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Evolutionists, if Darwinian evolution is true, then how do you explain things that can not be explained in the?

in the physical world?

Such as telepathy, intuitionist, and other "6th senses" that have nothing to do with atoms, molecules, chemicals, and other physical stuff.

before you try to make fun of me using telepathy as one of the example, I do not mean mind control, or X-men stuff, I mean things like siblings living miles apart, even hundreds of miles apart, and one can feel it when the other is in trouble, or hurt, or sick.........

15 Answers

  • Steven
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Simple. I don't.

    Those people who claim that telepathy, et al exist have the burden of proof to carry their claim. Nobody else has to lift a finger to try and disprove them.

    Do you have any evidence that telepathy, or any of the other things you mentioned, is an actual thing, and not just someone's wishful thinking?

  • 7 years ago

    "if Darwinian evolution is true"

    It isn't. Evolutionary Theory by Natural Selection has evolved far passed his original ideas and is as close to fact as it can be now given current evidence and the fact that evolution is observable. The fact that you try to equate the two really shows your dishonesty and ignorance.

    Go back to school and stop embarrassing Christians - most of them are not this dumb.

    And everything can be explained in the physical world; you can easily find what you are looking for with a little education in the respective fields of study.

    But I know you don't actually care to learn but would rather remain ignorant. Why else would you target atheists and pretend that atheists must be experts in all fields of scientific study?


    Oh, and how about identical twins; one being atheist and the other theist? Or someone with multiple personalities; one atheist one theist (yes, they exist.) Or someone who was a theist waking up now an atheist?

    The fact is its all in your head -- and many, many scientific papers confirm this whether you like it or not. You might not like it, but it is reality - you can either accept it or continue to do what you are doing now and run from it.

    Source(s): God of the gaps. 2,000 years and counting.
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Telepathy is real - even ask my sister. She was in trouble this one time (I felt) and when she called me later she was like: "Oh I stubbed my toe!"


    (Also this means God is real)

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    String Theory is a good start all supernatural will become natural , a dimension of positive energy we interact with that all life interacts with , a soul that connects us to this dimension, and law of attraction to sort good from bad , God can still be creator of the universe, the whole lot in one neat package, works for me.

    See What is God on Facebook

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  • 7 years ago

    Biological evolution is any change in the frequency of alleles in a population of organisms over time. An allele is a variety of a gene, which today is known to be due to any slight chemical differences anywhere in the gene, whether it is expressed as a protein or not.

    That definition was put together about 1939 and is still in force. It has nothing to say about the origin of life or any senses that the organisms may have, Some organisms are blind, deaf,and so forth since these senses are of no use to them and they cost the organism energy and resources to develop and maintain. Thus animals that live in deep caves but came from outside generally lose eyesight over many generations. The definition is ONLY about the average genetic makeup of the population, not what the population can or cannot do..

    If senses such as telepathy exist, and I'm not saying that they do or do not, then they will be provided for in some part of the genome by one gene or some combination of genes. Then they might be inherited by any next generation in the same way as genes that provide for black hair, blue eyes and whatnot.

    . .

  • giles
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    And have these things ever been proven?

  • Julian
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    Give us peer reviewed scientific studies that have strong evidence for your claims like telepathy and the other rubbish. Oh of course, you have anectodal evidence, this doesn't work with educated personas.

  • 7 years ago

    Such as telepathy, intuitionist, and other "6th senses" that have nothing to do with atoms, molecules, chemicals, and other physical stuff.

    - No idea what you are talking about have you? ALL mammals are telepathic, humans have let it atrophy.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The prevailing theory of evolution right now is evolution through punctuated equilibrium. This states that animals (humans included) go through a long period of stasis followed by quick and rapid changes. This would explain why there are large gaps in the fossil record and would also explain the Cambrian explosion. This would be hard to explain through purely natural means unless there was a grand designer So we must conclude theistic evolution.

    You have to be careful of using psychic new age things because it is often from the devil. This includes telepathy. This is a trick from the devil. Once you introduce yourself and open yourself up to this demonic influence it can ruin your life. Be extremely careful

  • 7 years ago

    You mean things that never been proven in lab conditions and are only known to us from anecdotes?

    Why would you believe in those? Might as well pick up all the other superstitions, like bad luck from breaking mirrors, black cats, the number 13 and gods.

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