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Favorite Answers24%

i truly wish that every child had the childhood i had. your entire foundation for the rest of your life is formed between years zero to three. if you are not loved preciously, as i was, you have a rocky road ahead. i think for myself. i automatically abandon vague conversations--be explicit.

  • what would ISIS (ISIL, the IS) do if, for no reason, allies bombed Mecca into a 1/2 mile hole in the ground?

    so if the IS can, and does, kill so many innocent "infidels" located in, for instance, an international airport anywhere on earth, or runs rampant in "gay" bars using a gun to kill visitors, or sends jet airplanes into skyscrapers, or takes young muslim women that have been raped and straps TNT vests onto them and puts them onto buses, only to blow them and their occupants up, mangled beyond recognition and blown to death, or kidnaps more of their "enemies," the kurdish or shia children, chops off their heads, puts the bloody heads onto the tips of their wooden spikes and then encircles their muslim/christian "unbelievers"/"infidel villages with them, or hides bombs inside of unmarked briefcases on public trains that then release sarin, then, what do you think they would DO should the combined armed forces of all the countrymen they have brutally and viciously slaughtered and maimed, get together and bomb THEIR "special" holy place in saudi arabia called Mecca, uh, and maybe they'd even announce that they did it for "no reason?"

    i wait a LONG time to give a BA thanks to changes made by yahoo! for Answers, but only to one that fully explains their answer. one-sentence answers ignored/thumbed down.

    can nothing stop these madmen, so vicious and so cruel?

    would THAT make them stop?

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • isn t the question "what ethnic background are you" (in any sort of phrase) a RACIST question?

    i am so OFFENDED when i partake to answer the questions in a survey, and one of them is constantly related to what race/color/ethnicity i am.

    i submit that this RACIST question in itself should be taken out of the census and all questionnaires of any type.

    it can be: "are you homo sapiens?" isn t that enough?

    (when i worked the 1990 census, the people could say they were martians or vampires. they could say that they came from the moon, so long as the COUNT of "people" living in the residence was correct).

    i am utterly offended whenever anyone asks me what race i am! aren t you? i propose that you never answer that question, and that it is so offensive that it be removed from anything, including surveys for marketers and ad executives.

    what do you say to that? please EXPLAIN. (you DO have a brain in your homo sapiens head, don t you? so elaborate! all one liners are either ignored or thumbed down. it will take me some time to award the coveted best answer because the only answers i will pay attention to are those that are backed up with the reasoning that your brain SHOULD do for you! and do not fall back on the current movement that children should no longer even be taught SCRIPT HANDWRITING to pass school!, e.g., an example of how you are getting so dumbed down that no wonder our business is sent to malasia!

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys5 years ago
  • what one factor would you choose to NOT vote for bernie sanders, hillary clinton or donald trump? who scares you most & why?

    (look for elipses -- ... -- because this question is multi faceted and has to be continued in a comment due to character count). use your BRAIN, elaborate, if you want the coveted BA.

    for me, and i have been around, i find this election pretty scary. sanders is a marxist. clinton is a smooth-tongued liar that caused the benghazi (libya) blood bath that caused our ambassador to be murdered along with 3 other americans and whom i do wonder authorized her to have 2, not 1, national security administration SERVERS in her two houses (no 2 being her vacation home) and there is evidence that she passed state secrets using them, or trump, the real estate mogul that will not show us his (under audit) 2015 income tax return (why doesn't he offer to let us see the 2014 return?) and is loose canon fodder, telling us that we will all be one happy american family again, but who does not point out (none of the candidates ever do, other than ron paul) HOW he will get congress to work on it, like to put americans back into middle class, good income jobs whereby they may reasonably buy a house and afford the mortgage payments.

    AND, as i AM an expert in real estate, so is trump albeit of HUGE ...

    3 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • why not amend the law so that a president can ONLY sit in office ONE six-year term with no re-election hopes?

    year one is the honeymoon. year two a little work gets done. another six months, a little more work gets done. THEN, ta da! now is the time to work on getting reelected, and it is assumed, by them, that they will, and they do.

    so why not give them ONE and only one six-year term of office? then a one year honeymoon isn't all that bad. the rest of the time, five years, they would have to work in our interests (unless we allow them to act as Caesars). work, or get kicked out of office. work, or work without pay or bennies, just like we're doing these days.

    why not?

    no one liners. automatic thumbs down for those airhead sentences. i want to see you THINK. if you put links into your answer, make them pertinent and to the point. even if you come back to edit, give me thoroughness! 'cause, i do not like how dumbed down the youth of today is getting to be. i want SUBSTANCE and REASONING. up to it?

