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when and how did IS (ISIS, ISIL) start, and how did it start? and syria as part of it? what is the caliphate & Levant?

we didn't hear of the IS until only recently, but due to their number, i wonder, when did they form as a group? HOW did they form as a group? WHERE did they form as a group and how did they do it?

how does syria enter the picture? IS there a syria today? does ISIS control syria or is it the other way around? how, why, when?

what is the caliphate? it is a leadership that began after mohammed died, correct? i.e., the caliph is the leader? leader over whom? why? how? when?

what part does Levant play in the aspirations of IS? please be expansive!

first we heard of al queda, then we heard of all the woes of syria, then, bam!, there's the Islamic State (IS), a/k/a sometimes as ISIS (what does that mean?) or ISIL, referring to the Levant, but why?

what is the Levant other than a piece of territory? why is it so important?

who started IS and how did it grow to such huge numbers in so short of a time?

it wants to take over the world in order to convert the infidel, right? that means exactly what? what is the infidel in terms of the shia and sunni constantly fighting?

isn't the true meaning of the infidel anyone that is not willingly beholden to allah?

why do you let the muslims in the united states have so much attention, as though they have special privileges, considering their perpetual hate, killing, torture, and demand to take all of us to their allah, no matter what you believe?

10 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    ISIS is the most extremist Sunni jihadists intent on destroying anyone who is not one of them!

    I am Shia but I know Sunni brothers are not terrorist .terrorists are ISIS.they are Wahhabi Takfiri.ISIS or ISIL is creation of musad.US arm and support ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

    The former NSA and CIA agent Edward Snowden revealed that the leader of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi was trained in Israel.

    Snowden added that the American CIA and the British Intelligence collaborated with the Israeli Mossad to create a terrorist organization that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called “the hornet’s nest”.

    The “Hornet’s nest’’ strategy aims to bring all the major threats to one place in order to track them, and mostly to shake the stability of the Arab countries. The NSA agent revealed that the ISIS “Calif”, Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi went trough intense military training in the Israeli intelligence “Mossad”.

    Besides military training, Al Baghdadi studied communication and public speaking skills in order to attract “terrorists” from all the corners of the world.

    The Centre for Research on Globalization (CRG), an independent non-profit organization in the province of Quebec, Canada, which focuses on research and media, relayed a story about this as well, adding that “three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place,” using the aforementioned “the hornet’s nest” strategy.

    “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state is to create an enemy near its borders,” Snowden was reported to say.

    For the time being, Snowden is still “blocked” in the international zone of a Russian airport in Moscow as he can’t travel anywhere because his passport was revoked recently.,ques.qu...

  • 7 years ago

    So, you want to know all these details, after not paying any attention for some time. And you ask HERE?

    ISIS or ISIL is a break-off group from Al Qaeda in Iraq; they formed in Syria, but the leadership are Iraqi Sunnis, alienated by the Iraqi/Bush administration "Debaathification" policy, after the overthrow of Saddam Hussien.

    Yes, there's still a Syria. ISIS controls PARTS of Syria; the government of Syria (that so many Syrians were trying to get rid of) controls much of Syria; other rebels control other parts.

    LOL, the "Caliphate" is something that Al Qaeda was trying to accomplish (or said it was); no, it hasn't existed all along; it was declared by ISIS, after they took some territory in Syria and then some territory in Iraq.

    The whole "ISIS/ISIL" thing is because they aren't English speakers, on the whole, but Arabs. So we're dealing with translations of what they call themselves. So there are different ways of translating what they call themselves.

    [I know I'm missing some questions, because it's a PAIN to scroll up to read a bit; then scroll down to write; then scroll up to read another bit. Sometimes this site lets me scroll up and have the Q and my answer on screen at the same time.]

    It's not THAT huge. I don't know it wants to "take over the WORLD" but that's clearly unrealistic, if true.

    ????? IS isn't based in the US. People who aren't morons realize that ISIS is a TINY percent of all the over a BILLION Muslims in the world.

    The US doesn't murder people who live here just because of their religion, because that would be WRONG -- as every HUMAN would realize.

    We DON'T "give Muslims in the US so much attention" at all. Where you got that imbecilic idea is unclear.

    If you refuse to pay any attention at all to what's going on, it's stupid to express ideas based on ignorance and cluelessness.

    No, of course Muslims in the US don't get "special privileges" at all. You just made up that stupid lie. That we don't murder people isn't special at all; it's just what HUMANS do (which seem to be yet another thing you don't at all understand).

    And, only sub-human, hate-mongering morons think ALL Muslims kill, torture, etc. Obviously, the vast majority do NOT do those things.

  • 7 years ago

    The core of this organization appears to be the army generals from Saddaam's regime. They appear to have linked up several organizations for their movement. As generals they know how to organize and motivate their troops, and from the pictures it looks like they are well supplied - they are getting funding from somewhere... The stage was set in Iraq for the formation of this organization when the US created a power vacuum by toppling the old regime and failing to put something substantial to replace it.

    The US has a history of this type of activity - CIA informants have told us that they created the Al Queda (OBL worked for them in Afghanistan doing this) as an organization to fight the Russians. After they were no longer needed the US abandoned them to their own devices, and they have caused trouble ever since.

  • Anonymous
    5 years ago

    It's actually ISIL - Islamic state of Iraq and the Levant. ISIS more catchy for western audiences.

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  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    In March of 1928, in Ismaïlia, Egypt, and by Hassan al-Banna.

    At that time, it called itself the Muslim Brotherhood, and it's still operating under that name today. Al-Qaeda was founded by Muslim Brotherhood punks who fled Egypt rather than go to jail where they belonged.

    It's Muslim Brotherhood members who started the war in Syria, and many of them have transferred into ISIS. That's good because that means they've surfaced in a way and a place where we can erase them, just like we did in Iraq and just like the military has and is doing in Egypt.

  • 5 years ago

    If IS is just a small fraction why doesn't IS kill all the Muslim infidels in the middle east first? They have a lot of internal work to do first before attempting a jihad

    in other countries.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Ask the nearly 50% of Mus1ims who support terrorism.


    Attachment image
  • Ksh
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    it started because of iraq war, Bush is responsible for destabilizing middle east...

  • 7 years ago

    McCain and Graham gave it birth. Call it an ###%%%% baby.

  • 7 years ago

    Please read this and it may help.

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