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Lost with my life?

I'm 17 and a senior in high school. I'm having a hard time deciding what to with my life. I feel like I don't fit in this society. I don't know why but it really bothers me when I look around and observe society. All I see is mindless sheep with selfish goals and motives. I feel like I'm lost in this world and nobody understands how I feel. I think a lot about my future but I don't really feel like going to college and pursuing a career. I'm Christian and I'm always like thinking about end times and going to heaven and leaving this place. I don't want to be rich, famous, or whatever. I just want to happy in life but it seems impossible today. Like I just want to leave to somewhere far and never come back. I don't care about leaving material objects behind or friends and family because I feel like they're ignorant and brainwashed in this secular society. I wish I can go somewhere and start fresh but I don't want to have to deal with money or stuff like that. However, I know it's probably impossible. I love to draw and I want to express my thoughts through art but I just don't know what I should pursue. The only art major that interests me is animation. I don't even know what community college to go to or what university to transfer to. Anyone that has pursued or is pursuing animation please help, I don't know what to do.

11 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It looks like you're interested in animation. There is a degree which covers this field. See . There are a range of possible jobs available when you graduate with this course. As for school, this college selector tool can help you find which schools offer animation: .

  • nimiه
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    you are a confused lad which happens normally in your age so Keep calm and let things happen, nothing is permanment, with time it will fade away.

  • 7 years ago

    first you need to decide what to do to support your self

    we have to work to earn money to provide shelter and food for our self and transportation.

    god does not want us to be loners or look at people as if their ignorant and does not want us to be uncaring about them.

    if you have the love of god you would show care and concern for others

  • 7 years ago

    A challenge, but not impossible. You are what you think. Change the way you feel by first changing the way you think. This is not a miracle cure for eliminating life's problems, there will always be challenges to deal with..what changes is the way in which you approach them and how long you allow yourself to be affected by life's trials.

    It is also useful to stop evaluating happiness on the basis of arriving at destinations and instead see the whole of your life as a continuing journey, (one that you have just recently started) each moment of which is here for you to enjoy. One of life’s most important lessons is: Don’t evaluate your life in terms of achievements, trivial or monumental, along the way. If you do, you will be destined to the frustration of always seeking out other destinations, never allowing yourself actually to be fulfilled. Whatever you achieve, you will immediately have to plan your next achievement so that you will have a new gauge of how successful and happy you are.

    Getting real joy out of life calls for a realistic appraisal of the present. Solomon puts it this way: “Better is the seeing by the eyes than the walking about of the soul. This too is vanity and a striving after the wind.” (Eccl. 6:9) Even wealthy people who have all that they desire in a material way recognize within themselves soulful desires that wealth cannot satisfy. Unfulfilled desires ‘walk about,’ so to speak, by driving people continually to seek changed circumstances. Though an occasional change from a person’s regular routine can be of benefit, some go to extremes by constantly changing their places of residence and employment, continually bounding from one thing to another in a vain quest for happiness. Much better, according to the Scriptures, is “the seeing by the eyes.” The truly wise course is for an individual to be content with and to enjoy what he can look at right now, that is, what he has at present.

    Nothing in our society teaches us how to live now; everything in our society circumvents it. When we reach school, our parents and our teachers are already saying, What next? Get ready! We enter college and the pressure increases: What next? We become conditioned early to thinking ahead, and apply it everywhere; it has become a habit of thought. We look ahead to arriving somewhere—anywhere, it scarcely matters. We anticipate the wonderful day when we find the magic ‘other’ with whom life will be so much richer, and then to next year’s vacation, or to what we will do when the children are grown, or to retirement. We are always in suspension, and when the future arrives that is to magically heal and change us, it turns out to be no different from today.

