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Why do my parents believe that our current church isn't corrupt but the last church was because they openly came out that the pastor had a?


I really don't understand this idea of that people really believe these pastors that are on stage are actually telling the truth and are men of God.

9 Answers

  • John S
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    <Begin Joke>

    Old Protestant joke...

    A man is stranded on a deserted island for many years all by himself. When a passing ship discovers him and goes to rescue him, they find him alone on the beach with 3 structures/huts.

    The man says 1 is my house, the other is the church I attend.

    The rescuers point to the 3rd hut and ask: "Then what is that over there?"

    "OH, the man replies, That's the church I USED to go to. But the I left because the pastor there is an *$$hole"

    </End Joke>

    You can change the joke up a bit to say "they were unbiblical" or other such things. But the point is that most Protestants go through several churches in their lives.

    There is even a term for those who change churches anytime they find out something they don't like about the first one.

    "Consumer Christianity" -- like consumers who shop around for the best deal.

    I like what the comedian and pretty outspoken Atheist, George Carlton, once said: "I will not be a member of any group that will have me as a member."

    Think about it -- if the Church or organization was not flawed BEFORE -- as soon as one of us join it... it sure is.


    So you can't look for the perfect Church. - if you DID - then your faith was NOT in God - but in the perfection and holiness of the people in that church. You have more faith in THEM, apparently then in God.

    If you leave a church for a person or scandal - then apparently you were only part of that church because you mistakenly thought it was more perfect then any other. But if your faith is in God and the doctrines that your church teaches - then no amount of scandal matters. Because you trust in God and believe in the Doctrines/Dogmas of the faith.


    There is an old saying: "You shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water"

    What this means is that you shouldn't over react and get rid of EVERYTHING when really only 1 thing is the issue.

    If the issue is the "scandal" - then fix THAT - and maybe get rid of the Pastor - But don't LEAVE the entire church just over that one issue. Otherwise you are getting rid of the good and the bad together. Rather then getting rid of the bad and leaving the good.


    Lastly, Recall that "God doesn't call the qualified, he qualifies the called. " What this means is that God doesn't always call upon the most glamorous, the richest, the most successful, the smartest, or even the most righteous and perfect.

    Look at the Apostles, closest to Jesus.

    Peter had a temper and was a loud mouth

    Paul was a murderer

    Thomas has trust issues and doubted

    Judas betrayed him

    Most of the others fled and hid during Jesus's time of need.

    HECK, most of his apostles couldn't stay awake for an hour while Jesus went into the garden and prayed.

    And THESE were the guys he turned the faith over to and trusted to get things started???

    So God meets us where we are and calls upon the most unlikely of people. Be careful not to judge people too harshly.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I don't understand why you are asking strangers on an internet forum to read your parents' minds and explain to you how your parents make decisions.

    According to several Christian denominations, most or all of the other denominations teach false doctrine.

    According to some agnostics and atheists, the fact that the Gods seem to lack the power to prevent the teaching of LIES about the message of the Gods, strongly indicates that none of the Gods are real.

    Ask your parents if they trust God to guide them.

    If they trust God, how about having God decide which church?

    Spread a little glue on the bottom of a small box, drop in some dice, tape the box shut, and give it a shake.

    Run off copies of a letter, and send it to every church within travel distance, inviting them to participate.

    Wthout telling them how many pairs of dice went into the box, invite them to pray to their Gods to have it revealed unto them the total of the dots on the upper surfeces of the dice. (the glue is to keep the dice from moving.)

    Wait a month.

    If they don't want to admit that their Gods don't have the Power to know what the proper answer is, they won't reply.

    If they don't want to admit that their Gods do not answer prayers, they won't reply.

    When the month is over, open the box and observe the reality.

    If they reply, and their Gods did not have the power to accurately inform them, that's not the right church.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    christianity is not about church ...

    christianity is all about knowing biblical teachings and living by them.

    God says to follow Him.

    but people are following church (man) cos they have no idea what's in scripture.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Clearly the last pastors were unbiblical

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Have you asked them?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Jesus isnt god, Jesus is the messenger of god.

  • 7 years ago

    Some pastors are fine men who teach the Bible very, very well. Others are unschooled and simply make mistakes. Others still, are trying to lead the flock away from God. You have to continually search the Scriptures like a Berean to find the truth. This is why it should take a long time to find a good church.

    Paul said after he was gone, the wolves would come in and not spare the flock. He meant that crooks, thieves and liars would take over his role and lead the church into apostasy. It's been happening for two millenia but it's getting worse with each passing day.

    Also, no man is perfect. Pastors have a HUGE sign on their backs for Satan and his cohorts. They are continually understand attack. Many times, pastors are corrupt. Other times, they simply fall prey to the weakness of our human flesh and the temptations Satan throws at them.

    We are ALL human. If/when you find a good church, I might recommend you continually pray for a hedge of protection for your church's pastoral team and that Christ give them strength to resist the temptations thrown their way.

    God loves the prayers of His saints and they do much, much good.

  • 7 years ago

    So if one was corupt it means all of them must be corupt? That makes no sense. If a black person is rude to you will you become a racist? It's the same logic.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    churches were the original pirate radio a nnouncers, making money they refused to pay tax on to the state, and stir up trouble in return. too many stukas in the head

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