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If you could create a new country, how would it be structured politically? (topics inside)?

Here are some topics that you can base your answer on if you like, or if you wanna pick and choose that's cool

Form of government? (monarchy, President, Democracy)

Voting? (Age, How often are the elections?, Shall those who pay more in taxes or have higher knowledge get more votes? Referendums?)


Economy (Welfare, profits?)

state monopolies?

legal system? (Length, Probation)

Internationalism (Trade / cooperation with other countries?)

Defence (Cooperation with NATO / UN etc?. National Service?)

School (Free university education?)

Medical (fees or through taxes?)


4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    A government truly run by the people, not by electing middle men who promise to do what's best for the public, but instead using the technology our generation has available to us so we can eliminate the middle man. Its called the internet so rather then having someone elected to vote for you on a bill there would just be mass voting by the public online. This would reduce the probability of corruption exponentially

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If I made a government I'd be simple and representative of the people.

    No president just one house where for every 100,000 people there is one elected representative

    Voting age is 25 and everyone is required to vote or forfit citizenship

    All laws benifit econmic growth and the betterment of the population

    (That means strong military and maximum energy production. Less red tape)

    Any school would be structured to produce self disaplined self learning students and do this in less time than normal to save time and money.(with technology downloading data into the child will make this fast)

    Anyone who imposes power or control over the population will be overthrown (no dictators, commies, socialists etc...)

    Of course there's free speech, worship whatever, and pack heat at will.

  • 7 years ago

    One has to have a level 1 reality belief system to see governments and nations as concrete manifestations. They are in fact abstract ideas used to control populations and are given their power by the very populations that believe in them.

    I'll go down your list now

    Form of government? (monarchy, President, Democracy) All of these are different systems of control with variances that exist more so in the mind of the idealistic and uniformed than in reality. For example Communist Russia, Fascist Germany, And Democratic U.S.A. all had large bureaucracies and private corporations directing the actions of these nations simultaneously. meanwhile at the bottom, all three were inaccessible to the average citizen.

    Voting? a politician is not vetted to be loyal to his/her's voting constituency, but rather to his/ her's wealthy eltie's backer's. So in a Democracy for example, you have the right to vote a politician in, and after that it

    doesn't matter ( to that politician) what that politician does. This is reality, we've never had open government and you could never hope to establish it.

    Constitutions? Are just pieces of paper without the backing of powerful forces or the citizenry. England has a verbal constitution I believe. Helps many sleep better at night.

    Economy (Welfare, profits?) All national economies are controlled by international bankers either at the local level via a private central bank located in a nation, or directly through the large international banks such as the IMF, B.I.S. If a national economy currently exists that is not under the direct control of ( and debt to) international bankers, this nation is or will be standardized thru military oppression or economic sanctions. Meanwhile generation upon generation of average citizenry continue to be born, taxed, and die with insignificant to none accumulation of hereditary assets or wealth. And the wealth gap between the wealthy elite and everyone else continues to widen.

    Source(s): If you could create a new country, it's sovereignty would be hi jacked before it was even a gleam in your eye.
  • 7 years ago

    A Parliamentary form of government. Ronald Reagan would not have lasted under this form of democracy. His administration would have been voted "incompetent" and voted out of office.

    Voting at age 18 unless you graduated high school early, or are working and paying taxes beforehand.

    Economy not so corporate-driven, like France or the Netherlands.

    Absolutely NO monopolies. Sorry, Arm & Hammer, Morton Salt, & Clear Channel.

    Legal System: A two year cap on all legal cases. There is no reason as it is for a court case to be tied up for years and years with delay after appeal after delay.

    Definitely a UN member.

    If feasible, free college for all citizens, or tuition based on verified family income.

    Socialized medicine. It works where it exists now.

    Make immigration less of a wait and a red tape nightmare. Without the long wait alone, there would be no problems with illegal immigration. Maybe in my country, they wouldn't want to come in the first place!

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