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is this a good reason to breakup?

My bf of 3 months makes a lot of money (not at all why i dated him. I already did the "sugar daddy" thing and realized I wanted a real relationship where I can count on the other person esp emotionally.) But, part way through our ship I lost my job. I never made much to begin with, but it always seems to shock my bf whenever i bring up some tidbit about my financial situation. It has gotten worse to where im afraid i cant make rent coming up. People keep telling me i shld ask him, but i somehow feel wrong doing it.

Then i think if he really cares for me wouldnt he want to help me? He spendt over $200 on liquor and didnt bat an eye when i thought it was excessive. But when i tried to bring up how bad my situation has gotten he keeps changing the subject or just wont even respond (almost like he doesnt want to know). If he truely cared wouldnt he want to know and help me? Am I wrong here? He should know by now im not after his money. Even when i didnt have much i bought him gifts and treated here and there. I dont want to ask outright i want offer, but he cant if he wont even hear how bad things are!

Ive done odd jobs here and there, but its still not enough. My religious dad doesnt like i sleep over my bfs house so he wont help and my mom is too poor.

5 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    It's a tricky situation. It's understandable you would like him to at least offer, but there are many possible reasons for why he hasn't.

    For one thing, you've only been together for 3 months.

    Of course, you couldn't have foreseen that you would lose your job, and you didn't get together with him for his money. But it's still natural that he doesn't want to be financially responsible for someone he hasn't been going out with for very long.

    For another thing, he may think that helping you out won't do you any favors long-term. He might think he IS helping you by not offering, so that it forces you to get yourself back on your feet and become financially independent again.

    On the other hand, he may just be very ungenerous and close-fisted, and that's not a good trait to have.

    Which one do you think it is?

    You would think he'd be all too happy to help out, but in the end, it's his money and his choice how he chooses to spend it. I know you don't want to ask, but if you really are that desperate, you may have no other choice. There is no shame in asking, and of course, make it clear that it would be a loan and you will be paying him back. If he refuses, at least you'll know where you stand. From what you say, it does sound as though he doesn't care about your situation and has no interest in hearing about it. If that's the case, drop him and find someone who will support you. (At least emotionally).

    But first apply for new jobs and try to resolve the situation yourself.

  • 7 years ago

    Many guys will be reluctant to help support a gf after three months. The reality: the gold digger fear is real, and the man (or woman) will want to be sure they're being sought for who they are, not for how much money they make. Three months simply isn't enough time to tell. You treating him here and there is a nice gesture but it won't make him feel less uncomfortable with the situation.

    Actually, there is one reason to break up: the $200 on liquor. That would be a red flag to many people. Just because someone makes a lot it doesn't automatically mean they're responsible.

    Your first priority: finding another job. That's the reality. It won't come in time for rent, but it will get you back on track. You'll feel a lot better, too. Make finding a stable job a full-time job, and put your best foot forward in the interviews. Also, it's OK to ask for your boyfriend's suggestions. If he cares about you, he'll at least offer advice and suggestions as far as where to look for jobs, and how to look for them. His helpfulness in that area will be a sign of his character and concern for you.

    Next thing: reflect on whether you see a long-term future with this guy and how he feels about you. Think about his personality and his drinking, if that's evident. If you figure you have a future, you ask for help with the rent, but as a loan, not a gift. Keep in mind there's a risk in that: he may get stressed and break up with you on the spot. If he does that, you wouldn't have had a future together anyhow.

    This should not be your only option, nor should it be the first. Think about it: if you didn't have him, and your dad won't help, how would you pay for the rent? That needs to be your approach here.

  • 7 years ago

    There are ways he could help you other than just giving you money. If he's that successful, he probably has business contacts that could have helped you find another job, and so forth. The fact is, he's just not that sensitive to, or interested in, your problems. Not a good candidate for a friend, much less a romance.

    Don't break up because he won't give you money. (He doesn't owe you money.) Break up because he's an insensitive clod who wants to use you for sex without caring about you as a person.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Its not a godd reason to break up, but it is a good reason to get a job?

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  • 7 years ago

    omg you are after money

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