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Hi there/! My name is Sarah, and I love Jesus. I am striving to be a top contributor in religion in spirituality. I want to teach preschool when I grow up, because I love children!

  • If you freeze soda, would it be caffiene free?

    I gave up caffiene for lent (hey, if it encourages me to take more care of my body, that should count right?) Anyway, I LOVE soda and if I froze it, would the caffiene be inactive? I know it's strange to ask. I was thinking about how in October, the freeze version of mountain dew game fuel was caffiene free so I wondered if it was always true. Also, if I froze it and made it melt, would the caffiene be active again?

    11 AnswersNon-Alcoholic Drinks5 years ago
  • Would this be too dangerous?

    I'm a Catholic and lent is close, so I plan to try to give up animal products, chocolate, caffine, and sugar. I will get protien through beans and nuts. How else can I get protien. I don't know if I can give up caffine and sugar entirely but I will try. Let's say I did make it all the way to Easter without eating sugar, Would I become diabetic? Would my blood sugar be too low? What are some healthy meals I can make while following these guidlines. Also, I'm 15 and I plan on fasting every Tuesday and Friday. Is this too dangerous? Thanks in advance!

    5 AnswersDiet & Fitness5 years ago
  • How to give myself bangs?

    I don't want them over my whole forehead, I just want those side bangs on my right side. I want them to cover the right half of my right eyebrow. I would go to a hair cutting place but they're closed and I would really like them ASAP! How can I give myself them? If it helps, I'm female and my hair is wavy, tangly and about 2 inches lower than my shoulders. (I'm sorry, I really can't post a picture.) Thanks you all!

    2 AnswersHair5 years ago
  • How to hide anxiety?

    I know this is strange, but I have anxiety, have for almost all my life (I'm 15) and I feel like it bothers others. Most of my anxiety is school related, but I always think about my anxiety. I fear a few non school related things, like my neighbor's dog (see my question "How to deal with fear of this dog? I know who owns her now though.) Well, I just have a sense that it bothers others. One example is the night before algebra 1 eca last year when I was panicky, couldn't sleep, and was too scared to wake my mom until 3am. Anyway, I just have this sense that my anxiety bothers others and I don't know how to hide it, How can I hide it?

    Also, I take anxiety meds called sertalines. I take 50 mg daily, have since December 18th but it hasn't changed me at all. No side effects, not better, not worse. BTW I kind of like being anxious because I don't think I'd ever take anything seriously without it but don't want to bother others.

    2 AnswersMental Health5 years ago
  • How to stay out of Christmas spirit?

    I think this is nuts, but I'm already starting to feel Christmas spirit. I don't want to be in it until the week before Thanksgiving. I know if I get in spirit now, by Thanksgiving, when I start Christmas, I'll be out of Christmas spirit. I do have a few distractions. In my religion we remember the dead, and I will start reviewing for high school finals soon to keep me distracted. If I start preparimng for Thanksgiving, I think that would get me in Christmas spirit since that's when I start celebrating. Any tips?

    3 AnswersChristmas6 years ago
  • Should I fear fall break?

    Our school is year round and fall break will be the first two full weeks of October. I'm actually sort of nervous about it for strange reasons. I had trouble forgetting about school for spring break, and then for summer (which is 2 months,) I couldn't forget about if until the end of the first month, and right about then, I got a nasty skin infection called MRSA. I wan't having a good mood about it and I kept forgetting to take my pills.So, I felt like I had MRSA the wrong way, and I hope I get a worse condition (like stage 1 skin caner or something, just something to learn a lesson.) So should I fear fall break and hope I get a medical condition so bad I'll need to spend it all in the hospital? I know this is strange but I feel like I deserve it,

    2 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • How to take quizzes and tests faster, MAYBE get out of special ed?

    I'm a HS sophomore in special ed. For the last few years, I often go to special ed to take a test. This year I don't for most classes, but, while I've always noticed I have to work harder in school than most and I've never been a fast test taker, this year I seemed to have slowed down for some reason. I've noticed I may have to rush to finish a test on time or may not even finish. I knwo asking to take it in special ed might help, but I doubt it'll be an option in college, so I'd like to go ahead and get used to it. So, I know to study more, but how else can I take tests faster?

    2 AnswersPrimary & Secondary Education6 years ago
  • How to not feel sort of crazy?

    I know this may not make sense, but my main church only has a few people regularly due to an inconvient time (Saturday at 4pm), so I'm the only server often (I'm Catholic.) I'm going to a different church tommorrow so I know I'll be in the audience. I also like to sing and it's hard to do that at church while serving. So I like to sing powerfully to distract myself, but I know another problem is that I won't be used to singing at 9am, so I know I could make my throat sore. So, should I gradually sing more and more powerfully or what? Sorry if I'm confusing.

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality6 years ago
  • How to deal with sleepless nights?

    Last school year, I had multiple nights that I couldn't fall asleep. I woke my parents if I was still up at 1am, but sometimes I would just get really scared to do it and there was one time I couldn't wake her until 3. So this year, I won't have ANY caffeine except Friday, Saturday, and OCCASIONALLY ONE drink on Sunday. But how can I make myself go to sleep fast when it's hard to sleep?

    Oh, and I go to bed @ 9:30 and get up at 6:30. I plan on asking my parents to let me stay up til 10 and sleep til 7 because when I get sleepless nights, I can sleep another half hour and I think relaxing another half hour before bed will be helpful. I also like waking up to sunrise. So how can I convince them? (If it helps, I'm 15 and will be a high school sophomore.) Thanks!

