting some small amounts of hand sanitizer in my T-zone and other practical places.I do this about 2-3 times a day and that works really great for me. No more acne.

    Another thing I do is, if I'm in a melt-down situation, I grab a piece of ice and rub that all over the acne for 1-2 minutes. (Or until it's completely melted.)

    I also use this Carrot exfoliating face wash with beads in it. It smells weird to me but great to others. And leaves your face really soft.

    Yes.....very stupid tricks but works for me

    Attachment image
  • ?
    Lv 4
    5 years ago

    I personally have acne scars across my back and chest, (picking is inevitable when you're as compulsive as me) and I used Neosporin Scar Strips to help get rid of them. My back used to be covered in some pretty bad scars and they made them fade by at least 80%. They're kinda spendy, like $20/30 for an 8 week supply. It says to effectively get rid of the scars you have to use them for 8 weeks but I only used mine for a few weeks (if that) on sections and they went away. If you want to spend a bit less, or can't find them, (I got mine from Walgreens)I suggest trying Safeway. They have a Safeway brand of scar strips and they work just as well for cheaper. Hope this helped.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Acne is a big issue and it is one of the biggest hurdle in your beauty.So you should sort out your problem as soon as possible

    I'd like to suggest you this site Http://

    It will provide you with professional help and acne resolving products!

    Best of luck:)

  • 7 years ago

    Go seem a dermatologist. They'll know what to do.

  • How do you think about the answers? You can sign in to vote the answer.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    right seek proper medical treatment from

  • 7 years ago

    get good quaility skin care like origins!

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