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I don't know = God did it?

"Atheists, where does dark matter come from?"

"Atheists, what caused the big bang?"

These types of questions all follow the same tired logic. Do theists understand that this logic is the same as saying 0 + 0 = 1?

My lack of knowledge + your lack of knowledge = a certainty that God did it.

Does this help at all to illustrate the problem with this thinking?

16 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    What bothers me the most is that "magic" seems to be a perfectly satisfying answer for them but it's woefully lacking for me.

  • 7 years ago

    Something like the big bang started out as a theory based on evidence accumulated to that point. Over time that theory was validated as still more evidence was accumulated. It was a logical, methodical and scientific process. That's a far cry from speculation based on a lack of knowledge or evidence and then recorded in a religious text. The reason religion and science are often incompatible is because religion by definition is stagnant. There is one truth, and questioning that truth is not encouraged. On the other hand science is perpetually asking new questions. Answers to those questions lead to still more questions.

  • 6 years ago

    I'm probably going to get degraded for this and will get hate comments, but I have a short story I would like to share:

    Last week, I prayed to God that my sister would read her bible to get to know the Word more. She has flipped through her bible but never took the time to read it. So that same day I prayed for her, I was on the phone with a friend when she barged into the room and she told me "Something just happened to me that proves God is real! If there were any doubts in my mind about God, they're gone now!" So I got off the phone and went into mine and my sister's room and found her bible lying on her bed. She told me that while I was on the phone, shewas ceying because she was worried she wouldn't do well in navy bootcamp this summer when suddenly she felt calm and something told her to turn to page 45 in her bible. Remember, she has never thoroughyl looked through her bible before. When she turned to that page, there was a passage on strong women and that passage was encouraging to her.

    If you want evidence of God's existence, look for it yourself by opening your heart and reading the bible. God isn't going to magically make himself visible or something, that's the whole point of having faith. If you seek God, He wil make Himself known to you. I have done this in recent months and I have obtained knowledge of God because I pursued Him. I have also felt Him and I have seen how He has been working in my life. Want evidence? Pursue God. I guarantee you, you'll never question Him again once you do this :)

  • 7 years ago

    Actually that's what these questions are probably aimed at uncovering. Many of you are believing in a theory that requires a lot more faith than in a lot less reliable methods than religion does.

    There is no reason for this as there are far more reliable theories in science that don't require this leap of faith nor jump into oblivion. They are baiting you.

    They want you to say it so it will become apparent who has logic on their side. Science is great where it is logical.

    It is time for religion and science to get real. What we are currently doing is defamatory to both beliefs.,

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  • Truth
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    That is the definition of the Logical Fallacy: Argument from Ignorance

  • 7 years ago

    “If someone doesn’t value evidence, what evidence are you going to provide that proves they should value evidence.

    If someone doesn’t value logic, what logical argument would you invoke to prove they should value logic?”

    ― Sam Harris

    "Many believers admit that nothing could change their mind about their religious beliefs, which means they are no longer seekers of truth and have become, in essence, mindless religious robots. Religion consistently and effectively discourages introspection and inquiry. That isn't by accident."-- Bob Peters

  • 7 years ago

    This argument is a classic logical fallacy known as "God of the Gaps".

    Only someone without grasp of logic would use it

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Well, what then would explain why god exists? "Goddidit" doesn't work any more so they are back to square one, or maybe more correct -1

  • 7 years ago

    Actually, the first person to say "I don't know" was the first atheist.

    The first Human who just made something up instead, became the first priest.

  • 7 years ago

    I believe means!!! I made up a god that i have given many powerful powers to so look out!!!

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