    4 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • will you allow yet another president to be Caesar? hasn't it gone way, way too far?

    i can't stand the decadence anymore. not all that far back, a prez could walk one block from the white house, perhaps with men with guns surrounding him, but he wasn't put into a helicopter or limo with other limos as his ultra protective entourage just to get to the local deli!

    when will americans boo when a president acts like a king/queen?

    when will you once again be able to knock on the door of the white house to have a conversation with your president? why not be able to do that anymore? if you do not demand it, you fuel the ROYALTY that the power makers, who largely do nothing other than pleasure themselves these days. i.e., shouldn't we make them earn our respect rather than scorn?

    1 AnswerPolitics5 years ago
  • what type of education do the students need most now and not far from now? what would it accomplish for america? who will help them?

    given that americans buy such junk made out of our own raw materials and do not demand high quality now, i think that structured trade school and long apprentices in the trades--all sorts of them, just think--would serve a dual purpose: (1) put americans on the job to getting the jobs so much needed in this country staying in this country; and (2) open up what was once called "society" again, since not only teachers, but the masters of the trades would have to have dual COMMUNICATION with trainees for americans to work in america again, using our own raw materials. for example:

    why export our cotton and wool to asia to be woven? why isn t spinning a trade anymore? how about using a loom? and dye making? and putting patters together in the correct manner to make a really good shirt, one where the plaid lines are straight all over the shirt?

    that s what i mean when i say all sorts of trades, not just the desperately needed tool and die making classes. but we need long term apprenticeships if we will ever build roads made to last as they do, in europe.

    which presidential candidate is up to snuff on how to put america back into the black again? who would use a think tank on education that s practical, and useful for all types of kids, who will be our next leaders? why?

    thumbs down to one liners. may the most comprehensive, best researched/thought out answer get that coveted BA!

    5 AnswersPolitics5 years ago
  • what the heck is going on with yahoo answers??

    i guess yahoo answers has gone the way of the fascists. or else, to pure stupidity. i'm wondering whether i should bother with this site at all. tell me why:

    it won't let me put my Q into the correct category. i've been with YA since 2009, having been enormously active (but i have this thing i call a life). i'm a level 5. i asked: "what's the difference between a subpoena & a summons?" shouldn't that go into the "law" category? but YA put it into entertainment > polls and surveys! in fact, that is where any Q i ask goes, where very few people answer any Q of anybody!

    and why can't i award a best answer anymore? i am able to read my Q, and i see that people answered, but there is no link into the "polls and surveys" to my Q so i can even READ what they said. so i cannot award a BA!

    is this site a waste of good time? what's going on here?

    10 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • are you less likely to drop a few coins into a street beggar's can if s/he is fat?

    although there are more and more americans who are considered to be "obese" (it is because we don't walk, we drive and sit all day long), they still are severely discriminated against.

    i live in a large metropolitan area. we have many people (some of whom lie) standing in intersections holding up signs telling us that they need money for food, rent, or just that they need money. in fact, i met a professional beggar recently when i tried to give him a bottle of water. (doesn't it make sense that the one thing they'd need most is hydration?) he showed me the bottled water bottle that he had strapped where nobody could see it. by his wink, i think he made more than employed people by begging at a high-traffic intersection.

    so, if you saw one beggar that was trim and slim on the street, and then another one that was "fat" down the road aways, who would you give your spare change to, assuming that you'd give it to anyone?

    please examine your heart of hearts here. let me know your age group, please, such as between 20-29, 30-39, etc. when you answer.

    2 AnswersPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • after michelle obama's speech at tuskeegee university, is she now considered a racist?

    one of my friends told me to watch it on youtube because it proves her to be a racist. even were you to call it reverse racism, is she a racist?

    11 AnswersPolitics6 years ago
  • what is the difference between a summons and a subpoena?

    i love thorough, well thought out answers. please take your time to fully explain your answer. and don't give me a one liner: i will thumb you down for your carelessness and iodiocracy.

    1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years ago
  • given the patriot act, what are your rights to find out if you are under investigation (for anything at all)?

    some years ago, wasn't a law passed whereby you had a right to know what you were being investigated by the government for?

    given that now there is the patriot act, can you still use the law to learn whatever is in a government file about you?

    what is the federal law called?

    how do you request a true and accurate copy of the file that they have on you?

    thanks for being thorough in your answer! i want you to realize that on occasion, i don't award a best answer until i get a pulse of what our fellow americans think about today. this question probably won't be that sort.

    1 AnswerLaw & Ethics6 years ago
  • would YOU not award a best answer if you wanted to read continuing answers to your question on yahoo! answers?

    mostly i ask questions because i want a pulse on what my fellow americans think and feel. i sort of like the new yahoo! answers feature whereby i do not have to give best answer, because:

    1. sometimes 2 answers should each get the best answer, and there is no way to give 50% BA to one, and then 50% BA to the other;

    2. i check my questions to determine if there is another answer. IF it really is a best answer, meaning well thought out and providing me with facts, i MIGHT give it a best answer award.

    what would you do if you lived in my life? what if you had the goals i have in leaving my questions open? would you leave them open? why or why not? what would you do if two answers were equally best? why?


