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? asked in Yahoo ProductsYahoo Answers · 7 years ago

why are people mean on Yahoo answers? like why are they rude when I ask question?

Everytime I ask question they always put negative comments. Why are they being sarcastic? I didn't do anything to them to start trouble. Like they say something negative to make me feel bad. Like example when I ask (is 35 mature enough to settle down?) and one of people say “since you ask this question id say no. Wait till few years." Is he right or is he being sarcastic?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Unfortunately the anonymity of message boards tends to bring out some less than pleasant people and others who seem to enjoy causing problems rather than providing solutions. It's like in school when the teacher asked , are you helping with the solution or are you part of the problem.Try to ignore them, report them if they break community guidelines or TOS. Fortunately the majority of members are sincere, polite and try to help other members.There are also point gamers who answer just to get 2 points the easy way they should be reported

    also, if posters don't answer the question asked they could be reported for not following the question and answer format.

    Source(s): note in your example possibly the answer is sarcastic and in my honest opinion it isn't necessarily right.
  • 7 years ago

    The problem lies with a certain number of users who wanted only the two points by posting insulting remarks. All this does is not provide the facts that demanded by all their questions. Anyone who answers your questions must always give out detailed information, as required by the Community Guidelines, minus the insulting remarks. It seems they are already oblivious to the violation being committed in the process. They should be reported for insulting other users. By reporting them, they will be put on notice their disrespectful behavior will not ever be tolerated by the rest of this community.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Maybe somebody thinks you're trolling. Sometimes when people think this they don't take you seriously.

    Also, you need to be careful asking 'me type' questions, they are violations so make sure your future postings are for everyone's well being, Not just your own. Answering them are dangerous as well so report instead.

    I'm Not saying you're trolling, but in this post here you're speaking of 35 so most would believe you're 35 and asking us a question. This other question you're 24, so this could be your problem - just a thought.


  • 7 years ago

    They are being sarcastic with a bit of truth also, at your age you should know if you are ready to settle down or not.

    People will say the first thing that comes to their minds and no longer seem to care if they are being offensive or not. If you feel it is a violation report them


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  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Part of using the internet is seeing annoying things. Report it if it's bad, ignore if it's not.

  • 7 years ago

    I think it's a way for them to get 15 seconds of fame. Or at least their avatar.

  • 7 years ago

    hmmm, sometimes people are mean or sarcastic when a question is asked that has an obvious answer.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It sounds sarcastic to me, just ignore them

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