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Lv 5
Jamie asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Will Obama's name become synonymous with incompetence?

The way a tissue is called a kleenex or a copy is called a xerox?

21 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    YES! They will also never have a Barack Hussein Obama aircraft carrier, because the crew's morale would be lowered, or they would laugh too hard at such a joke.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Guys i'm going to let you in on a little secret. Basically for the last 2 or so months i've been making $4000 /month by cheating at online roulette. I just watched a youtube video that taught me the method:

  • Marduk
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No that honor will go to GEORGE W. BUSH! Other than clearing brush, what were his great accomplishments? Getting a lot of people killed?

  • 7 years ago

    I realize some of you avatars add up to just one person, a common trick for rightwing bloggers that was recommended at the GOP annual bloggers convention, but be that as it may I strongly disagree with the premise of the propaganda-laden question.

    The very wise economic policies put into place when our nation-saving President Obama first took office, to include the $787 billion Recovery and Reinvestment Act (see helped reverse the Republican-caused Great Recession by June 2009 (as confirmed by a panel of economists on Bloomberg News) and put us firmly onto a path of slow-but-steady full RECOVERY, and this was without any cooperation from Congressional Republicans. How is that anywhere near "incompetent"?

    What President Obama inherited: (a) a deregulated banking industry; (b) worse recession in 75 years; (c) record job losses (800,000 per month) with more losses to come; (d) costs of both wars kept OFF THE BOOKS ($5.2 TRILLION that had to be added in before positive changes could be made); (e) unemployment rate of 10.2%; (f) GOP-caused DEFICIT that was 20.6% of our Gross Domestic Product (GDP); (g) the deregulation-caused housing collapse that cost millions of Americans their homes and blighted once-thriving communities across this nation; (h) a Rupert-Murdoch-owned Dow Jones down to a low of 6,900 in 2008 ; (i) a Republican-caused $6.6 TRILLION deficit; (j) the repercussions of Bush/Cheney-ordered TORTURE of Muslim detainees, most of whom had committed no crimes; (k) record-high trade deficit with China; (l) costs of the 2001 and 2003 deficit-exploding tax cuts and the GOP-passed (big spending, unpaid-for) unfunded mandates kept off the Budget books; and (m) the ILLEGAL war in Iraq that caused even our allies to pull away from supporting the U.S. All of these GOP-created disasters were waiting for President Obama before he was even sworn in.

    Now add to these GOP disasters the horrible fact that on January 20, 2009 (Inauguration night), according to investigative reporter-turned-author Robert Draper (2012), twelve powerful Congressional Republicans attended a "by invitation only" secret meeting on Capital Hill hosted by hate-monger spin doctor Frank Luntz and the ethically challenged Newt Gingrich to PLOT SABOTAGE of the newly sworn in President Obama. As stated in the headline from Daily Kos (, "Tom Coburn and GOP Leaders Plot to Sabotage US Economy". [Draper: "Do Not Ask What Good We Do: Inside the U.S. House of Representatives"] Newt Gingrich confirmed this meeting during an interview on MSNBC's "Politics Nation" during an exchange with host Reverend Al Sharpton, wherein Gingrich admitted to a GOP conspiracy to BLOCK everything attempted by President Obama before the new President had even had a chance to govern! Besides the two hosts of this treasonous plot, the following Republicans attended: Representatives Paul Ryan (R-WI), Eric Cantor (R-VA), Kevin McCarthy (R-CA), Pete Sessions (R-TX), Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), and Dan Lungren (R-CA); and Senators Jim DeMint (R-SC)---now in charge of the treacherous biblical-literalist Heritage Foundation, Jon Kyl (R-AZ), Tom Coburn (R-OK), John Ensign (R-NV), and Bob Corker (R-TN). These meeting attendees, senior lawmakers all, literally plotted to sabotage, undermine, and destroy America's economy just to make President Obama look bad to the American people in the hope of limiting the President to only one term. Representative Pete Sessions even went so far as to tell the National Journal: "Republicans should follow the model of the Taliban in the GOP battles with President Obama", citing the Taliban Insurgency's ability to "systematically undermine, disrupt, and change a person's entire processes."

    Representative Kevin McCarthy stated at the January 20, 2009 meeting: "We've gotta challenge them on every bill. Show united and unyielding opposition to the President's economic polices no matter how much merit." These Republicans vowed to shut down the U.S. government to prevent any legislation (including such trivial item as funding for Planned Parenthood) from getting through.

    Now, if any of you are NOT the same person using different avatars to create the false impression of widespread disapproval of what President Obama has been able to achieve, try going to and plus and just see for yourself how very COMPETENT, and HARD-WORKING on behalf of this GOP-damaged nation and the American people our RECESSION-reversing, middle-class-strengthening, auto-industry-rescuing, jobs-creating, manufacturing-base-rebuilding, deficit-slashing, health-insurers-reforming, defense-contractors-auditing, banks-regulating (not one Republican vote), revenues-generating, Dow-Jones-elevating (record highs), borders-securing, GOP-viciousness-transcending, 196-human-traffickers-arresting (as of yesterday, July 22, at the border), and their assets seizing (in 228 banks), VERY COMPETENT, highly intelligent, multi-tasking, deeply patriotic, and incredibly patient President Obama has been and continues to be!

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    No. Why would it be? All we have to do is look back 5 years to see a president who squandered a huge budget surplus, lied us into a phony war that he kept off the books, handed out deficit funded tax cuts, and ushered in the biggest economic crash since the Great Depression. By comparison, our current problems are trivial.

  • 7 years ago

    Sadly enough ......YES.

    Due to his unique heritage and popular support at the time AND given control of both Houses of Congress, Obama stepped into the Oval Office in a better position than any other President in history to heal the great racial divide in our Country and to solve the Nation's economic problems.

    And his international support at the time provided him with the political clout to become a world class leader.

    Sadly, he found himself unable to rise above his personal agenda and the influence of his radical associates, past and present, in order to become a true leader and secure the place in History which could have so easily been his.

    If Obama had delivered as promised, there is little doubt that he would go down as one of our greatest Presidents.......a true Leader, both in America and abroad.

    Instead, he has chosen to provide nothing but excuses to a Nation hungry for leadership.

    He came into office at a time when practically the only way to go was up, but has failed to move the Nation (shall I say) "Forward".

    "Obama" is the perfect definition of failure and immaculate example of a by-passed opportunity to become one of the greatest of world leaders.

  • 7 years ago

    Will it? You men there are people who still think he has the first iota of competence?

  • ?
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    I think it already has.

  • 7 years ago

    No. we already have a name for what Obama is. Though I doubt anyone would understand why his Aircraft carrier ends up named the USS Vidkun ALJ Quisling

    The tending garbage barge can be named Obama.

  • 7 years ago

    AND Liar.

  • 7 years ago

    It'll be synonymous with a curse word no one will dare speak. It'll be referred to only as the "O" word.

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