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mormons, is there a special place in heaven for gays, or will God fix them?

19 Answers

  • 7 years ago

    As per usual, the Mormon church is WELL behind the rest of the world on this social issue. Perhaps in forty years they'll receive a special "revelation" similar to the one they received in 1978 about black people... then they can look back at the statements made by today's Mormons (See Rrosskopf's answer for example) and shrug their shoulders and say, "we just don't know why God felt that way about gay people back then..."

    But the Mormons aren't alone in their bigotry and intolerance. Most organized religions fall into the same trap. I honestly believe that when we all meet up with God he'll roll his eyes at all the organized religion dogma that so many people are caught up in and say, "dude, the whole point was how you treated other people. did you do with that? Were you tolerant and loving and non-judgmental of people who were different than you? Or did you try to control them and beat them down if they believed or thought differently than you did?" And the organized religionists are going to fare much worse than the non-religious people, IMO.

  • rac
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    If you studied the scriptures, you would know that in the Father's House are many mansions and that Jesus went to prepare a place for all of us. In another place, the resurrection is compared to the stars in the sky, that as the stars vary in glory, so also does the resurrection vary in glory. Each will receive what he/she earns or merits based upon their faith and obedience. There are certain laws of God that we can use as benchmarks or standards whereby we may know if we are on God's right side or left side. Are we sheep or goats? One of those standards is morality. Are we faithful to one spouse, husband to wife and wife to husband? Any other form of sexual relationship is contrary to God's law. Those who abuse that law, disobey it, must repent or be cast into the lower levels of heaven. They are not worthy of Heavenly Father's presence in their unclean state.

    When you say "fix" them, I don't know what you mean other than to say that will God take away their same sex attraction? If so, then yes, I believe that in the resurrected state, there will be no same sex attraction for such an attraction is an aberration, a biological malfunction that will be repaired in the immortal, resurrected state. This corruption must put on incorruption, the imperfect will be made perfect. Thus Paul taught concerning the resurrected state.

    So, is there a special place in heaven for homosexuals? Yes, they will inhabit the lower levels of heaven where Christ and God do no dwell. Will God fix them? Yes, if they repent, they will become clean and can then live with Christ and God in the higher levels of heaven. However, a caveat to this is that they must not put off the day of their repentance because before they know it, it may become too late.

    Source(s): my LDS opinion
  • 7 years ago

    I think that same gender attraction is an aspect of this fallen world. Many things in this life will be corrected later.

    In LDS doctrine, marriage is much, much more than sexual attraction and romance. A man and women under covenant make up the structure of the eternities. An LDS scripture states that the purpose of man is to have joy. The plan of salvation is designed to bring us a fullness of joy and includes the covenant of marriage where a couple become complete.

  • Grace
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I prefer wondering if there is a special place in heaven for self-professed Christians, or will God fix them?

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  • 7 years ago

    For those who act on their desires and don't repent? Sure, it's called the Telestial Kingdom.

    God has said same-gender relations are wrong. He has said marriage is ordained between a man and woman. He is in charge, and what He says, goes.

    It's not about "fixing" them. It's about leaning to control passions/desires and choices, and keeping them within the bounds the Lord has set. And He has said sexual acts are to be had within a marriage, of a man and woman. period.

  • Woody
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    None of us have a place without the Atonement. To take advantage of the Atonement, we have to repent of our sins. I will not point out that the mote in your eye is worse than the beam in mine.

    Gender, and it's proper use, is an important part of pre-mortal, mortal and eternal life. If someone trades his heritage for a bowl of porridge, it is the same as gving up having an eternal companion for something of transcent value. These are choices we get to make with our agency.

  • Neerp
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Same sex attraction is a part of this mortal existence, and when we leave this existence, we leave it behind. There is nothing to be fixed. There will be no "gays" in the life to come.

    Unless you are one of those Christians that thinks we will be genderless neuters in heaven - wow - and you think Mormons are weird....

    Edit: LGBT is a byproduct of this mortal existence. None of it existed before, and none will exist when we move on. When we leave this mortal existence, we will be male and female, heterosexual, with no gender confusion and no same sex attraction.

    Maybe I should clarify that in the Celestial Kingdom, none of this will exist. If you take a hop down to the Telestial Kingdom, who knows what conditions will be like there when you consider the type of people that go there. We will still have our agency, though some of our choices will be limited. Kinda makes you go hmmmmm.....

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Wait, I thought that Mormons hate gays and use their religion to condemn them straight (excuse the pun) to hell?

    One would assume that if god exists, he certainly wouldn't mind gay people in an afterlife. He did create them after all.

    And before any Christians get angry about gays, they are born that way. I'm a Microbiologist. It's my life's work and is the life's work of many other scientists. We know better. You don't.

    Source(s): atheist.
  • phrog
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Christ's gospel is based on love, respect and agency. the LDS believe that all humans have inherited strengths, weaknesses, challenges and blessings, and that we are invited to live, through the grace of God, those principles of the gospel as revealed by Jesus Christ. in short, God charges each of us with an innate and reverent acknowledgment of our shared human dignity.....we are to love one treat each other with respect as brothers and sisters and fellow children of God - no matter how much we might differ from one another.

    but the LDS also believe that gender is an integral and permanent facet of our individual personality. that we hold the same gender for all eternity - it s part of who we are. and that sexual intimacy is reserved for a man and woman bound in marriage to each other. so there is nothing wrong in being gay....but you couldn't have that intimacy. the inclinations toward temptations we have in this life are not so likely to follow us to the next - overcoming these inclinations are what help us gain heaven

  • 7 years ago

    Gays are sent to trans-neptunian object and planetoid Eris out near the kuiper belt.

    Mormons believe in their own planets, so Gays can have Eris.


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