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Niana asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

My dog cries whenever I leave her side?

So I got a puppy about a week ago and have been spending a lot of time with her and whenever I leave her for even thirty seconds she starts to whine and yip I am going to stay the night at my moms tomorrow and how can I prevent her from crying when I'm not there? Also I do have another dog to keep her company but she still cries

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    She sounds very needy. What age was she when you brought her home because frankly although moving away from everything familiar can be very traumatic, I'd have thought she would have enough confidence to cope with this, especially if you do have another dog for her to bond with, assuming your original dog will allow this!! When you go away, there could be big trouble with her much as it could also be the making of her! You have to restrict how much time you spend with a new puppy so they learn there is a time for them, and a time that's not for them.

  • 7 years ago

    Every time you give in to the whining, you increase the amount of time it will take to break her of this. Harden your heart and do not return to your pup until she is quiet, and when you do, praise her for being quiet. Since you have let this go for a while, this will take some time to work, but it does work.

    Breaking bad behavior of any kind is much easier when the dog is a puppy than waiting until the dog is older.

    Here is an article that can help you with this;


  • 7 years ago

    This puppy is new to your home - you are strangers to her, the house is strange, and your dog is strange. It is to be expected that a young puppy will cry when left alone in a new environment.

    It will help to leave a well worn and unwashed shirt or garment with her in her crate, and have her crate in a spot where she can see the other dog - when you leave her. Also put her into her crate from time to time when you are not leaving the house, so she learns that it is a place to rest and relax in ... and just another part of her daily routine.

    If you look up "alone training" on the internet, I think you will find this helpful in getting your puppy over her separation anxiety.and try to start the puppy on a schedule. The little girl has no idea what is expected of her, she's a blank slate, and you need to teach her everything.

    If the older dog in the house is well trained, then being around this other dog, she'll adjust in much quicker and pick up routines and habits from the mentor dog.

  • Jojo
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Start by leaving her gradually and do not give in to her cries as if you do she will catch on that crying gets you to go to her.

    Start by leaving her for 5 minutes and then 10 minutes and so on.

    She needs to learn that when you go DO come back.

    Some pups take longer than others to get used to being alone for a while.

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  • 7 years ago

    My dog does the same thing. My best advice for you is that play with her a lot and spend a lot of time with her. My puppy does the same when I just go upstairs to get some stuff. Also try to train her to be independent.

  • 7 years ago

    i think you must should have need another dog for her friendship

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