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Atheists, can the placebo effect raise people from the dead?

Atheists (or at least many) believe people can be healed with the placebo effect. They think when Christians go heal people of cancer, AIDS, broken bones, pain, etc. that we play with their minds, they're hired actors, or that they're healed because of the placebo effect. I've seen people be healed in videos and I've healed people before so if you came to tell me miracles like those don't happen you're gonna fail. Without arguing that Christians cannot raise the dead, how is it that people come back from the dead in cases when Christians tell them to rise up. For example the resurrection of Lazarus in the bible. There are many cases on the internet of the dead being raised before you say it doesn't happen.

20 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    "Atheists (or at least many) believe people can be healed with the placebo effect."

    It is a well established fact that the placebo effect can ameliorate symptoms, and it may contribute to the spontaneous remission of some diseases, such as cancer.

    "Without arguing that Christians cannot raise the dead, how is it that people come back from the dead in cases when Christians tell them to rise up."

    Why without arguing the Christians cannot raise up the dead? What on earth makes you think we would accept that they can. There may be occasional cases where people have been pronounced dead, but survived. I think that is more a question of determining the point of death.

    "For example the resurrection of Lazarus in the bible."

    If we believed the Bible, we would not be atheists.

    "There are many cases on the internet of the dead being raised before you say it doesn't happen."

    Can you provide a few examples, because I have never heard of any, and I imagine they would be very dubious cases.

  • 7 years ago

    "There are many cases on the internet of the dead being raised "

    Listen, maybe you have healing powers, maybe Lazarus was resurrected. But if you're going to go around telling people that it is true because you saw it on youtube, people will call you a goddamn idiot! No offense, I'm just telling you how it is.

  • 7 years ago

    Of course not. However your example of Lazarus cannot be taken as evidence. There is no corroborating back up this story from a reliable source. As far as your 'internet' cases, I would like to see the documentation by the physician or coroner involved. Was the person declared dead or only in a deep comma?

  • 7 years ago

    Why don't you cite any of these many cases you see on the internet?

    Do they tell you how these people were getting on 6 or 12 months later? If not, why not?

    Have you got any evidence that the placebo effect never works? If you do, let us see it.

    Have you got any evidence that these supposed people were actually dead, like complete cessation of brain function? If you have, cite it.

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  • 7 years ago

    Sounds like a testable hypothesis. You should have no difficulty providing links to studies proving its effectiveness against cancer, AIDS, physical trauma, and mortality. After all, the Placebo Effect is an active area of study in physiology. Ethical rules of clinical trials are for the timid, though. You could demonstrate the effectiveness of your hypothesis with your own death and revival by placebo. James Randi will hand over a million bucks for you to do your stunt under scientifically controlled conditions.

  • 7 years ago

    There are also many cases of aliens abducting people on the internet, but do you believe that, too? The placebo effect is a fact, but it seems like you do not understand it. the Placebo effect does not state that it cures Aids or broken bones or kills viruses. Have you read this article on faith healing?

    The point is, faith healing is a load of crock. If it were true, then why do people still die of cancer and hunger even though they believe in God so much? Most true believers in God do not even believe in faith healers. why dont the faith healers put their power together to influence lawmakers to give real people affordable healthcare?

  • 7 years ago

    nobody has ever been "raised from the dead" by some effect caused by prayer. Not ever.

    religious people just need to grow up; they're acting like children when they pretend to heal people.

  • 7 years ago

    By definition an atheist is not someone who believes the Bible is entirely truthful. Attempting to convince an atheist that Christianity is true by pointing at an event in the Bible is a waste of both of your times.

  • Jay R
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    You've cited two indisputable sources of "information", the Bible and the Internet. Yabig dummeh.

  • Mack
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Nothing raises people who've been dead 3 days.... Nothing!

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