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why does everyone hate muslims?

Honestly Im very open minded. I was born into a Muslim family and even though I disagree with some things and I'm not even religious.. Its not a bad religion. Everyone sees us as terrorists. I was born and raised an american and I love it here. I get so much hate for what I believe in though. If you hate us.. Why? Even with the Palestine/ Israel war I LOVE JEWS. I dislike Zionists for killing innocent children but if I can accept Jews even with the conflicts why do random impartial people dislike us? I get it there are SOME extremists but every religion has that

8 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Religious people openly hate. I'm a hippie, I believe in god, I believe in a creator. I believe in love and treating all people and nature as you would want to be treated yourself. A lot of people are christian amd don't even know anything about christianity but they hate muslims simply because they aren't christians. Arians hate black people for no reason other thanthe fact that their parents and people they know hate black people. Americans hate muslims because they way they are portrayed in the media. Nobody informs americans of the good things muslims have done in history. We were brought up seeing them as terrorists because our country uses media to enforce and manipulates our thoughts. If people would stop following what everyone else does,and stop trying to fit in then they might think for themselves. They might think of muslims as that sweet man that owns the store down the road. But until u.s. media stops what its doing, and until christianity stops hating, there will be racism

  • 7 years ago

    The treatment advocated in the Quran towards "infidels" and women has a lot to do with it, and the actions of the followers who carry out said treatment. I don't personally hate Muslims, but I do strongly oppose Islam for the reasons I listed above.

  • 7 years ago

    Blame it on the media for all the negative publicity that Muslims have gotten because of Muslim international, lawless acts of terror, destruction, and violence against innocents. The fact that you are not a strong observer of Islamic Law, you are probably targeted for violence from your fundamentalist brethren.

  • 7 years ago

    Muslims follow a very dangerous religion.

    The problem with Islam is not bad people, but bad ideology. “Islam” is a word that means “Submission”. The Quran contains at least 109 verses that call Muslims to war with nonbelievers for the sake of Islamic rule. Islam was spread throughout the remains of the Roman and Byzantine Empires, North Africa, and Europe through fast and persistent violence and persecution. Unfortunately, in “the Religion of Peace” there are very few verses of tolerance and peace to balance out the many verses that call for nonbelievers to be fought and subdued until they either accept humiliation, convert to Islam, or are killed. Muhammad's own legacy along with the remarkable stress on violence found in the Quran have produced a trail of blood and tears across world history. The past 1400 years have resulted in 548 Battles and 19,000 Jihad Attacks responsible for the deaths of 270 million people. It makes the Crusades look like a mosquito bite. An accurate statistical analysis of all the acts of violence and their dates has concluded that Islam is 91% violence and 9% peace.

    Jihad itself is responsible for the deaths of:

    Christians – 60 million

    Buddhists – 10 million

    Hindus – 80 million

    Africans – 120 million

    Total – 270 million

    That being said, most Muslims exercise a personal choice to interpret the Quran’s call to arms according to their own moral preconceptions about justifiable violence. Many Muslims are even against the extreme interpretation of the Quran and Sharia Law, and are therefore also targeted by other Muslims with Fundamentalist ideals who say that they are not “Real Muslims”. Muslim Fundamentalists are often called “Mujahideen” and “Jihadists” fit under this term.

    Extremist organisations include:


    Al Quada

    ISIS (Mujahideen Shura Council)




    Here are some examples of Sharia Law (Biblical Canon) that the Islamic fundamentalists want to impose on the rest of the world.

    Jihad: Jihad is holy war against the infidels of the world. All Muslims are obliged to kill the infidel. An infidel is a non-Muslim. Many Muslims think that killing an infidel guarantees going straight to paradise.

    Apostasy: All apostates are to be killed. An apostate is any person who renounces Islam and changes his religion. Allah tells Muslims to kill anyone who rejects Islam, converts to another religion, or becomes an atheist.

    Criticism of Islam: The death penalty applies to Muslims who criticize Muhammad, the Qur’an, or Sharia Law.

    Freedom of Worship: Although Islam pays lip service to “people of the book” (other Abrahamic religions), and the Qur’an says to respect and honor all people irrespective of their religion, the reality is that some Islamic countries are persecuting Christians and other religions, targeting their places of worship, and killing and imprisoning believers. Persecution is intense in Saudi Arabia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Somalia, Yemen, Maldives, and other countries with a strong Islamic influence.

    Female victims of rape: Sharia Law protects rapists. A woman making an accusation of rape has to provide four male witnesses. If she is unable to do so, she will be flogged or stoned as punishment. Thousands of women are imprisoned as a result of unsuccessful charges of rape, and some are even stoned to death. Rapists are seldom brought to trial, let alone punished.

    Miscellaneous crimes: Fornication and adultery: Unmarried fornicators are to be whipped, and adulterers are to be stoned to death. Homosexuality: Homosexuals must be executed. Theft: Any person found stealing is to have a hand cut off. Battery and assault: An injured party can extract legal revenge, following the “eye for an eye” rule.

    The violent and sexist ideology of Islam, in my opinion, is best left in the Dark Ages where it belongs.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Well brother, it was predicted that we will be forced out of our homes and be persecuted for worship the one true God. Isn't it happening right now?

  • Keith
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The first word you used "Honestly",

    HONESTLY!!!!!! you really do not know. HONESTLY!!!!!

    Okay Isis, Isil, benladen, need I go on to the world events playing out now as the day and nights and the headlights are turned on and off, of the swordsmen in their costumes, heading off, innocent reporting.


    I rest my case.


    Source(s): The Bible KJV
  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I like to see whom I fight.

    Attachment image
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