    Wake up and appreciate everything you encounter along your path. Enjoy the flowers that are there for your pleasure. Tune in to the sunrise, the little children, the laughter, the rain, and the birds. Drink it all in, rather than waiting to get to some always-future point where it will be all right for you to relax. Indeed, success—even life itself—is nothing more than moments to enjoy, one at a time in the now. When you understand this principle, you will stop evaluating your happiness on the basis of achievements, and instead look upon the whole trip of life as something to be happy about. Or to sum it up, there is no way to happiness, because happiness is the way.”

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  • 7 years ago

    There are some artists/animators that have found a niche on youtube or various websites like that, where they share their work. Today there are many ways for artists to sell their art online.

    Sometimes, people at your age, ready to make their way in the world, vacillate between the safety of home and everything familiar, and the need to launch out into what is unknown. That's normal. Don't burn the bridges. Even after you move out, you will find comfort with family, who generally have your best interests at heart, even if you don't agree with the paths they may have chosen for you.

    God also has a plan for you. How can you know it if you do not read and study His Word to know what His plan is and what your place in it is?

    Deuteronomy 4:29 KJV But if from thence thou shalt seek the LORD thy God, thou shalt find him, if thou seek him with all thy heart and with all thy soul. 30 When thou art in tribulation, and all these things are come upon thee, even in the latter days, if thou turn to the LORD thy God, and shalt be obedient unto his voice; 31 (For the LORD thy God is a merciful God;) he will not forsake thee, neither destroy thee, nor forget the covenant of thy fathers which he sware unto them.

    Also, your name means 'God is Judge'. He made everything here and He plans on coming here to live. Enjoy and be thankful for Him in your life and all that He made and gives you to enjoy.

    Psalm 118:23 KJV This is the LORD'S doing; it is marvellous in our eyes. 24 This is the day which the LORD hath made; we will rejoice and be glad in it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    very artistic and creative people often feel the human world is pointless and does not siut them as they are highly spiritual. The danger is they often go even further in that direction and totally distance themselves.The human world is about dealing with all types of people and situations.If you are not balanced then it is going to be a rough ride. You should do the arts to relax but you need to do a more grounded career to keep you in check or you will loose hope.Find a career that makes you money so you are stable and learn to invest, once you are free of the finacial burden then you can pursue your arts.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    When I was 17, I was sniffing petrol, so I don't know if I'm the best person to answer this, but what you need is a girlfriend, or maybe a boyfriend, I can't tell. Girls seem to like money, and you will soon figure out you need it, so focus on school and getting good grades, and everything will work out.

  • 7 years ago

    <<< Like I just want to leave to somewhere far and never come back >>>

    There are hundreds of refugee camps in the World. Do you think that those people are happy because they escaped a war?

    You are just too lucky to live in a rich country, relatively secure ...

    Imagine if you had to struggle to get enough money to eat, to travel, to get some activities ..

    Imagine if you had to struggle to have the right of speech, without fear to be killed or beaten.

    Now you are lucky!

    Can you deal with your luck?

    Just hit your dreams from the luck that you had that not everybody has!

    <<< I don't care about leaving material objects behind or friends and family because I feel like they're ignorant and brainwashed in this secular society >>>

    Then are they poor the great American preachers?

    Do you really wish to live in a hut in the forest and constantly pray at your divinities because the secular society is too much materialist?

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    If you don't want to deal with money, go do drugs and do something real dumb so you can go to jail be in jail for the rest of your life. You have to stop blaming others and the world for your unhappiness and take action to set out and make the life you want, its really simple, you can do whatever you want you know. Start by listening to the "strangest secret" by Earl Nightingale, I guarantee you it will open your eyes and mind about the world and reality. Good luck!

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You need to get in your Heavenly Fathers's word more so you can obtain the divine wisdom that He shares with us from above. You will need the gospel armour of Ephesians chapter 6. We are at spiritual war. We may get a little persecution here on earth, but the wicked will be gone where we are going. We are in the world, we are not of it. Go in peace, your name is written in the book of life (if) you believe. P.S. faith without works is dead.

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