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  • Atheists, can the placebo effect raise people from the dead?

    Atheists (or at least many) believe people can be healed with the placebo effect. They think when Christians go heal people of cancer, AIDS, broken bones, pain, etc. that we play with their minds, they're hired actors, or that they're healed because of the placebo effect. I've seen people be healed in videos and I've healed people before so if you came to tell me miracles like those don't happen you're gonna fail. Without arguing that Christians cannot raise the dead, how is it that people come back from the dead in cases when Christians tell them to rise up. For example the resurrection of Lazarus in the bible. There are many cases on the internet of the dead being raised before you say it doesn't happen.

    20 AnswersMythology & Folklore7 years ago
  • Crested gecko egg turning like a light tan color?

    I've been incubating two eggs for 34 days and they seem to be doing fine. They've grown a bit but one recently began to turn into like a light tanish color. It's softer than the other one. The other one is white and looks good. I have the right humidity and temperature and there's no mold or anything growing on the egg. I only touch them when to wipe water off because sometimes water begins to drip from the lid. I'm just going to leave it alone and check up on it more often, but does anyone know why this happens?

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Healing in Jesus name?

    I've been serving God in word and not in action so I want to start doing works. I've been knowing of healing for a while and I wanted to do but it but I became discouraged because I feel like I'm gonna get stuck when I go up to someone to heal them. I'm pretty knowledgeable about Christ and spirituality and I have experience talking to people about Jesus on here but I've never gone out and actually do it to a stranger. I guess I'm still considered a babe in Christ in terms of works so I feel like someone might ask me a question and I won't know how to answer it. I've only been a Christian for about 5 months and I've read more than half of the bible. I need tips.

    8 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Should I feed my bearded dragons dead dubia roaches?

    I was just checking up on my colony and I found a dead large nymph and adult male. I've fed my bearded dragons dead dubias before and never had an issue but I don't know if these are okay. The abdomens feel softer than usual. I think they might be full of gases but their abdomens don't look inflated. I'd rather throw them away just to be safe but I'm just wondering if they're still okay to feed.

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Why is my crested gecko egg denting?

    I have it in a deli cup with a !:2 ratio of vermiculite to water. I only have one air hole but I open the container a couple of times a week. It gets around the mid 80s inside the container and the humidity is around the 50s. Could it just be that I don't have enough humidity? Or could it just be a dead egg? My female had laid another clutch before but I'm pretty sure they were dead eggs since they began to rot in like the first week and they looked different. She's over a year old and my male looks to be around the same age. I'm not sure exactly how old he is because I got him as a juvenile like 5 months ago. He looks like he's at the right size and age to breed so I don't know if it's just me doing something wrong or the eggs are infertile. Also, when I had dug up the egg it had these small red and green speckles which weren't parasites or bugs. The other clutch of eggs didn't have them so I don't know what they are. Anyways, if anyone can give me suggestions on incubating future eggs better and increasing the humidity I'd appreciate it.

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Can I pay bill me later with my paypal balance?

    Also, can I still buy something will bill me later even though I don't have any funds. I also don't have a credit card account connected, so how would that work? I've seen many people say not to use it because they get random fees but it's probably their fault. Should I trust it?

    2 AnswersPersonal Finance7 years ago
  • Should I go to college?

    I just finished high school and I'm planning on what to do with my life. To make things a little bit clearer I'm a born again Christian. I'm going to college to earn more money but simply because I don't plan on living on a minimum wage for the rest of my life. I plan on eating organic and that can get a little pricy. I like to draw and I've been recently looking into animation and graphic designing. I originally planned to work for a big name company for the money but I changed my mind. Besides, I don't to be working on pieces with subliminal messages and satanic symbolism. I don't want to contribute to the rotting of kids' brains. I want to go into animation but for making Christian cartoons but a job like that is going to be hard to find so I'm considering graphic design. I just don't know if I really want to go to college. In the end it's not going to matter if i became wealthy or not. Besides, I want to fully give my life to Christ and help others. I prefer going into a job where I'm doing labor than working in a job where I have to socialize with people a lot. I want to avoid talking with people because most just talk about secular/worldly things. I need help deciding if I should go to college and pursue an ok career or get a job that pays the equivalent but it involves actual labor. I just want to live simple, get by, and devote my life to Christ. Please only serious answers. If you're gonna bash on Christianity or be a troll take it somewhere else.

    15 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • How do Petco Rewards Work?

    I can some points that I want to use to buy some stuff for my reptiles. How do actually use them?

    1 AnswerSmall Business7 years ago
  • Questions about deliverance of demons?

    I recently converted to Christianity couple months ago when I was delivered and I've been wanting to deliver people, not to prove them that demons exist or whatever but to help them get saved. I know I'm still pretty weak since I've been a Christian for a short time and I've only fasted like 5 times for periods of about two days. But can I still get the weaker spirits out? Can I only deliver someone who has faith? How long should I fast to be able to get the stronger demons out? How do I know if I'm like ready to be able to deliver someone?