    3 AnswersYahoo Answers6 years ago
  • how do i fix the problem here whereby my profile avitar no longer appears on my active questions?

    11.11.2014 @ 12:45 P what can i do to fix the fact that my avitar does not any longer appear next to my question?

    does it happen to you when you answer a question too?

    what happened here on yahoo answers to cause it and how do you repair it? please use detailed steps with thorough layman's terms.


    2 AnswersYahoo Answers7 years ago
  • how do i separate paragraphs on my facebook page when i "share" someone else's post via tapping on my Enter key twice?

    11.11.2014 @ 12:31 pm (Q 2 of 2 about facebook posts)


    you'd THINK it would EASY to separate paragraphs of text when you "share" another person's post, or comment on it, using the simple procedure of clicking on the Enter key on your keyboard. nope!

    maybe YOU know The Secret...?

    when my text runs on without paragraph separations, it intimidates the public from reading it. so why bother to share it or comment on it whatsoever?

    i run on a macbook pro, no retina display, OS 10.10 (highest version) called Yosemite. i do not think that my computer/its OS would cause me NOT to be able to make paragraphs between my text of comments.

    in fact, have you noticed how often the programming on FACEBOOK changes, therefore sometimes allowing you to do what you need to do on it,

    and then the NEXT DAY, you can't do the same thing? what problems have you now resolved once and for all, please tell me! and tell me how you do x, y, or z.

    thanks a lot!

    there must be a way to double space between paragraphs, right? so how is that simple task accomplished???

    1 AnswerFacebook7 years ago
  • what will be the population of the world before it can no longer get any higher? will it suddenly lower because of...?

    i'm basically asking how many people can this planet feed, house, clothe, medicate and educate? my own opinion is this, but the first words must be remembered, so i will put them in caps:

    IF NOT FOR POLITICS, the world's riches and abundance of products could easily support three times (3X) the current population of about 7 or getting close pretty quickly to 8 billion people. which then would be about 21 billion.

    yet we see how much strife and violence there is now, with a world population of about 7.5 billion. FOR POLITICS.

    in your own estimation,

    what will happen whereby the population will be reduced by whatever figure is your own personal X to your own view of Y (number).

    do you think the population of the world today is too high? why?

    what factors then would reduce the number of people living on this planet now?

    is there a concrete number that represents the total number of human beings using this planet as home in the future and why is that? for instance, what if you say the total would be no more than 10 billion people. why do you think that?

    we can see in populations of bacteria that only so many will live for a given length of time before they become extinct.

    we see the same thing in populations of certain animals.

    humans are mammalian animals. how many will this world support before their number starts to dwindle down, and when it does, what number do you suppose will still live and reproduce, if any?

    5 AnswersOther - Politics & Government7 years ago
  • with almost 8 billion people on mother earth, how can it be that groups such as bilderberg a/k/a The Powers that Be...?

    ... how can the powers that be of first world countries think that their lot in life would be best if most of the world population were to die? who would do their bidding, i.e, who would act as their slaves, even if they paid them? this conspiracy theory reminds me of reading ayn rand's book "atlas shrugged", but even she never got into what would transpire AFTER the conservatives got rid of those that were low to middle class.

    and, do you honestly think that photos of what are, so apparently, rows of stored porta potties are in fact coffins?

    i ask this now because uncle sam found some money (after obamacare started) to put, nationanwide, all kinds of TV commercials about what we all should do in times of emergency. chicago, where i live, has no tornados, no earthquakes, no tsunamis, no landslides, no volcanos, and the like...

    3 AnswersOther - Society & Culture7 years ago
  • when and how did IS (ISIS, ISIL) start, and how did it start? and syria as part of it? what is the caliphate & Levant?

    we didn't hear of the IS until only recently, but due to their number, i wonder, when did they form as a group? HOW did they form as a group? WHERE did they form as a group and how did they do it?

    how does syria enter the picture? IS there a syria today? does ISIS control syria or is it the other way around? how, why, when?

    what is the caliphate? it is a leadership that began after mohammed died, correct? i.e., the caliph is the leader? leader over whom? why? how? when?

    what part does Levant play in the aspirations of IS? please be expansive!

    first we heard of al queda, then we heard of all the woes of syria, then, bam!, there's the Islamic State (IS), a/k/a sometimes as ISIS (what does that mean?) or ISIL, referring to the Levant, but why?

    what is the Levant other than a piece of territory? why is it so important?

    who started IS and how did it grow to such huge numbers in so short of a time?

    it wants to take over the world in order to convert the infidel, right? that means exactly what? what is the infidel in terms of the shia and sunni constantly fighting?

    isn't the true meaning of the infidel anyone that is not willingly beholden to allah?

    why do you let the muslims in the united states have so much attention, as though they have special privileges, considering their perpetual hate, killing, torture, and demand to take all of us to their allah, no matter what you believe?

    10 AnswersPolitics7 years ago