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TACOMcCail asked in SportsWrestling · 7 years ago

WWE's worst booking decisions?

I've been singing WWE's praises lately, but, as you all know too well, WWE isn't always on the right track.

What do you think the worst booking blunders in WWE history have been?

12 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Michael Cole & Heidenreich

    Santina Marella - Competing as a woman in the WrestleMania XXV 25 Diva battle royal, Santino; dressed as a woman beat all the other diva's to be crowned 'Miss Wrestlemania' in one of the most useless WM matches in history. Not to mention it led to matches with Vickie Guerrero .They even competed in a pigs pen match together

    Billy and Chuck

    Bossman / Al snow and Dog

    Linda Mcmahon sedation

    Limo explodes and 'Kills' Mr Mcmahon

    GM Mike Adamle

    Shawn Michaels and 'GOD' vs The Mcmahons

    Mae Young gives birth to a hand

    Katie Vick

  • Candle
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I was going to bring up the Al Snow/Bossman "Pepper" feud that culminated in Kennel from Hell, but I think it'd be easier to sum it up as the entire career run of Ray Traylor in the late 90's-early '00's. From dragging Big Show's father's cancer riddled corpse through a cemetery behind a police cruiser, to tagging him up with Bull Buchanan.

    Granted, this was the twilight of Ray's life, but they could have at least treated him somewhat like a legend.

  • 7 years ago

    I can only speak personally but some that come to mind are.

    Horrible gimmicks like

    Gobbledygooker a giant turkey

    TL Hopper a plumber

    Duke Droese a bin man or trash man for you US users.

    Brawl for all seemed pointless with no pay off.

    Diva search destroyed women's wrestling temporarily and had some of the most stupid segments ever.

    NXT before it was what it is now. It was the pits having wrestlers take part in childish games.

    WWE ECW was a massive flop.

    The WCW invasion angle could have been so special but was so watered down it was such a shame.

    Joke title switches that devalue championships like Vince winning the WWE and ECW championships, Harvey Wippleman winning the Womens title, Hornswoggle winning the Cruiserweight title etc.

  • Uzoma
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Daniel Bryan losing the World Heavyweight Championship to Sheamus in 18 seconds at WrestleMania 28

    Batista winning the Royal Rumble earlier this year

    How Triple H defeated Booker T at WrestleMania 19

    Rey Mysterio winning the WWE Championship on RAW 15 days after the 2011 Money in the Bank event only to lose it the same night to John Cena

    Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton's PPV matches from Night of Champions to Hell in the Cell

    Michael Cole defeating Jerry Lawler at WrestleMania and Extreme Rules

    The jobbing of NXT Season 2 Kaval (mostly known as Low Ki) (whether it was for good reasons or bad I don't know)

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  • 7 years ago

    They really brought in a lot of generic characters when they had ECW on Syfy, no personality and no build up, so many of them guys failed due to poor planning there

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Not giving john cena the title all the time because he is the only man worthy of holding the belt, he should hold it all the time since he was the one he created the title and the wrestling industry as a whole, he has had more 5 star matches than any1 else in history with 86 straight 5 star matches a record than will never be broken, he also saved the WWR from going out of business when he debut in 1992 and won his first world title in 1988 when he defeated the great Samoa ric flair in a steel cage match at extreme rules.


  • 7 years ago

    Cena vs Rock II at Wrestlemania 29 for WWE Title: it should've been Rock vs Taker instead

    Vince McMahon won the ECW Championship

    Santino's Comic Relief role: Santino should soon finally break his slience, take frustrations on everyone in the WWE and well on a serious path to become the WWE World Heavyweight Champion

    Shane McMahon competing in the WCW title handicap match at 2001 Unforgiven PPV and in the 10 man elimination tag at 2001 Surivior Series: Shane O'Mac is not a wrestler from ECW & WCW

    Harvey Wippleman wins the Women's Championship as Hervina

    Chris Jericho's dramatic suited gimmick

    Cryme Tyme breakup

    Lita/Kane relationship angle

    Orton vs Bryan matches from 2013

    Chyna buried & later injured by RTC in 2000: She should've compete for the WWF/E title picture if it was'nt for the RTC

    Malenko's longest Lightheavyweight title reign in 2000-01

    Hornswoggle winning the Cruiserweight title

    Kane burying The Undertaker alive at the 2003 Survivor Series

    McMahons vs HBK and 'God' at 2006 Backlash PPV

    ADR winning the WWE Title in 2011: it was very too early for Del Rio to win it

    Booker T defeated by JBL in the WWE Championship match at 2004 Surivior Series

    Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy rivalry from 2001 and 2009

    Kane unmasked in 2003

    Edge retired in 2011 shortly after retaining the WHC Title at WM27

  • 7 years ago

    One of the worst, in my opinion, was having The Rock and Mankind trade the title so much before WrestleMania XV. They could have made Rock look more credible than he did instead of having him drop the title twice in short periods before he made it to the big show. He already barely had any clean wins against anybody during his main event run prior to WM, with the exception of Steve Blackman (but lets be honest, that was Steve f*cking Blackman). Dont get me wrong, that was one of my favorite rivalries but they could have done that better instead of having them trade the belt within a week's spam.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Cena vs Rock II Wrestlemania 29. Obvously the worst & predictable decision WWE has ever made and broken their once in a lifetime promise to the WWE fans, that was complete and utter garbage.

  • 7 years ago

    Currently, the way the US Title is booked, a championship that has only been defended a few times within the past year, that is horrible booking

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