    3 AnswersOther - General Health Care6 years ago
  • How to stay calm at the hospital?

    I'm going to the ER tomorrow because I have some infected place on my leg. (I can't explain it but it's really bad.) Anyway, I don't think I'll have to spend the night but what if I do? I know I'm 15 but I couldn't help but whine and tense up. It's really sore and it was BAD. So besides just having a better idea of what;s happening, how can I let the distractions DISTRACT me? (They have TV and an I pad if it helps.)

    7 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • How to pull an ALL nighter?

    How to pull an ALL nighter? I know it's not the best idea, but hey! It's part of summer time and I'm doing it for July 4th. (I want it tonight because doing it on what would be a school night adds fun, but I need to go back to routine next week.) Anyway, I don't know if I can drink caffine because we don't have any right now. I tried to take a nap, but I'm not really a napper so no luck there. I won't do too much to tire me and I'll be on electronics to keep me awake. How else can I keep myself awake?

    2 AnswersOther - Health6 years ago
  • How to move on?

    Last Tuesday was my last day of school and I was a freshman. (Congrats grads!) Anyway, I just feel like we still have school coming. IDK like it feels like spring break or something. I've been to a graduation, a pool party, 2 amusement parks and got sunburned already. But this feeling won't go away. Any tips for moving on?

    2 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago
  • This is a SERIOUS QUESTION! COULD I be arrested?!?

    I'm a freshman in algebra 1 and bio 1 this year. Last semester, I passed both classes and moved on, but I was doing very poorly in Bio for the first month, but very well in algebra for the first month. Then it just reversed, and I pulled a C in both for first quarter, I got a B in Bio 2nd quarter and an F in Algebra. My teacher decided to pass me anyway. Well, we have something in Indiana (my state) called ECA in both subjects, I'm failing both classes now and I think ECA is in the first week of May. I know this is crazy, but I feel like I'm going to be arrested if I don't pass them because it IS a HUGE requirement for life. And I want to teach preschool when I grow up. Is my hope for that gone? What could I do instead?

    5 AnswersTeaching6 years ago
  • Was this harsh?

    I was having a GREAT day yesterday until I went to see my Grandma, who's moved into an apartment a few weeks ago. She was in a relatively bad mood because she was stressed. She was asking us to help her move stuff around her apartment, and I don't remember a lot from yesterday, just that she was cranky and getting my mom in a bad mood too. So I think my mom said she was getting on her last nerve with her (if it matters, she's my DAD'S mom.) Eventually, she yelled something to me that was mean, and I don't even remember what it was. It hurt me a little, but my mom got furious with her! I told her not to worry about it, but she growled at me to wait in the hall. I couldn't make out what they said, but I could hear my mom's anger. I was over it already anyway. IK she was trying to be a good mom, but isn't that a little harsh? What could I say to them it this comes back up?

    1 AnswerFamily6 years ago
  • How to get out of Christmas spirit?

    IDK why I'm still in Christmas spirit, but for some reason, it just won't go away. Do you have any ideas on how to move on for now about Christmas?

    3 AnswersChristmas6 years ago
  • How to punish myself?

    I know this is a stupid question that's about to be reported, and I've asked a similar question, but I need to punish myself for 2 reasons seperate. 1: Because I just had an answer reported yesterday AND today, and 2: Because I failed this semester of Algebra 1. I had a C in quarter 1, an F in quarter 2, and a D in general. I did study some, but I still need severe [umishment because I hope it motivates me to do well in school and to stop making so many violations. I was thinking of studying, church, and family time and not letting myself enjoy anything else except Sundays once school gets back in. For now, I'll punish myself by making myself copy the Y!A community guidlines and terms of service. Does this sound too harsh? What would be a better punishment, if you can think of any? Thank you.

    3 AnswersOther - Education6 years ago
  • How to ask my parents this?

    I JUST stopped believing in Santa last year and I was 13 (now 14.) I learned about the Easter Bunny by age 10. Honestly, I like to pretend to believe in this, but I want to force myself out anyway. I don't have a choice. But my mom still buys an Easter basket, fills a stocking, and signs some presents as Santa. I don't want to end childhood, but I don't have a choice. I'm not an adult but not a small child! So, I want my parents to act like they're not real (and they aren't,) so any good ideas? Should I just not look in my stocking or Easter basket at Easter and maybe they'll stop? Should I just not open presents from "Santa"? (I only want to force myself to grow up because it's basically the LAW! I'm not kidding!)

    3 AnswersChristmas6 years ago
  • Girls only, please?

    I've asked this before, but I'm looking for more and better answers. (They weren't bad, but I want more help.) I had my first period when I was 11 years 2 months old. The 1st month I had them monthly started in April 2012, I was turning 12. Does that sound earlier than average?

    Second, I'm 14, I started high school this year, and my last period was the first week of school. the week of July 30th. Should I be concerned? I don't have enough salt or soda to fully get rid of it, but I'll cut down anyway. How long can I go without a period and no problems? Should I ask a doctor? If so, what kind? I'll probably have to start with a pediatrician, since my mom takes me to one (she's an RN, she'd know where to take me.) How much longer should I wait? What should I do?

    4 AnswersAdolescent6 years ago
  • How long can a girl go without her period?

    First of all, I'm 14, I can promise you I am NOT pregnant! :)

    2nd: I started high school like many 14 year olds do this year, and our first day of school was July 30th. (Our school will hear one idea, and then they'll take it no matter how crazy it is!) But that week was the last time I had my period. My first period was at 11 years 2 months old and I had a few others that year. I have had some period symptoms but no period since. Is this usual after having periods so early? When should I seek help about this and by who? My parents know but they don't seem too worried. I have not had a lot of soda or salt. I have had a few times where I felt it coming but it hasn't happened. What should I do?

    3 AnswersWomen's Health7 years ago