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Is it okay to view myself as being from one race even though im mixed race?
Okay so I'm mixed race white/ south Asian (like an Indian basically)
And people say I either look just white or something like Arabic but not Asian...
And I hate people telling me 'Youre not part Asian or Asian' who are they to tell me what I am lol the arrogance...
I'm thinking maybe I should just say I'm white and I won't get any of that judgement anymore and live a happier life...
Is it wrong though to deny one side of me just because I apparently don't look like I'm from that race?
1 AnswerPsychology7 years agoIs it wrong to not acknowledge one side of my race?
So I'm mixed race, half white half Bengali...
All my teenaged life people ask me what race I'm from and I say I'm mixed race, then I tell them my ethnicities and I get a lot of crap in return like 'No you're not' 'You're just white' or start something completely different like 'you're Arab aren't you' etc etc
It really gets on my nerves I hate it
People don't accept me for what I am. They just say 'no you're not' lol it's so arrogant of them to try to tell me what race I'm from.
Can I just view myself as 'white' from now on so people leave me the heck alone with their judgements or would it be wrong to deny being mixed race as Allah has made me?
(I'm just thinking maybe it will be cooler viewing myself as just white and then not being judged and staying away from non whites who are racist to white people...)
Thank you
10 AnswersRamadan7 years agoHow to ignore people who tell me to get a tan?
I never want to tan because if you sun tan you risk cancer and your skin ages faster, if you go into a tanning salon you risk cancer and it's dangerous going on a machine, if you tan with tanning lotions it's bad fir your pores and wearing tan foundation is annoying and can smudge plus who could be bothered wearing that everyday...
I used to be so unhappy with my white skin because I myself thought people with tans looked amazing ( probably because my schools I went to had majority Brown kids)..
Anyway so in school everyone was tan and some would say stuff like ' Why aren't you brown, everyone else is' etc and that really made me feel bad about myself..
and like I've always been insecure about my skin but when I ate healthier my skin started looking better and then I was quite happy with it but I still thought I don't like the way I look n need a tan..
But I don't really want a tan deep down because that would be me having a fake skin colour and I want to be real not fake
Then I started to see VERY good looking people with white skin and they had great personalities which added to their beauty and all of a sudden I'm totally for white skin and think it looks the best..
And now im happy with my skin colour but I still sometimes get people trying to tell me to look brown which is VERY annoying, how can I deal with people judging my skin colour?
Thank you :)
3 AnswersPsychology7 years agoGirls can you cut your own fringe and make your own clothes?
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoIf Ben Stiller can look as good as he did in Zoolander why doesnt he try to look like that then?
Is he more introverted and focused on other things in life cause I think he looked totally amazing in zoolander hahaha :)
3 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoI got a question on marriage and Islam?
Okay so we are taught to get married young like after reaching the age of puberty I also read we are supposed to marry somebody who's character and looks are attractive to us personally...cause if you're going to spend the rest of your life with this person and you're not allowed to interact or look at other 'marriable' men then it's essential that you find your partner attractive both on the inside and out and obviously the other person too... And this isn't even me just saying this, I've read it in a Islamic book..
I personally haven't really even seen a real life man that I find's either the looks I don't like and if it's not the looks then it's something about his character or personality that isn't nice..
So I guess if I'm gonna find somebody I'll either have to search high and low like a prince in a fairytale ( yes im a girl just saying) or I'm just gonna have to wait for ' the right person to come along' if that is even possible or just remain single...
What if I remain single if I haven't found the right man? What if I remain single for life? Would I be sinning?
Because honestly I'd rather be single for life than marrying somebody that im not totally attracted to and I'm not even being vain or asking for someone perfect...I'm just saying the type of person that I want doesn't seem to exist so I'd be happier being single...
Would Allah regard remaining single as sinful?
8 AnswersRamadan7 years agoIs it haram to have a celebrity as a friend on facebook?
Should I unfriend them?
6 AnswersRamadan7 years agoWhite peeps at what age do white people generally get married?
I REALLY WANNA KNOW! :) Im only half white n all my relative's are south Asian n here in England they (Asian relatives) get married at like age 25...
Do white people generally get married in their twenties too? What about in their 30s?
BQ: Do you think 30 is a bit old for marriage or the perfect age for marriage?
Have fun answering!
9 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoDo you think I'd be able to meet a white convert?
Im mixed race half white half south Asian and I seen so many Asian guys and they are all so cultural it's so unattractive like everything about Asian culture no offense this is also my culture I guess since im part Asian..