    6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Lost with my life?

    I'm 17 and a senior in high school. I'm having a hard time deciding what to with my life. I feel like I don't fit in this society. I don't know why but it really bothers me when I look around and observe society. All I see is mindless sheep with selfish goals and motives. I feel like I'm lost in this world and nobody understands how I feel. I think a lot about my future but I don't really feel like going to college and pursuing a career. I'm Christian and I'm always like thinking about end times and going to heaven and leaving this place. I don't want to be rich, famous, or whatever. I just want to happy in life but it seems impossible today. Like I just want to leave to somewhere far and never come back. I don't care about leaving material objects behind or friends and family because I feel like they're ignorant and brainwashed in this secular society. I wish I can go somewhere and start fresh but I don't want to have to deal with money or stuff like that. However, I know it's probably impossible. I love to draw and I want to express my thoughts through art but I just don't know what I should pursue. The only art major that interests me is animation. I don't even know what community college to go to or what university to transfer to. Anyone that has pursued or is pursuing animation please help, I don't know what to do.

    11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years ago
  • Can I use eco earth for crested gecko eggs?

    About two days ago I found two eggs and I currently have them on eco earth. The thing about it is that it gets too moist. Meanwhile I order some vermiculite or hatchrite oline, what can I use instead of eco earth?

    2 AnswersReptiles7 years ago
  • Moldy crested gecko eggs?

    I have two crested gecko eggs that have like some moldy crust on them. It's white and I've already removed it a few times already in the past few weeks. I keep seeing the same stuff grow back and I'm starting to see some small whitish, translucent worms on the eggs. The substrate in the deli cup I have them in seems to have the right humidity. It's not too damp or too dry. I also open the container a few times a week for ventilation. I'm not sure about what I'm doing wrong and I need help.

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Red eye tree frog skin problem?

    So I recently got some red eye tree frogs and one of them has like a rash on one of it's legs. The best way I can describe it is like a nose rub but on it's leg. Does anyone have an idea on how to cure it? I read that polysporin will help cure nose rub but I'm not sure if it'll work the same. If anyone has had this issue please tell me how its caused to prevent it from happening again.

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Turtle eye drop for leopard gecko?

    My leopard gecko seems to have some skin on one of her eyes and I saw on some forums that people recommend using turtle eye drops. Have any of you used them for your leopard gecko and did they solve the problem?

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Help with leopard gecko eye infection?

    My leopard gecko's left eye is a little cloudy and it looks like she has some skin or some white stuff on her eye. What can I use to treat the infection?

    1 AnswerReptiles7 years ago
  • Help with French children's book?

    I have to make a story in French. I need help revising the story. It's about a boy named Marc and his dog Max who ran away so the kid is sad. Please tell me if its correct.

    This is the third paragraph from the story.

    Son parents ont dir a Marc que ils etaient alle a acheter un autre chien. Marc a dit que il ne voulu un autre chien, il a voulu Max. (His parents told Marc that they were going to buy another dog. Marc said that he didn't want another dog, he wanted Max.)

    Un jour, Marc a alle a l'animalerie. Il a vu un chien blanc et il a voulait l'acheter. Mais il a se rappeler de son compagnon Max. Une fille a acheté le chien et elle avait l'air heureux avec il. Marc avait l'air tres deprime et il desire il pourrait être heureux avec Max nouveau. (One day, Max went to the pet store. He saw a white dog and he wanted to buy it. But he remembered about his companion Max. A girl bought the dog and she looked happy with him. Marc looked very depressed and he wished he could be happy with Max again)

    Le propriétaire de l'animalerie a demandé pourquoi il avait l'air Marc très triste. Marc lui a dit que son chien Max avait couru loin. Le propriétaire de l'animalerie lui a dit qu'il était désolé d'entendre cela. (The owner of the pet store asked why Marc why he looked very sad, Marc said that his dog Max had ran away. The pet store owner told him he was sorry to hear that.)

    I need help translating this: Max left the store and went home. The next day he woke up and heard barking outside. He opened his window and he saw Max standing outside on his porch. He ran to open the door because he was excited to see Max. When he opened the door, he ran to Max and started playing with him.

    He told his dad to build Max a fence and a dog house so that he wouldn't run away.He helped his dad build them. Marc wanted to make Max a name plate so he painted his name on a piece of wood. Marc's dad helped him to put it on his new dog house.

    When they finished, Marc was happy because Max returned and he built him a nice house. Marc started to walk Max every day and play with him.

    1 AnswerBooks & Authors7 years ago
  • Any ideas for community service for service learning project for teen pregnancy?

    I have to community hours but the service has to relate to teen pregnancy. I was thinking like a course about teen pregnancy but I don't know?

    1 AnswerTeaching7 years ago