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What is the *real* relationship between Mother Goddess & Father God?

(beyond the shortcomings of contemporary Christian teachings & thruout most Christian denominations' past, for the most part).

Material bearing upon this is provided in links in the first question of this series:

I'm hoping for Answers providing genuine, uniquely individual *insight* ("outside the box") rather than tedious rote repetition of indoctrination on the part of most posters.

If it's an answer that has appeared on YA thousands to millions of times, already, why aren't you attempting to be thinking *truly* independently, & more deeply? Going *beyond* rote repetition is why God/dess gave you a potentially *creative* mind & intelligence.

Answers you might receive *directly* from Mother God/dess He/rSelf -- informing you of *more* than you ever realized before, just before answering this -- are especially welcome.


@ andy c -- In ancient Christianity and by the historical Yeshua's own teaching, Yeshua's own Divine Mother (therefore Goddess as fully as his Heavenly Father can be called "God") was identified as being the Holy Spirit.

"My Mother, the Holy Spirit..." he said, as recorded in the *Gospel of the Hebrews -- also translated by Jerome, who translated the *entire* Christian canon -- into Latin -- but it was *not* included in the canon because that revelation didn't "support church doctrine).

Update 2:

Full 2nd comment to James (which wouldn't post): New Agers i'm reading are *not* suggesting that Mother Goddess is an "illusion"! -- & view Her as fully being Father's *equal*!

Beyond that comment, i think Mother Goddess is going to "get the *gold*en" level in recognition in the New Age. Relegating Her to a "silver"/ moon-reflecting-the-sun is still Old Age Patriarchal thinking, not truly New Age at all. She's already *got* the "silver" role in Proverbs, Sirach & The Wisdom of Solomon!

Update 3:

Thank you, James. Sophia once told me She communicates *differently* than in language & was speaking words only so i could *understand* some of what She's trying to communicate to me!

Update 4:

@ Claptic: *Someone's* talking to me as "God", Someone as "Sophia", & Someone as "Christ". i suppose all three could be viewed as emanations of "Logos" -- within your paradigm. There's a sense of unique personality to eacth Voice.

i regret that James, apparently, removed his Answer.

6 Answers

  • ssrvj
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Truly there is NO Mother Goddess nor Father God in the Mundane sense.

    There is ONE and ONLY ONE "SUPREME BEING"("EKAM SAT"--Ref:- Rig Vedam) --

    there is NO Gender for Supreme Being--

    The traits =>Anger--"Winning Spree"--Ecstasy - are all Masculine--so the Supreme Being is GOD

    The traits => Love--affection--forgiveness--compassion are all Feminine--so the Supreme Being is Goddess

    if the SUPREME BEING is given a Form--50% is Masculine and 50% is Feminine (ARDHA NAARI----ARDHA=50% ---NAARI=FEMININE)



    Source(s): SOUNDARY LAHARI
  • 7 years ago

    The far-rightwing whacko-bird fundamentalists here in the U.S. have turned the word "Christian" into an obscenity, so confusion on the subject of religion is understandable.

    Try a belief in Omnipotence on for size, metaphorically speaking, to gain a whole new perspective on religion. I grew up with my beatific grandmother's teachings from the Unity Church, a metaphysical approach that believes Omnipotent Good is the "only Presence and Power" and that we are all Holograms of this Infinite Being. This lesson became even more meaningful when I witnessed a miraculous healing at the age of 6 that is worth a mention. My maternal grandmother and I were working together in her yard and she cut her hand when the trowel slipped---I saw the blood, but she wrapped her hankie around it and continued to dig. "Mom?" (we all called her Mom) I started to say, worried. She smiled and said, "Keep digging" so we stayed outside working until dinner time. When she was cleaning up at her flat sink in the kitchen, there WAS NO WOUND! I was about to say something, awed, but my grandmother (the Goddess in this instance) smiled down at me and said, "Sometimes in life if you learn to say 'God' before you say 'ow,' the ow never happens." This simple teaching (and example) has served me incredibly well.

    Everything is Divine Idea, everything works for Good, and we are Holograms of this magic. Is that an answer for you?

  • 7 years ago

    Hello wynnmanners, Mother Godess is a vibration and Father God is the inherent silence within that vibration.

  • 7 years ago

    complimentary and symbiotic.

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  • 7 years ago

    One is Principle while the other is Substance. Principle has to do with the Noumenal while Substance has to do with the Phenomenal. They are two equal but opposing forces responsible for Life and should never be personified. Inextricably linked, the *real* relationship is the manifestation of the Logos by which everything is emanated rather than created. This is something greater than either of the two.

  • andy c
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    What mother goddess?

    Mary is the mother of Jesus, the Son of God, but she is not god nor did she have a sexual relationship with God.

    Source(s): New Testament.
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