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Who has the Moral High Ground?

Imagine that tomorrow a spaceship shows up in Washington DC carrying the descendants of an ancient South Western Native American Indian tribe. There are about 1 million of them and they petition the US government to give them a homeland in Arizona. The US government complies and carves out a 10,000 square mile reservation for them along the southern border south of Phoenix. September 1 this new Indian Nation is founded (they call it Indiana, which causes a lot of frustration for the 38th state) ……and immediately comes under armed attack from Mexico which claims that the land once belonged to them. The Mexicans call upon any illegals still living on the reservation to pack up and temporarily vacate the region so none of them are harmed while they exterminate the Indians, the illegals comply. They pack up and move out while the Mexicans fight the Indians. Mexico manages to capture a few small towns and half of the new capitol before being stopped by Indiana militia. Mexico promptly moves 100,000 Mexicans into those towns and all the illegals who vacated the reservation get rounded up and thrown into a tent city on the border. Mexico labels them refugees and they start calling themselves Mexistinians.


10 years later Mexico attacks again…but the Indians kick them out this time and recapture the towns they lost 10 years ago. Mexico retreats and renounces all claim to the towns…but they leave all the Mexistinians behind….who claim independence and demand that they be given half the reservation to create their own country.

Update 2:

Indiana refuses to hand over the land…so the Mexistinians smuggle in rockets and explosives through underground tunnels and start blowing up campfire meetings and firing rockets at Teepees. The Indians respond by sending out the braves to find these terrorists who they discover hide among the women and children.

Update 3:

So QUESTION…… are the Indians justified in removing the Mexistinians to prevent terrorist attacks? Or are the Mexistinians entitled to demand half the Indians country at gun point and keep killing women and children till they get what they want?

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    The Indians. Just as Israel does in the real world. Good analogy.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    The people manning the space ship would have total control of the situation and could easily travel at 3 million MPH away and until all was resolved, Hope this helps.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If only Palestinians could see past their pride, and vengeance.. they might have seen this was a lose/ lose situation.. The Gaza strip,.. there's no

    where to hide.

    They took the bait of an intentional setup...just like many times before...the NeoCon netanyaho

  • no one really, sounds like typical border wars that have been waged by humans for thousands of years...

    but if a space ship shows up, it's likely going to have advanced tech that outpaces anything we have and they wouldn't lose many battles... and then they would probably write their own history books about their wars they won showing how great they were and how bad the other guys were...

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I see what you did there.

    According to #yeseverydemocrat, the Mexistinians HAVE ALWAYS been the ONLY legitimate owners of Arizona and have every right to specifically target the CHILDREN of Indiana.

  • What kind of stupid is this?

    If you want to ask a question about certain events, ask it in plain language. Don't dance around it , attempting to make moronic parallels.

    Nor would any south western tribe name their lands 'indiana'.

    Source(s): Ojibwe Has ever right to defend her lands using the same methods employed to steal it by euro invaders.....yet wouldn't. I'd rather hit em where it hurts. In their wallet, when I take it back in Indians are already doing.
  • Spocko
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    I get the feeling that you are whining about illegal immigration. But I didn't have the patience to read through your rant.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    And fake Injun Elizabeth Warren can be the President of your imaginary new nation.

  • 7 years ago

    Way to much TV in m humble opinion. My imagination does not span that far for now.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Nice analogy, in many ways.



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