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DOOL: Does anyone else feel like they missed out on some major conversations today?

I feel like I missed half the show due to them not showing the conversation between Gabi and Hope while at the apartment that lead Hope to bringing Gabi to the station to confess. Also we missed the whole conversation between Jennifer and Eric where Jennifer told him what he had learned while listening at Nicole's door.

3 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Yes, it feels like I missed some. I had to step out of the room for a moment and thought I had missed it. I was going to wade though the show online just to see the missed conversation between Hope and Gabi. Now I don't have to, I didn't miss it. And I did wish they would have shown the Jen/Eric conversation.

    I loved Eric's face when he looked at Nicole afterward though...

  • 7 years ago

    It was never said when Hope was with Gabi in the apartment that she killed Nick not till they got to where Will was that she said she did it. As far a Nicole I could strangle her by not telling the truth to Eric. I hope he doesn't go off with her to elope. Also I hope Jennifer tells Eric what Nicole and Daniel were saying maybe that will wake Eric up.

  • MAK
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Yes .... it would have been interesting to know what happened ... I guess we were just as clueless as Nicole and probably had that same dumb look on our face as she did .... unbelievable with the killing of Nick and we speculated as to who we thought did him in and then we were left out of the loop .... maybe a new technique in writing? I don't know.

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