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Computer Science or Information Technology?

Hey all, I'm currently in high school and like many are trying to find out what I want to do with my life... So, I'm caught between an Information Tech major or a Computer Science major. I realize the difference between the two, CS is more math based and coding, etc, IT is more practical application and working with devices hands on. I really do not enjoy coding that much, and I am not the best at math, Calc was my lowest grade this past year. So I figured that IT would be right for me, I want to be a network admin, security specialist/pentester, IT manager, systems analyst, something related to that. However when I looked at the requirements for these jobs, most asked for a CS degree, not an IT degree. I don't understand this, the IT curriculum seems more related to most of these jobs, whereas CS seems more fit for programming/development jobs. While reading online I read this: "CS majors can do IT and CS jobs, whereas IT majors can do IT jobs BUT not CS jobs"...would you agree? Is the CS degree really worth it when considering my aversion to math? I will take the CS route if it makes a huge salary difference but I'd prefer not to. Maybe a major in IT and minor in CS? I have an A+ and Net+ cert already so I just need a degree to supplement...I just want to make the right choice. Thank you so much for taking your time to read this and any advice would be greatly appreciated.

1 Answer

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Computer science will provide a wider scope in terms of job prospects. Here are some jobs available with CS graduates:

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