Like I just don't like it like some of the culture is so irritating like oh u can only wear Salwar Kameez in some Asian families n u have to live with in laws etc like all this stuff is so annoying and not even required as a Muslim to do those things...
White people on the other hand have a different mentality so I can't help but be more into white guys...
But like, it's so hard to even find white Muslims unless u go online which can be annoying because what if I don't find some1 online...
Muslim sisters how would u do it? And don't tell me through family pls cause they'll either get some Asian guys or people from abroad so...
Don't judge me for having a type cause there's nothing wrong about that...
And sorry if I offended any1
Assalamu alaykum
10 AnswersRamadan7 years agoWhat looks better, a Samsung type smartphone or an iPhone?
6 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoGirls what dress size would you want to be?
I personally would like to be a UK size 6 or 8... if 6 doesn't look too skinny that is...
lol that's like an American size 2- 4...
what about you girls??
7 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years agoHow much weight could someone like me lose in a month and a half?
last time I lost weight was like 10 lbs. (nearly a stone) in a week....there's no big surprise there for me because I need to lose like at least 2 stone to go down to a healthy weight for my height....and the fatter you are the more weight you can lose quickly...
anyway that was like nearly a year ago and since I had lost hardly a stone it didn't hardly make a difference in the way I looked in the mirror....I just saw a bit more definition in my chin and thighs if I looked closely.
(and I wasn't starving myself, I just ate healthy food and cut out unhealthy food and drinks)
since then I gained the weight back and I'm back to my previous weight and have been like that ever since I lost the weight...
This time I want to lose more like 2 stone...
could that be possible to achieve in a month and 2 weeks?
If not, could I at least lose like a stone and a half?
thank you!
2 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoIf oyu lose weight from the stomach area with your belt size go down?
I'm talking belts for the hips not the waist...
if not, then what if u lose weight from everywhere, will the belt size go down then?
32 AnswersDiet & Fitness7 years agoIs it true that if a woman with a small waist wears a normal shirt and trousers?
and the shirt and trousers are NOT fitted, it may not even be noticeable that the woman even has a small waist?
1 AnswerOther - Beauty & Style7 years agoWhy do teachers get aggressive when you don't hand in work or get bad grades?
It's not like it's their future on the line if I get crap grades etc OR IS IT?
Why do they always take my failure so personally like they get extremely angry at me like as if their life depends on my work...
Dont say it's because 'they care about you're lol it's not cause the teachDr was like ' I don't care about your other work, BUT YOU HAND IN MY WORK WHEN I TELL YOU TO...
Do they get payed less if I get bad grades and get paid more or even a pay rise if I get good grades?
I know nothing about the teaching profession.
3 AnswersTeaching7 years agoHow do I stop thinking all men are cheaters & players?
I feel like it's been hammered into my head by the media ( movies, tv shows even reality shows), YouTube, society, seeing things at first hand from people around me, and just from any other possible source that most if not all men are cheaters and players and are never satisfied with just one woman even if she's amazing in every way possible..
It is probably true for the majority of men but SOME men are still loyal and are happy with just one woman and appreciate that they can even be lucky enough to find a woman who they like inside out..
How do I stop thinking all men are cheaters players n want multiple women etc when im constantly bombarded with it??
1 AnswerPsychology7 years agoHow to fforget the past to have a fresh start?
I wanna have a fresh start..
Okay so how do I forget those who have hurt, used and abused( esp. If I was emotionally attached to them)?
Thank you :)
4 AnswersPsychology7 years agoI did all nighters and I'm worried about my health?
This year in college I did all nighters ( staying up all night until the morning without a minute of sleep) because I always procrastinated during the day so the only time to do it is the night...
I did farr too much of that like maybe 30 nights without sleep at all or only 2-4 hours of sleep depending on the amount of work done.
And after that my short term memory went downhill...Id brushy teeth before going to bed and a minute later I can't remember if I brushed my teeth..
And my bones hurt a bit and I started to feel a bit sick like vommitying feeling...getting all these symptoms I never had
Help me please, how do I stop myself from getting brain damaged ( I read sleep deprivaction can lead to this) by avoiding all nighters?
I tell myself I'll sacrifice my sleep for my work and instill do this because im so behind with my work..
Thank you!
2 AnswersPsychology7 years agohow many all nighters (in order to do ur college work) did u have in the last 2 years?
how many all nighters ( in order to do ur college work) did u have in the last 2 years
I had a lot like I don't even remember how's so bad for ur health
4 AnswersPolls & Surveys7 years ago