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Lv 5
? asked in SportsBaseball · 7 years ago

Who Will Be The First Know PED User To Be Voted Into The Hall Of Fame ?

Some one that has already admitted or test positive for PED use \.Who do you think it will be if anyone

Thank you for your time

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Willie Mays used amphetamines throughout his entire career and they are considered a PED by MLB. Amphetamines were not banned by MLB at the time Mays used them by name but he bought and sold them illegally and so their use was banned because he used them illegally. If you are asking who is the first player that admitted to or tested positive to steroids my guess is probably Barry Bonds. I can't imagine they will keep the greatest player in decades and possibly the greatest player of all time out of the Hall of Fame forever.

  • 7 years ago

    That'll never happen, end of story.

    There is no way that someone, who gains an unfair advantage to boost their performance by using PEDs should be allow in the Hall of Fame. It casts a big black mark on their resume. If any player(s) cheat to gain that unfair advantage, then pay the consequences later when their names appear on the HOF ballot.

    In other words, their numbers might scream out "Hall of Fame!" However, it'll be seen with an asterisk right next to it due to steroids, which makes it way lest impressive than it really is. And that means, no Hall of Fame.

  • 7 years ago

    Maybe Hank Aaron can be the first PED user

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If you mean someone playing from this decade or two I would say David Ortiz

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  • Fozzy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Already happened.


    Pud Galvin elected to the HOF.

    In 1889 he used a product called the Brown-Sequard Elixir, which, among it's other ingredients, contained monkey testosterone.

    My guess is that eventually the torch-carrying crowd will die out and we will see someone who either admits to using or who tested positive inducted.

    Keep I mind that the HOF has not yet introduced any sort of policy that would automatically disqualify a known user from induction. My guess is it will end up being someone like Andy Pettitte, who admitted to doing so only for a short time while recovering from an injury. Seems like the public has sort of given him a pass. Maybe the BBWAA does so as well.

  • 7 years ago

    Hank Aaron admitted to trying amphetamines. There are probably more than a dozen amphetamine users in the HOF, and probably a few steroid users (from as early as the 60's, when steroids were readily available to athletes and legal).

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