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For those that reject he BIBLE, what would it take for you to accept it?

Please do not say that you would accept it if it was proven. it has been proven, several times, in several different ways, and you still reject it.

Will prophesy happening convince you?

Will the Rapture (millions instant vanishing) convince you?

Will the UN moving to Babylon convince you?

Will the one world government, ruled by one man, convince you?

Will the 21 plaques convince you?

What will convince you?

32 Answers

  • glcang
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    proven to be a bunch of facts ,nonsense, legends, myths and symbolism.

    Don't you people ever get tired of all this nonsense?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A rapture would convince me that ONE of the gods that claimed rapture was correct. Mind you, the christian god is not the only one who claims rapture. He's not even the first.

    The bible never claims that babylon will control the world nations. Instead, the bible claims that Israel would be war-like, and never see defeat. Instead, Israel has seen a very poor combat history.

    The world is moving towards globalization. This is obvious. This isn't a prediction, it's stating a fact. I don't believe the bible predicts this anyway.

    No idea what the 21 plaques are. I'll look it up.

    What WOULD convince me? In 1 kings 18, a prophet is capable of repeating a miracle several times, on command, in order to PROVE that his god is real. If this exact same miracle was done again, it would unambiguously prove your god is real.

    Also, if god simply told me, and several other people, at the same time, that he was real, and our stories matched up, I would believe. God has a knack of only showing himself to one person at a time though, I wonder why?

  • 7 years ago

    A car that uses the power of prayer as the only source of energy.

    Priests healing people on a regular basis (no miracle stuff) even in cases where doctors fail. Actually there would be no doctors if there was a god.

    A religious group that is better off (better health, longer life) than all other religious groups. (Leaving the religion should cancel all benefits.) I expect that a real god would give his followers a (maybe small but) real advantage.

    A reliable communication channel to your deceased loved ones.

    I also fail to see how the bible is any more believable than any other religion ever invented.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I don't reject the Bible, I reject every religious text. All they do is divide people, because not everyone wants to be Christian, or Muslim, or any one specific religion.

    And every single text claims to be "the infallible truth." It's overwhelming! At some point I just don't care anymore.

    I would accept the Bible as soon as I agreed with every single word written in it. And I don't. It doesn't have to do with proof, I would want a religion that's compatible with my life. And the Bible is not.

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  • Tammy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Okay, I accept it. I'm an atheist, but I do think these stories are accurate, as they were told. Those people wrote down their personal histories and family lore, I believe that. Some of them are outright fiction, but, for the most part I can allow that the people who told them believed them. That's real enough for me.

    I still would not worship god, if he appeared to me right now. It would definitely make me a believer, but it would not make me love and worship.

    I've read more than a few modern biographies that had more bullsh*t in them than the bible does, by the way.

  • 7 years ago

    Well sure if God came down from on high and spoke to the people maybe we would believe it.

    In the meantime the rest is laughable. There is for example no historical outside of the Bible that says Jesus even existed.

    Also a lot of information in the Bible is interpreted by different people, particularly the Greeks who confused the Virgin birth bit and the Ascension into heaven with their own legends about Alexander the Great and Pythagoras.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm sorry.

    I wasn't aware that the counter-rotation of the Eath, which caused the shadows to move the other way (as reported in 2nd Kings Ch 20) was proven.

    Please post or send me a link.

    Since the Bible claims it happened AFTER the Flood, the damage dome by having something as massive as this planet , spinning nearly 1,000 MPH at the equator, suddenly change direction, would not have eroded away in just a few thousand years, and the devastaion would live on in legends of every culture which survived.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I need some proper proof, Christians stealing hard earned achievements and miracles of nature and labeling them gods work, does not substitute proof in my books.

    I would need to see hear and witness a proper miracle, by miracle I mean defying or bending the current laws and foundations of science which we know today in front of an unbiased audience.

    And to be sure that this is actually happening I would need multiple people over the world to witness it at the same time.

    If god is omnipotent this shouldn't be an issue.

    I would basically need god to make an appearance (which he wont because he doesn't exist)

  • 7 years ago

    Nothing short of god actually manifesting himself and saying that the bible is his word.

  • 7 years ago

    The bible has not been proven at all,let's just get that cleared up.

    Second of all the bible is a complete piece of sh!t.

    Third of all don't you religious people get by now,THE BIBLE IS A WASTE OF TIME BECAUSE YOU CAN'T PROVE WHO WROTE IT AND IF IT IS TRUE.

    You know what when God shows up at my doorstep and tells me himself that the bible is legit then I will get down on me knees and beg for forgiveness.

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