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Lv 6

Jehovah's Witnesses: Why do you not want to be with Jesus and Jehovah?

There is only one hope of our one calling--that is the high calling to be joint-heirs with Jesus. That is the whole reason for the Gospel Age which we are in--why don't you want to be with the God you all say you love?

If you say there is no more opportunity for the high calling, please submit scriptural proof.

If you admit there is no scriptural proof, then why are you rejecting the calling?

I am not trying to be an adversary in asking these questions, I would like to hear your scriptural reasons for this decision on your part.




I believe in the earthly Kingdom and my question is not looking for proof of it, My question is why you are not interested in a heavenly call and to be part of the Bride of Christ--the Elect.

Many are called--(not just the 144K), few are the elect.

12 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Where does it say that just because we are on earth means we can't be with Jehovah? You should read Revelation 21:3.

    As for why I wouldn't want to be in heaven, let's just chalk that up to selfish human desires.

    Spirit creatures don't have bodies therefore they don't have a warm, soft touch from their spouse, no sex, no joy of eating, no enjoyment of having and raising children, no enjoyment of just laying in the grass on a warm day and soaking up the suns warmth.

    Space, in the physical sense is a cold, dark place, void of many of the comforts Jehovah created for us here. Why would I want to go there? Especially, since Jehovah created us to enjoy this type of life.

  • Mara
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    Me. myself do not feel that calling to "Rule in Heaven" I love and respect Jesus Christ for his sacrifice and as Our Ruling King.But I have no desire to rule over people. Sure heaven might be a nice place to visit but I am a Earthy person :) They will be working up there, not just floating on clouds playing harps.

    I would rather work here on earth, helping to restore it, playing with animals, seeing dead loved ones coming back and helping to educate people who are resurrected to learn about Jehovah. Even Jesus acknowledged that he had "Two flocks" and he does not think that it is bad that the majority of his followers will be here on earth. It does not mean we love Jesus any less because we are people who will not rule in heaven.

    John 10:16

    16 “And I have other sheep, which are not of this fold;+ those too I must bring in, and they will listen to my voice, and they will become one flock, one shepherd.+

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    "My question is why you are not interested in a heavenly call and to be part of the Bride of Christ--the Elect."

    Simple. I do not identify personally with what is stated at Romans 8:16,17: "The spirit itself bears witness with our spirit that we are God’s children. 17 If, then, we are children, we are also heirs—heirs indeed of God, but joint heirs with Christ. ."

    That calling does not originate with US, as you seem to imply by your "I would like to hear your scriptural reasons for this decision on your part."

    It is not OUR decision to make. If God's spirit identifies with our spirit that we are called and chosen to be joint heirs with Christ, then how is that OUR DECISION?

    It isn't.

    My hope [together with the vast majority of JWs] identifies with what is said at Daniel 7:13,14:

    "“I kept watching in the visions of the night, and look! with the clouds of the heavens, someone like a son of man [Jesus] was coming; and he gained access to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him up close before that One. 14 And to him there were given rulership, honor, and a kingdom, that the peoples, nations, and language groups should all serve him. His rulership is an everlasting rulership that will not pass away, and his kingdom will not be destroyed."

    I look forward to being among those "peoples, nations, and language groups [who will] all serve him."

  • 7 years ago

    It is not a matter of not wanting a close relationship with Jehovah and Jesus. All Christians want that. But it does not require a face to face relationship to be close to Jehovah. His holy spirit can give us the assurance that we have his approval.

    NO ONE is saying that there is no more opportunity to be selected. Where did you hear that?

    The number of 144,000 is not filled - How do we know?

    Revelation 7:1-4 - the four winds are still being held back TILL the number is filled.

    Romans 9: 16 shows that the "choice" to be included in that specific number is NOT our choice - even if we have the desire or the "qualifications" seem to be there.

    It is Jehovah's choice and his ALONE - because he has a SPECIFIC PURPOSE for those whom he selects. And HE ALONE knows who meets that criteria.

    A person living on a paradise earth with PERFECTION for MILLIONS of YEARS and in a CLOSE relationship with his Heavenly Father has a perspective that we cannot imagine. And we should never feel that what Jehovah INTENDED for mankind is not sufficient. That is not honorable or respectful toward him and his purpose.

    So no - those selected for earthly life instead of heavenly life do not turn down such a God-given privilege of life forever.

    By the same token, those who have been selected for heavenly life do not in any way forget what an awesome and immeasurable privilege it is to serve Jehovah, Jesus, and all mankind in such a fashion.

    Jehovah places in our hearts the desire that he has selected for us. Ephesian 1: 17,18 shows that he enlightens our heart to what HE desires for us BASED on wisdom AND accurate knowledge of him.

