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Lv 4
? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 7 years ago

Should we boycott Mexico for their support of human trafficking and .....?

Mexican Government is allowing and obviously participating in the trafficking of humans and children to America . these kids end up as sex slaves and gang bangers and victims of all sorts of crimes . The gov also participates in the violence and drug trades .

so to make the government stop allowing traffickers to send people into our country and stop doing other things against us should we boycott their products . they depend on us for a huge amount of their countries income . tourism is billions to them . We could stop going there and put a hurting on them . We could stop buying their food and other products they send in .

I say YES we should !

10 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I doubt that would do much good. Not soon, anyway.

    The human trafficking is only one of the crimes rampantly committed by the criminal armies of Mexico.

    And, though it is true that the government is involved in all of it, this is largely because the Mexican government is to weak to put a real damper on organized crime. There was a time that criminals would pay off the corrupt police to be left alone; now the police have to pay off the criminals. Those who resist risk getting killed.

    The situation really is out of hand, and some of the Mexican criminal insurgency does cross the border into the US and endangers our citizens and residents.

    Now, there probably are some ways of putting pressure on Mexico to suppress organized crime, but it will not be a simple matter.

  • 6 years ago

    Perhaps the US should honor it's water treaties with Mexico that it's been violating for over 20 years now thanks to asshole states like California, Nevada, Arizona, and Texas using massive amounts of water so they can have nice golf courses and lush green lawns in the middle of a ******* wasteland. The droughts caused by the US in Mexico is what caused the criminal activity to become so rampant as it took farming away for much of the population. Combine that with the endless and idiotic war on drugs in the US which makes up 5% of the world population and consumes 80% of the painkillers and 50% of all pharmaceuticals. Oh and maybe the US could stop training para military groups and assassinating central and south american leaders to intentionally destabilize regions for US interests. Hell maybe we could even stop being the #1 firearms supplier to Mexican cartels and the #1 buyer of illegal drugs from Mexico. Any of those things might help cut down on Mexico's crime and corruption problems but sure lets not do any of that and instead boycott Mexico's remaining legitimate exports and further cripple their legitimate businesses.

  • Dirk
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    U.S. government needs to take the major steps for any change to happen. They are not helping matters with outdated immigration laws, sending billions of U.S. dollars in aid to Mexico and So. America - did you know that the U.S. is paying So. America $93 billion dollars to take back thier own citizens, the thousands of unattended minors that crossed illegally this year. Yet the government tells Americans its broke.

    Then theres Obama and his amnesty BS. He has made the problem worse. Its just a matter that boycotting will not fix. Something drastic needs to take place to at the least put a dent in the problem. Something like the U.S. purchasing the country of Mexico -- there could be a whole lot of solutions in that scenairo....

    This problem is going to get a whole lot worse and continue to escalate and Americans will continue to pay the price for it.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    We could do that, but we're only going to hurt ourselves. Remember, we've more Mexicans living in the US, than in Mexico. So, for those who live here, will send all the US Dollars to those in Mexico. Then what? besides, the US is not a saint as we would like it to be, for we're no better than Mexico or any other country. Corruptions is everywhere, and mostly here in the US.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The thing to realize is that Mexico doesn't have a Government when it comes straight down to it, they're at Civil War, drug-cartels run most of the Country, maybe that's a war we actually SHOULD get in on, help restore law, and order in Mexico, instead of interfering in the Middle-East, or trying to pick fights with Russia.

  • 7 years ago

    No, we should not. Especially when America has hypocritically staged all kinds of mayhem overseas, including in Viet Nam, the Carribean, Brazil, Arabia, and even Mexico itself. They've overthrown the albeit corrupt leaders, only to replace them with even worse puppet dictators,, they've tried to steal crude oil from the wells in Arabia...and the list goes on and on as to America's crimes against humanity as the aspiring global police.

    Source(s): History lessons; especially of US and its economy
  • 7 years ago

    Before you get all high and righteous, don't forget that the US is one of the largest markets for human trafficking - especially for children sex slaves.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes, why not. Can we also boycott the USA for supporting Islamic gangsters in the Middle East?

    Remember: you reap what you sow............

  • 7 years ago

    Yeah we should although all you say is not trully at all.

  • 7 years ago

    Yes. Thank you.

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