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What does it mean if my dreams come true? Coincedence?

I've had a few dreams through the past year that have come true months later! There were two such dreams so far...Neither was super detailed I just remember the basics so what happened exactly, where I was and of course how it made me feel... The weird part is both of those dreams ended up coming true several months after having them. This seems odd because in the past my dreams were always so different than real life and I just started having dreams that felt like predictions in the last year. So, if my life is starting to literally mimick my dreams is this just a coincedence or am I possibly developing new pyschic powers ( and could one day replace the Oracle of Delphi LOL) ?

9 Answers

  • Laurie
    Lv 4
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Premonition dreams do not have to be about earthquakes, terrorists, or the like. They are not the only ones "that count". I have had premonition dreams about my everyday life, about seeing other people I haven't heard from or seen in a long time. I have also had premonitions about our future, pollution of our air and water. We'll see if it happens the way I've seen it. I'll have to wait until the late 2020's and mid 2030's to find out! I have also had dreams about relationships- I had a dream of my husband 5 years before I met him! Crazy.

    You may have premonition dreams about little things or big things. Consider the little ones practice :-)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    <I've had a few dreams through the past year that have come true months later!> The operative word in that sentence is *few*, followed by *months later*. If you're willing to wait long enough, many dreams might seem to come true. You can dream you had a baby, but when sure enough ten years later you have one, has the dream come true?


    Read up on confirmation bias. What you are doing is paying attention to the few dreams you have that seem, in a general way, to become real, while ignoring the vastly greater number of them that don't. And as I illustrated above, to have any kind of predictive value, a dream would have to "come true" in a reasonably short time, not months or years later. Now, if you were to dream specifically that South Dakota will experience a magnitude 8.5 earthquake in March of 2023 that flattens their capital city Pierre, well, that one would count in anyone's book, provided it was written down in advance. Dreaming that the central US will have an earthquake sometime in the next 100 years, not so much. Nobody can make such specific predictions, though, because the only dreams that seem to come true are the general ones that you describe, and then they are recognized only retroactively. To be a prediction, it has by definition be made *before* the event, not matched up afterwards.



  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Since you failed to explain *what events came true* and didn't describe any dreams, it's impossible to answer this. However, I'll assume you would have said so if you'd dreamed any important events like an earthquake, plane crash, terrorist attack, tornado, etc. Those are the only precognitive dreams which parapsychologists deem noteworthy and are the only type which count as Psi ability. (Which I must also assume you didn't know, because you posted this in "Paranormal" instead of Parapsychology.)

    Given those glaring omissions, I'm guessing yours was a common déjà vu dream. If so, you should search for "déjàvu + precognitive dreams".. particularly the answers given in the Dream Interpretation category.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You're not developing a hoot!

    The dreams you've had are warning, this does not mean that they are there, to be warning of the continuing, but rarely during the earthly life!

    Therefore they predispose to a revelation, which incidentally is your soul to see over, and in which case send it to your memory, to remember it at the time of the event that will take place.

    It is a normalcy of our spirituality, there are several people who are prone to dream such phenomena! Ok!

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    lol, i remember when i used to have these thoughts.

    your consciousness is a really amazing thing, and to give u the short version (i have probably spent months studying this) it can take information that u collect through (these are just examples) t.v., everyday experiences, stories (oral), books, and of course common sense. then put that through what you've seen happen, what you've heard happen, what u just randomly catch a glimpse of on t.v. while your changing the channel and compile it into one package and u might see it in a dream, day dream etc.etc. some people are really in touch with their consciousness and is able to predict things based on stuff that usually would stay in the consciousness and never reach your actual every day thought

  • 7 years ago

    The field of the paranormal regarding psychics has been completely discredited. Let's look at this using the law of large numbers. There are more than 7 billion people on Earth. Except for extraordinary instances, people tend to dream every night. (Most people just forget them, claiming they don't dream) With simple probability, it would be surprising to not see any dreams remotely connect to real life events. I am not saying that it is impossible to be psychic, but there is no substantial evidence.

    Source(s): Physics major, I deal with large amounts of data often
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It means that you can tell the future at times this is more common in humans then I thought. Humans do have a few future predicting dreams but if it happens a lot well idk. It means you might be able to tell future through dreams.

    Source(s): Personal Experience(s)
  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's called selective thinking.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It means you are god. Please end world hunger and disease. Or at least give my enemies the herpes.

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