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  • If Hilary runs fro Pres could terrorists ...?

    If she runs could terrorists sneak a nuke up her snizz ? Is a snuke possible ?

    4 AnswersPolitics7 years ago
  • Is this just humor or racism?

    Just joking on things that are part of being a certain ethnic group is not racist . We all have different ways and things we do that are part of our racial heritage and make for some good jokes .

    It is poking fun at Asian names that to other cultures just sound funny .

    My question is does this go over the line or is it just plain old humor ?

    Do you think some Asians are laughing about it since they of course have a sense of humor ?

    Do you think it is racist ?

    Do you think it is just in bad taste ?

    2 AnswersOther - Cultures & Groups7 years ago
  • Does the state department negotiate with terrorists ?

    The state department when asked about the beheading of James Foley a non Muslim and good American , says they DO NOT negotiate with terrorists and therefore could not trade for his life as Isis wanted .

    How ever the state department did in fact negotiate with terrorists to gain the release of Bergdhal the traitor and Muslim when they gave the terrorists 5 imprisoned terrorists .

    So is the Obama administration picking who they negotiate for by religion or anti American activities or crimes ?

    4 AnswersElections7 years ago
  • James Brady died today . Was he a flip flopper on the republican party ?

    James Brady was Ronald Reagan's press secretary and was shot in a failed assassination attempt on the president . After he was shot he became a strong advocate of gun control . did he flip flop on the Republican party or just change his views because he got shot and was now scared ?

    4 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • how are people answering my question that is under review?

    My question is under review . I still get emails showing new answers to the question yet when I go there I get the dreaded " this question does not exist...."

    6 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • Is the CDC planning on keeping Ebola virus ?

    Why did the CDC bring Ebola infected people to the USA ? Is it because they want to breed the virus and store it like they do all them other deadly things they have like Anthrax, rican and the infamous safe harbored box of small pox in a store room in a fridge ?

    Why else would they bring two infected people here ? Could have treated them in Africa just as easy

    4 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Why has the Ebola virus been allowed to come to the USA ?

    Two infected people are being allowed to enter the USA . This is the first time . People are not allowed to travel outside the country and are quarantined if they catch the virus .

    Since there is no real treatment for this virus and we in the USA have no more chance of treating it here than treating it in the country the two people are in now why are they being allowed to come to the USA and risk spreading this virus ?

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • Is this one of the best videos you have ever seen ?

    Is this video the best ever ?

    Are these the stupidest terrorists ever ?

    Warning : extremely graphic but very nice to watch

    3 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • What is your favorite kind of sushi?

    Okay so not just the raw fish but anything that comes with it like the summer rolls or california rolls . You know the type of things made with sushi rice that really are not sushi . Like the rolls sold in Dillons Kroger etc . in the fresh sushi bar.

    I like most of them but my favorite is salmon with avocado

    6 AnswersEthnic Cuisine7 years ago
  • Smoked ribs . what kind of wood do you like best?

    When smoking pork ribs or other meat for that matter what type wood do you like to use ?

    BBQ sauce or no ?

    I personally like apple , cherry or a mix of the two and sometimes a little hickory tossed in . I do use just a little honey BBQ sauce for the last hour .

    2 AnswersCooking & Recipes7 years ago
  • Should we send military to Southern border ?

    Put up two fences with a buffer zone in the middle . Shoot to kill orders for anyone caught between fences invading our country . Military or national guard protecting our country from criminal invasion .

    should we protect our borders with the military or national guard ?

    Would this stop criminals like cartels from flooding us with illegal aliens and drugs or stop illegal aliens coming over on their own ?

    3 AnswersImmigration7 years ago
  • Should we boycott Mexico for their support of human trafficking and .....?

    Mexican Government is allowing and obviously participating in the trafficking of humans and children to America . these kids end up as sex slaves and gang bangers and victims of all sorts of crimes . The gov also participates in the violence and drug trades .

    so to make the government stop allowing traffickers to send people into our country and stop doing other things against us should we boycott their products . they depend on us for a huge amount of their countries income . tourism is billions to them . We could stop going there and put a hurting on them . We could stop buying their food and other products they send in .

    I say YES we should !

    10 AnswersCurrent Events7 years ago
  • could my body be alergic to certain veggies and they make me fat ?

    I know on a glycemic index diet they say that certain foods make you gain weight because you are allergic to them . My cousin for instance is not supposed to eat broccoli or cauliflower . I keep gaining weight or can not lose it . I eat a lot of broccoli and cauliflower . Could this be the reason i gain weight ? Maybe I should eat a different type of veggie ?

    I eat about 4 egg whites and 1 yolk with mushrooms and a half cup of pinto beans for breakfast . Could this be a problem ?

    3 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Why do I gain weight when i eat a lot of veggies ?

    I used to weigh about 130 then as I got older I gained weight which i expected to happen . But I I had always ate a lot of fast foods and pies and spaghetti and such . I changed my diet to what I thought would be healthier . A lot of broccoli cauliflower spinach etc. Now I weigh 200. I eat plenty of apples and oranges , fish occasionally rice and other meat. also plenty of mixed nuts.

    why do i gain weight ? Should I be adding in some fatty foods ? I usually use olive oil and do not fry anything.

    4 AnswersDiet & Fitness1 decade ago
  • Are there different dimensions?

    If you shine a lazer through a crystal you will get a few points of the exact same light in different spots. So if this is the same light in a different spot and not a reflection ( as a reflection would only land in one spot ) Is this positive proof that a photon can be in more than one place at the same time and there for there must be more than one dimension.

    I know they have proven that a photon can be in more than one place at the exact same time . Saw it on the science channel . A single photon appearing and disappearing in different spots and in more than one at the same time .

    2 AnswersPhysics1 decade ago
  • Have there been any recent advancements in transporters?

    I know they can decompile radio waves and put them back together. have there been any recent advancements in this as far as decompiling atoms of solid objects . Like star trek transporters.

    2 AnswersChemistry1 decade ago
  • how to photoshop a pic into another pic?

    What tool or tools would I use to take a picture of someone out of a picture and then paste it into another picture . I can not figure out how to just get the person without getting all the background.

    2 AnswersSoftware1 decade ago
  • Laptop lost the video , sort of.?

    I had my Gateway plugged into the TV. It was running on the power supply. The wall receptacle went bad on one leg and lost some volts of coarse. laptop shut off. Plugged into another outlet . I also fixed the outlet. Now when i boot up all I get is nothing most of the time . some times it gets the blinking cursor in the upper left corner . sometimes it goes to the boot menu i.e. F10 for boot and F2 for setup. but will not go further. Freezes and no keys work at all.

    so , video card, switching power supply ? something else ?

    1 AnswerLaptops & Notebooks1 decade ago
  • Would you buy this jet pack ?

    Would you buy this ?

    What about if the engine dies ? do you think you would survive the fall ?

    5 AnswersOther - Science1 decade ago