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Is there a method to the liberal madness?

It's Pot for the Poor in California

In my experience with California’s lower income neighborhoods there is one item that is never reported to be in short supply.

Fathers are absent. Stable homes are absent. Jobs are absent. Education is absent. And due to state government incompetence, even water is absent.

But I’ve never heard anything about a shortage of marijuana.

And although I am unable to verify this from personal experience, those in the know say most consumers begin their search for wacky tobaccy in our less fortunate areas where local entrepreneurs are ready and able to meet demand.

This is why it was surprising when Fox News reported the Berkeley City Council unanimously passed an ordinance “ordering medical marijuana dispensaries to donate 2 percent of their stash to patients making less than $32,000 a year.”

Meaning Berkeley becomes the first city in the nation to offer dope stamps along with food stamps. It also makes one wonder if the no smoking rules in council chambers also apply to marijuana?

I’ve long contended that the left’s main goal is to encourage dependency and increase support for big government’s big giveaways. Providing free pot is the example that says it all. The only way to add to it is by also distributing free munchies at a city-sponsored Harold & Kumar film festival.

7 Answers

  • Kojak
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Method"...... myopic.....emotionalism.... They seem to be incapable of rational thought....logic..... the ability to see ramifications..... or find a liberal solving the problem is not near as important as doing something....anything.....

    they are largely emotional not cerebral...... governance should be based on FACTS.....and sound LOGIC..... not emotionalism

  • 7 years ago

    For the liberals who still think this is logical!

    The ordinance itself is also a somewhat lethargic response to a nonexistent problem, also nothing new for the Berkeley political giants.

    Many medical marijuana dispensaries have been giving away their product to the poor for years. The New York Times reported Berkeley Patients Group, one of the largest dispensaries, has done it for over 10 years.

    Even better, the Times found a poet who has been on the receiving end of the maryjane and he typifies the attitude surrounding the marijuana milieu. When asked, he couldn't remember how long he had been toking on free mota or even why he qualified.

    “It could be for my allergies, or my arthritis — you know what happens to us folks: We forget.”

  • 7 years ago

    You really have a way with words. Just had to tell you. (as in good!) Pot is a reality in poverty stricken areas because it is a source of income and it is something which entertains and calms down these stressed out people. At least it doesn't hurt the liver. But more importantly it is a medicine for many people and extremely beneficial to them. It has been proven enough to have made it to mainstream health

    care. So giving out pot stamps may be a laughable idea but at least people who require it can get it.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    You obviously disagree with the medical conclusion that marijuana is an effective treatment for some illnesses. That is, of course, your right. However, it is also the right of others to agree with that conclusion. Once it is accepted that marijuana is an effective medicine, it is not a radical idea that people who have an income from providing medicine to those who can pay have a social responsibility to provide medication to ill people who are unable to pay. In fact, some marijuana collectives already do so without any legal requirement to do so. Words which might be used to describe those who would deny medicine to the poor would be "heartless," "cruel," or "Republican."

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  • 7 years ago


    You say:

    “I’ve long contended that the left’s main goal is to encourage dependency and increase support for big government’s big giveaways.”

    Well if that is the case then why are the red states handing out the most welfare? Oh you don’t believe me; see for yourself:

  • 7 years ago

    All you can do is watch. So much has changed, so much for the worse. It is sad, like seeing a bad *** horse being taken to the glue factory while people spit on it and throw rocks. It sucks my friend, it sucks bad man.

  • 7 years ago

    Just make sure you vote this Fall.

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