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I am worried about the future of this country. how can i protect myself?

Im 20 years old and in school. And the things happening in this country really scare me. What can i do to make sure I have a future? Should I invest in gold? Is my money safe in a bank? What should I do

8 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    1) Raise awareness about the issues and create a movement at the grassroots' level

    2) Run for office when you're older

    3) Create and sign petitions

    4) Protest

    5) Speak with politicians

    6) Save a bunch of money and move out-of-the-country

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If everyone had the answer to this question there would be more millionaires and less poverty. In contrary to some opinions I don't think Obama is the answer in fact he has been voted the worst president of all time and I have many reasons for that but this is for another question. You can take up a career in politics and do what you think is right. Politics in this country are a mess and it is up to our generation to fix it and keep our country on top. You should definitely look at categories you are interested in such as politics, business, military, medicine. Then pursue the category you are interested in. No one is going to give success to you so I wouldn't look on here for answers. Just do whatever you can to be the best you can be at your current position and you will rise up in your job.

  • 7 years ago

    There are more features to safety and strength than investments. For now, however, the Dow Jones is higher than ever in history and our interest rates remain low, thanks to new Fed Chairman Janet Yellen (the first woman to serve as Chairman). The housing market is slowly recovering from the 2005-2008 HOUSING COLLAPSE that cost millions of people their home, so if you are making a decent amount of money you might want to consider buying an investment property while the rates are so law, especially in a college town or near a military base.

    Vote DEMOCRATS in the MID-TERM this November because the ones who fixed the devastating problems left in the wake of the Bush/Cheney/GOP totalitarian years were the DEMOCRATS in control of both House (Nancy Pelosi Speaker of the 111th "most productive Congress in more than 60 years") and the Senate (Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV who once stood up to organized crime and won).

    If you want to start your own business, President Obama has made the Small Business Association a CABINET department, and there are all sorts of grants and subsidies set up for small business owners, whom the Obama team call the "hiring engine" for our economy. If you want to continue your college studies, President Obama has increased the PELL GRANT (which your local college financial aid people can help you get or you can apply online), and the new federal loan set up by President Obama is made directly through the Department of Education to eliminate high-interest banks---and the government pays the interest while you remain full-time and in good standing grade-wise.

    Before you set up any investments, talk to a financial advisor or stock specialist and find out what all your options are. Your bank probably has a "personal banker" to help you free-of-charge. The Dodd-Frank Banking Reforms has an Obama-added "Personal Responsibility" part that makes banks' CEOs have enough money in reserve to pay for their own investments (they can no longer involve taxpayers in any bailouts for the banksters' bad or This makes banks much safer.

  • Judith
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Make sure you have a retirement plan so that the money you receive from it and social security will equal what your wages are. Live UNDER your means. Set aside a minimum of 10% of your income towards retirement. Make sure you have enough to live on for at least six months should, for some reason, you are unable to work. See a financial expert.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If you voted for Pres. Obama in 2012, if you were 18, you have nothing to worry about.

    If you didn't vote for him because you weren't old enough,

    just listen to your college professors!

    ALL is GOOD.

    Perhaps they should show a movie, called "The Killing Fields" to their paying inductees and ask questions after the movie, what happened to the "EDUCATED"?

  • 7 years ago

    No, I did not vote for Obama

  • 7 years ago

    You can't. It's too late.

    Source(s): Reality.
  • 7 years ago

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