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? asked in PetsDogs · 7 years ago

How to cure my phobia of dogs?

Ever since I can remember, I've been terrified of dogs. When I was little I refused to go to parks or beaches where there would be dogs; I've never personally had a bad experience with them but whenever I see one my heart starts beating really quickly and I start shaking. I cross the road if I see one coming towards me.

A few years ago, I decided to face my fears and visit my friend who had a small puppy. It didn't help. The puppy would try to nip anybody who wanted to pet it and it chased me around the living room (which was really humiliating!).

Now I have another friend who has a puppy and wants to invite me around - I made an excuse when she asked me last time but I can't put this off forever.

She only knows that I'm a 'bit nervous of dogs' and just rolled her eyes at me for it. She keeps talking about how excitable her dog is and how he likes to jump up at everyone - she doesn't do it deliberately but it scares me all the same.

Please give me some advice - this is really embarrassing and it's affecting my everyday life :(

5 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    My mom used to be TERRIFIED of dogs. She would shake and freeze up whenever she saw one. If one actually touched her, she would jump back and scream. One day, my dad randomly walked in with a puppy he had secretly bought online. My mom was so mad and scared, and she didn't come out of her room for almost 2 days. Eventually she started to see that there really wasn't any reason to be afraid. The fear is really all in your head. A puppy won't kill u or anything. They really just want to play. We took her to dog training classes, and she got more and more comfortable around our dog. Now our dog is over 60 pounds and my mom loves her to death. She doesn't think twice about hugging and petting her. She can even stick her hand in our dogs mouth. We even have a 2nd dog now, and I think for the most part she has gotten over any fears she has over dogs. Basically, I think to overcome your fear u have to face it head on. Keep trying to interact with dogs,and don't let any negative thoughts get in your head. If you're scared of a dog, a dog will pick up on that and may try to take advantage. When in the presence of other dogs, be calm and confident, and try to think of things that make u happy. When meeting a new dog, follow these 3 touch, no talk, no eye contact. Let the dog come to u and sniff u. Never try to pet a dog on the top of the head if u don't know the dog, try to pet them on their sides or back. Try to be confident, because I think u know deep down that this fear is really just in your head. You'll eventually overcome it, trust me. If my mom could do it, then u definitely can.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Think about dogs right, now then think about a cute little puppy. (This isn't helping) So i am giving my advice but please not i've been an animal lover my whole life. So there are really bad dogs that a vicious are cruel and then there are nice dogs that a just nice. To get over it just go to the pet store or a place and look at the puppies (Still not helping) okay i suggest you go over to your friend's house I'm sure the puppy is nice and will be fine once you let it sniff your hand. My friend was scared of my rabbit but she petted it once and she is fine. Also ask your friend (when you go over) to take it easy and slow she will understand and hopefully in the next few months you might have a puppy of your own! I know this didn't really help but i tried.

  • 7 years ago

    There is a child at my dog training school that was terrified of dogs. His mum bought a puppy (I'm not recommending that's what you do) but she explained the situation to the trainer and the trainer invited the little boy to the puppy classes. He just watched to begin with, and every week the trainer would do an exercise specifically for the boy, whether it be walking around the room with his puppy, going to sit next to another puppy etc :) So i'd recommend asking a trainer to sit in one of their classes, it's best to take small steps :)

  • 7 years ago

    Well to overcome your fears you must face them. Ask a professional dog trainer if you can see his/her dog who is probably well trained and won't jump, or bite, or scratch. Dogs are nothing to be afraid of! They are kind gentle creatures.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    When you see a dog just think it's friendly because it probably is, they won't hurt you just lick you to death

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