    Source(s): One of Jehovah's Witnesses
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  • Diane
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Well, I think my bros and sisters have answered for me :) The point is, that the world was created for mankind to live upon in paradise conditions for ever. The Bible tells us this. The only reason adam and eve arent living here today in those conditions is because they believed satan and challenged Jehovah's right to rule.

    Why would God create such a fantastic home and then have us all floating up to heaven? What would be the purpose? Would he have a training ground for angels where there is such inequality? What of the babies who are aborted by members of some religions?

    The Bible tells us Jehovah will give authority to Jesus and "his little flock of chosen ones" with the heavenly calling to act as priests and kings ruling "over the nations". Now, does heaven have nations? No, it doesnt, the people they are ruling over will be here on earth Jesus told us "the meek will inherit the earth and dwell upon it forever" - do you think he was lying to us? Further, it says the "last enemy, death, will be destroyed". So, was there ever any death in heaven? No, death was only here on earth due to adamic sin. So again, the Bible makes it clear that Gods will will be done, on earth (sound familiar?) as it is in heaven.

    Jehovahs purpose will be accomplished. He does not give up on his purposes. If he says something, it will be done and his purpose was for a family of man filling this wonderful home he made for us and living in peace in paradise conditions forever.

  • You asked "why are you not interested in a heavenly call and to be part of the Bride of Christ--the Elect."?

    Because I don't want to rule as a king or priest over the earth. I want to be a subject of that Kingdom and enjoy everlasting life on the earth when it is restored to paradise. That is my desire.

    Incidentally, when most people think of life in heaven, they think of paradise conditions, which is what the earth will be like.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Because I am not part of those "chosen" to be among those who have the heavenly hope. Jehovah God choses only 144,000 to be priests and kings with him and Christ Jesus.

    This is what is in store for those of mankind who obey Jehovah God--a restored paradise as it was in the beginning:

    "In the beginning, God created the heaven and the earth..."

    He created a perfect human couple, and Satan deceived them into believing they could be "like" Jehovah God. They sinned and God had warned them that if they did, "...they would surely die..." So all mankind had sin and death passed on to them.

    But Jehovah's purpose could not be thwarted--and He purposed " a new heaven and a NEW EARTH in which righteousness is to dwell."

    "David [whom the Bible refers to as being `a man agreeable to Jehovah's heart'] did not ascend to the heavens." No, but will be resurrected back to a paradise earth.

    Scriptures that state a new earth will be created and all God’s followers will live there

    Psalm 37:11

    But the meek shall inherit the earth; and shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace.

    Isaiah 65:17

    for, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth: and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind.

    Matthew 5:5

    Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

    Eternal Happiness - In Heaven Or On Earth? 

  • Rick G
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There is an old expression "Too many chiefs, not enough Indians".

    The doctrine you are teaching is that ALL will be priests and kings.

    Over whom?

    Without someone needing guidance, and help through priestly activities, just who would the billions of those who go to heaven help?

    The angels do not need it. They are faithful.

    Satan and his demons then? No, they are to be executed.

    Second question.

    Why does New Jerusalem, the Bride of Christ come down to the earth?

    According to your doctrine, there is NO one here. The righteous are in heaven, the rest, in some place of torture, eternally.

    Yet, Revelation 21 shows this happening after the descent of New Jerusalem.

    (Revelation 21:3, 4) 3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them. 4 And he will wipe out every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, neither will mourning nor outcry nor pain be anymore. The former things have passed away.”

    WHO is having their tears wiped from their eyes? No one in heaven cries. Death does not exist in heaven, so why state that death is "no more". Who suffers pain in heaven? NO ONE.

    Your position is out of harmony with both the Bible and logic. NO GOVERNMENT is ever THE WHOLE POPULATION! Even before mankind was Created, who was the ruler of the Universe? Jehovah God, and working with him his Son, who we know now as Jesus Christ.

    And as for your question why do we not want to be with Jesus and Jehovah in heaven, look again at Revelation 21:3

    (Revelation 21:3, 4) 3 With that I heard a loud voice from the throne say: “Look! The tent of God is with mankind, and he will reside with them, and they will be his people. And God himself will be with them.

    We do not need to be there in heaven to have our Heavenly Father's blessing and care. We will be his people, human children of God.

    (Romans 8:20, 21) 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but through the one who subjected it, on the basis of hope 21 that the creation itself will also be set free from enslavement to corruption and have the glorious freedom of the children of God.

  • Suzy
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Do you know the Bible talks about the Little Flock and the Great Crowd?

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