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? asked in Society & CultureHolidaysRamadan · 7 years ago

I got a question on marriage and Islam?

Okay so we are taught to get married young like after reaching the age of puberty I also read we are supposed to marry somebody who's character and looks are attractive to us personally...cause if you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person and you're not allowed to interact or look at other 'marriable' men then it's essential that you find your partner attractive both on the inside and out and obviously the other person too... And this isn't even me just saying this, I've read it in a Islamic book..


I personally haven't really even seen a real life man that I find's either the looks I don't like and if it's not the looks then it's something about his character or personality that isn't nice..

So I guess if I'm gonna find somebody I'll either have to search high and low like a prince in a fairytale ( yes im a girl just saying) or I'm just gonna have to wait for ' the right person to come along' if that is even possible or just remain single...

What if I remain single if I haven't found the right man? What if I remain single for life? Would I be sinning?

Because honestly I'd rather be single for life than marrying somebody that im not totally attracted to and I'm not even being vain or asking for someone perfect...I'm just saying the type of person that I want doesn't seem to exist so I'd be happier being single...

Would Allah regard remaining single as sinful?

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    I can't agree more with you lol. Although, I believe looks are important but I think its better to be with a nice guy who isn't good looking then with a guy who is good looking but a loser. However, you need to be attracted to him at a certain point because that is just human nature. You won't be sinning if you choose not to get married. The right person to come along.. It can happen but sometimes sadly it does not :(

  • 7 years ago

    Salam (Peace) sister,

    You are supposed to look for a man who's character is good in the Islamic sense (though obviously attraction would be good too).

    I was recently searching for a wife and had some requirements such as she should be educated in Islam besides the usual pretty etc, so someone asked me you have all these requirements, but what do you have to offer, are you up to their standards?

    Anyway here is what a Islamic Marriage should be like:

    Mufti Menk on marriage

    May Allah guide us all to the straight path.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    One reason Islam is so far behind the rest of the world is women get married too early. If you want a society to improve you would encourage the women to marry and have babies later. But when they do marry earlier it is a way the men stay in power because women are dependent on the man for money.

    The real reason is because early marriage is good for men and Islam, (bad for women and society)

  • 7 years ago

    It's not a sin to stay single but it's recommended that you marry someone

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  • 7 years ago

    Prophet has said to give preference to the religious quality of the pair while making marriage proposal.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Signle life is headache free and it's not a sin to stay single

    Source(s): Too many ugly girls seem to have a thing for me lol
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You have a choice to marry young if you want. You don't have to, unless your horney and you know you will commit zina.

    When it comes to choosing a guy, we should make sure he is religious, good looking and you have things in common.

    Their is always someone for everyone, you cant sit at home and expect guys to come to you, its not how it works.

    Also you never know when your going to find someone. You may be on the bus to work or school and a cute guy would come and sit next to you, strike up a conversation and ask for your number. A new boy might start at your school or workplace and would show an interest in you, you could be sitting in starbucks drinking a cappuccino and their would be a free seat at your table and a guy could come and ask if he can sit next to you. He may be good looking and before he leaves he could probably write his

    number down on a napkin for you to pick up and call him.

    Don't be desperate, don't give up too and I am sure you will find someone.

    Also don't leave it too late as well, try and start looking to settle down when your around 25-29

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You must marry and have many babies.

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