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What is wrong with me? I really don't know what to do?

4 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    Depression happens a lot when your a teenager. Fortunately, depression is completely treatable. Here are some things to try

    1. Therapy. Be completely honest with your therapist and he will be able to help you.

    2. Antidepressants. These work for around 2/3 of people. They are temporary medication and your doctor will taper you off after a few months.

    3. Exercise. In my opinion it's the most effective treatment. It takes a while to really start to change your brain, but you will become happier. Exercise every other day for 30-40 minutes. Make yourself do it. Get a gym membership, start running, or do bodyweight exercises at home. It's hard, but do it without thinking and don't stop. No pain, no gain.

    4. Healthy eating. If you eat a lot of junk, this could be contributing. Eat foods like salads, lentils, beans, quinoa, hummus, etc.

    5. Positive thinking. This is hard, but try to imagine a time in your life when your happy and sort of "relive" it.

    6. Self-improvement. Some people respond to this better than others, it kind of gives you a goal. Imagine your perfect self and take steps to reach that perfect self, however small they are, you will feel like your making progress.

    If you need any help, you can contact me at

    Your not alone.

  • 7 years ago

    I'm 19 and a girl.

    I am very off feeling in my life and I feel really overall unhappy but I really don't know why anymore. I feel like I'm in a grey area and have been for a very long time, like years . I have moments i which I am happy but they never last maybe a few minutes.

    I usually control my random burts of sadness really well and force myself to do something else. I have nothing to be too unhappy about I have a really nice bf and a great family. but I am very unhappy

    I've never been too social but lately I can't force myself to talk with people. I am literally at a blank and its getting that way with my family and boyfriend too, I am usually happy and fun to talk to when I do but I can't get out of this mental rut I am in and so I just don't want to associate with anyone which is hard when I live with my parents. ( not in college yet or in school currently) I most just am with my animals.

    I just feel really sad, like living physically is awful to me. I get thoughts of wishing I could just die and it would be easier, I'd be happier if I was dead, wishing I was dead etc. I've always been like this since 9th grade. The anxiety, sadness and anger literally builds up in my chest to the point of physical pain and I get so low feeling I feel like my heart is breaking.

    I feel like I just want to be alone for a long time and not talk to anyone even though I love them.I used to also have an eating disorder, and its so hard not to go back to right now. I feel like a pathetic loser and I cut myself down a lot.

    I can't talk to anyone about it because they cry and turn it all on them or get mad, no one can help me but myself. but I am worried i have some form of depression, and its getting worse, its almost been a month of losing interest in talking.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    That is a good place to be. Because in God's word it is clear from prophecy that God knows the end from the beginning. So go to Him who knows what is best to do and ask for guidance. As you ask God to lead you you will be amazed at His good guidance of you. I guarantee you will never regret a decision you know God lead you to make for Him and with Him.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Hey everyone is different in there own way keep your chin up and think happy!

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