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Susan M asked in PetsRodents · 7 years ago

Why do these illegal immigrants get what citizens do not?

Free housing, medical & mental health, education, while we pay for it. Our veterans are left needing care, mentally I'll are left homeless with no care? Our needy children can suffer, but these foreign ones are so cherished, why?

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Are you referring to the children who are being given the "free housing" of being warehoused on an Army base?

    Because basically illegal immigrants don't get those benefits.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's all messed up, I agree; and I am glad that people are finally engaged in these discussions, as the problem has been brewing for many decades with seemingly little concern from citizens and politicians. I really hope Congress can get their act together and come up with a bill to effectively address what has moved from an immigration problem to an immigration crisis.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I don't want to come across rude in the slightest; but the sleight of the word shall come through in order to be clear... I am honestly telling you now, as best as you know it also yourself, as I aim to genuinely reassure you that "SMEAR" really really does come to my mind. There are lots of ins and outs in the political atmosphere and can be heavily pressing on the cranial feature :)) *e-EmbraceHugAsDaughter* :))

  • 7 years ago

    You're going to have to ask 0bama, that is if he's not too busy shooting pool or playing golf!

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