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Why do people support ILLEGAL NSA spying when it directly violates the 4th amendment of the constitution?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    While it may appear to, I haven't seen the courts rule on the constitutionality of NSA spying.

    Last December, a Federal judge found that it "likely violates" the 4th amendment but he stayed his ruling pending appeal.

    The House has passed a bill that may help with NSA mass spying, but tech companies allege it leaves loopholes open for the feds to exploit:

    California is considering a bill that would force the federal government to show a search warrant in order to obtain phone and computer records of Californians.

    In all, I think you're right, and I think the number of people who fully support mass spying is very little. Unfortunately policy tends to lag behind society.

  • 7 years ago

    some people, and in too often the case most people will be willing to give up freedom in the name of security.

    ironically this is usually how dictators come to power.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    The only people who are still staunch or militant apologists for the NSA are those who directly or indirectly profit from it. Since June 5, 2013 even this pool is slowly shrinking. EVERY human rights, public advocacy group, civil liberty/electronic privacy group and public advocates NGO are all 100% opposed to the violence and corruption of the NSA and those who support it.

    There are also idiots who do not understand the complexity of what is going on with the NSA like Tomb Cici. There fore because of ignorance and lack of information, which they intentionally choose to avoid - they support it.

  • 7 years ago

    Why do idiotic Americans supports politicians who pretty much says if you have insurance, no insurance, don't get sick and if you do die quickly. Why do people support this? Especially the poor?

    Why do people keep electing corrupt congress and senators who do not represent them, and only represent the corporations?

    Why d people only care about the second amendment when threatened instead of the others? Such as freedom of press, speech, etc?

    Why are there homeless people when we can provide housing? Why is there poverty? Why are people losing jobs?

    ... The entire system is screwed, and the people are misinformed. There is nothing you can do to stop it, we're damned if we do anything and damned if we don't. I just live with it.

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  • 7 years ago

    The 4th Amendment is complicated and was not written to deal with electronic security issues. Can you cite any cases showing that the NSA actions violate the 4th Amendment?

  • 7 years ago

    the cons dreamed it up and it has not been struck down by a court yet, it should be

  • 7 years ago

    The average American does not support this.

  • Calvin
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Those who do support such things very obviously do not care about violating the Constitution.

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