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Lv 7
Shawn asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 7 years ago

Hypothetically speaking, on the ultimate liberal Utopian fantasy island what would be banned and what would not?


I did not think that my simple and basic question would cause such angry and emotional responses from the libs. I thought it would be a great forum for libs to espouse and justify their beliefs in a logical, cognizant and respectful manner.

23 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Generally, Liberals would restrict your consumption and your derogatory moral habits would have free reign.

    Example: abortions would be fine but large soda pops would be a no-no.

  • 7 years ago

    What would be banned? And what would not?

    Uh, you expect a comprehensive list of all possible things and behaviors?

    I see the conservative liars are out in force. If you have ANY integrity, you will NOT select a lying conservative, when you have asked a question of LIBERALS.

    It's a lie that liberals would control everything everyone eats and drinks. Some things would be prohibited to minors (such as marijuana-laced foodstuffs).

    Weaponry that was specifically designed to murder dozens of people in a few seconds would be banned -- but that's not ONLY liberals who want that; most Americans agree with us.

    Yes, all types of consensual sex would be legal between all adults.

    Slavery of all kinds would be banned. All income above survival-level would be taxed progressively (higher rates for higher incomes).

    Poisoning the air, water, and land would be banned.

    Murder, rape, assault, and theft would be banned.

    Otherwise, most else would not be banned (I don't have time to spend on this, to be sure I've mentioned everything -- but, basically, don't harm anyone; don't force anyone against their will; don't screw up the environment are the principles.)

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I find it impossible to answer your question. It is difficult to filter out the idiosyncracies of liberalism embedded in a culture from liberal ideology. That is why people often question the authenticity of modern liberals in comparison to classical liberalism. The milieu has changed so dramatically from the time when the classical liberal philosophers wrote in the late 17th and 18th Centuries, a time before the industrial revolution and the emancipation of women and dark-skinned peoples of the world. Therein lies a quandary for finding the liberal utopia. Assuming the world keeps changing, even though some things remain constant, how can a liberal find or identify the utopian experience.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    To a large extent it already exists in places lN A NUMBER OF PLACES BUT not THE US

    Here is the current Top 12 Best Countries to Live in the World 2014 and the US is LAST

    These top 4 countries including Canada all have universal health care ,telatively very low crime rates and gun death rates and many social programs which look after the poor ,the need and do not vilify these people as in the US .These countries have a profound sense of community where the US dog eat dog ethic/morality prevails much more seriously .These countries have enforced HATE CRIMES that do not stifle free speech but bans extreme speech that vilifies and demonizes others for no ultimate purpose .

    The bad news is that the US keeps slipping down the list and the yahoos fail to realize that there is something fundamentally wrong in the US and Ferguson represents only one of these

    Canada for example has a much more ethnically,racially mixed society than the US and there is little of the Fergusons going on in Canada and most the of the top 6 .

    Canada has proportionately as much problems with illegals as the US but in Canadathe laws are vigorously enforced and they do not have elected representatives who in a corrupt quid pro quo manner work with large corporations to not fully enforce US immigration law .












    12.United States

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Christians would wear tape sealed on their lips. Rape would be called "Severe Dating". People that commited Murder would promise never to do it again. Truth would be banned, Considered a Hate crime if repeated. Abortions would be performed at Rite-Aid. Birth Control would be handed out in 2nd Grade. White kids would be sitting in the back of the line at Amusement Parks. ~ Wait, isn't this what Liberals think Christians do. Banning, Banning is another form of Taking Freedoms away. Yet they don't see that.

  • 7 years ago

    Just go watch Star Trek.

    There you will see everyone's idea of an ultimate liberal Utopia.

  • Robert
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I would say Fox News and free speech (at least the kind that opposes the "utopian: ideology) but then a society such as what you suggest, they would have passed laws that would have eliminated any kind of opposition... other wise it would not be their idea of utopia!

  • Shane
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    All types of sex would be legal, but the government would tell you what to think, eat,and drink. Anyone who questions the wisdom of the government would be sent to re-education camps. "Everything you think, do, or say, is in the pill you took today," from the song "In the Year 2525" by Zaeger and Evens. Also, read "1984" and "Agenda 21" for more info on a liberal utopia.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago



  • 7 years ago

    Theft of any kind. Murder. Rape. Abuse. We wouldn't be stupid enough to try to ban judgment by others, but if possible, we would force the judge to experience the circumstances he is judging. Attempting to teach religion as science. All news media would have to be supported by the public as a whole, so that no media source chose its stories or slant for commercial purposes. Health care would be nationalized. Those who were unwilling to abide by the rules of society would be cast adrift on a raft with a GPS to the nearest land.

    Not banned would be attempts to help others, whether individually or by government or society. Not banned would be any marriage between consenting adults, including polygamy.

    This is what actual liberals would do, not what those of you who hate want to think we would do.

  • 7 years ago

    Not much. HG Wells wrote a novel on the subject .. The Time Machine ...

    The Time Traveller tests his device with a journey that takes him to A.D. 802,701, where he meets the Eloi, a society of small, elegant, childlike adults. They live in small communities within large and futuristic yet slowly deteriorating buildings, doing no work and having a frugivorous diet. His efforts to communicate with them are hampered by their lack of curiosity or discipline, and he speculates that they are a peaceful communist society, the result of humanity conquering nature with technology, and subsequently evolving to adapt to an environment in which strength and intellect are no longer advantageous to survival.



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