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CBS2 60 minutes has just aired a piece about Nazi archives just made public.?

Up until now the archives were kept secret by Germany, but have now been made pubic. They contain more than 17 million files, including names, photographs, dates of capture and dates of death. Thats 17 million people they killed and kept records of. Horrific!

And to all those who say the numbers are not correct, in fact there were closer to 8 million jews in these files, not 6 million as originally estimated.

Still say the holocaust didnt happen??

6 Answers

  • Shay p
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The deniers will always deny.

    I'm sure the prev President of Iran Mahmoud Ahmadinejad a known Holocaust denier will be the first to jump up and admit he was wrong .

    Thank you very much for this information !!!!!

  • 7 years ago

    Reading Ramzi answer, I understand Why Hitler called his people "towel heads".

  • It doesnt matter what you say 6 million 8 million or a billion. Some of the pro-Pal clowns will just state "inflated" or "fiction". and these are the people that believe the moon was split in two by Mohammed. No the only thing he split in two was Aisha.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    "Still say the holocaust didnt happen??"

    Why not? Holocaust denial never had any special affinity for reality.

    "8 million jews in these files, not 6 million as originally estimated."

    This wouldn't surprise me so much as the definition of who is a Jew used by Nazis was far more inclusive than the one used by Jews themselves. So many "gentiles" according to Jews were murdered for being "Jews" by the Nazis (including many members of the Christian clergy).

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Sure, but we shouldn't forget the people who suffered the most during that period; let's never forget the 25 million Russians murdered at the hands of the Nazis. They suffered terribly during WW2, closely followed by the 19 million Chinese lost to the Japanese. Both these peoples have my deepest sympathy. Both were considered "sub-human" and treated extremely brutally as a result. The 9 million German deaths shouldn't be forgotten either, as they too were human. The gay, Jew and gypsy undesirables also have some of my sympathy, despite their unwillingness to fight and losing only a fraction of what other groups did.

    * I'm beginning to receive thumbs down from Jewish users. It wasn't my intention to "insult" Jews by mentioning the other death tolls, but people have a right to know about them as well.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    of course muslims and propals will always deny it happened and if they somehow admit that it did, they will claim it was done by jews. jews killing their own to have a reason to 'steal' 'palestine' to turn into Israel, lolz. these are the same idiots who think Israel was behind 911. you can't reason with such stupids.

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