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Amber asked in PetsFish · 7 years ago

Betta with ick and fin rot?

I got a betta a few days ago. He came down with ick and I was forced to medicate his tank (which, by the way, is a 2.5 gallon, well planted tank with daily 25% water changes.)

After the 4 day medicating period, I realized after I had done a water change that he had come down with fin rot. I have very fine pebbles in the bottom of the tank, but I don't think that would have done it. It has no decorations other than the live plants.

After I noticed that, I put 1/4 of a teaspoon of MelaFix in the tank to help. I did do a water test and it came back with no ammonia, nitrite, and safe numbers of nitrate. Today, he's lost most of his back fins and appears to have ick once again.

So, should I try the medication again? It's really hard to tell how much of it to put in the tank because it is a powder that comes in a packet...

Any opinions? He was just kind of dumped on me so I put him in the only tank I had available which was my planted tank...

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The best way to treat him is with aquarium salt. It will knock out the fin rot as well as Help with the ick. Believe it or not melafix is more effective after the rot is cured, to help fins regenerate. It does not actually treat the infection. I would start treating with aquarium salt (1-1.5 teaspoons per gallon). Here is a good website to help you through the process of treating your betta. Good luck!

    Source(s): Betta owner
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Melafix is not even a proper medication, go buy an actual medication for the fish

  • 7 years ago

    try adding aquarium salt (1 tablespoon per 5 gallons) to prevent any infection and strengthen the immune system. a 25% water change and temperature of 80 degrees will also help.

  • 7 years ago

    bettas don't need to get sick with the right water temperature. a temperature kept at around 82F would keep fin rot and other ailments away. medications often kill live plants.

    raising the temperature to the desired level will allow the betta to recover. fin rot is not a fatal disease. and ick just don't develop overnight on a fish. i mentioned this because it seem like the moment you got your fish in the tank it got ick right away. so chances are you've been medicating wrongly. that medication might have even caused his fin rot. ensure top water quality and temperature and the betta will be alright. feed it a protein rich diet,he'll thrive. good luck.

    addendum: you're overdoing your water changes and too much of it in such a small tank. that may have caused too much temperature fluctuations. planted tanks need not be water changed daily.the plants can more than handle the tank's filtration.once a week at 15% will do.

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