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I'm very self conscious. If it comes to how I look, I'm ugly. I have dark brown hair, dark brown eyes. and medium skin. (Im Italian) None of the boys in my grade like me. All they like is irish with brown hair and pale skin. I also barely have any friends. I feel like I'm fat, too, even though everyone I know says im really not. I could go on and on, but words can't explain how i feel in a little box. Any advice?


I also feel like cutting but I haven't told anyone

6 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Don't be self-conscious just because you feel as though you are different from everyone else. As a matter of fact, you should be happy and proud that you don't look like everyone else because if everyone looked the same, then the world would be quite a boring place now wouldn't it? EVERYONE on this planet is beautiful, including you :) No matter their gender, their skin tone, their race, their ethnicity, their height, their weight, their hair color/texture, their eye color, or their just their overall appearance in general, we are ALL beautiful just the way we are. So don't cut yourself. Please don't. Don't ruin the beautiful body you were placed in. Best of wishes to you! :) :)

  • Lee
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with you. You are perfect just the way you are. Do not fall for society's so called standards of beauty. Look at these celebrities with all their money and fame, they get injections, plastic surgery, face lifts and they still can't live up to the "standards." That's because they're not real. It's just an illusion to desire to be something you were never meant to be. So you spend thousands of dollars to achieve the impossible.

    You're in school, focus on that. Concentrate on learning all that you can and contributing something positive to society. We need more good people in this world. Boys, fame, fortune will all come in due time, so right now your main priority is to be the best person you can be. Cutting yourself is foolish. You only hurt yourself in the end and for what? Some stupid boys who aren't intelligent enough to recognize your beauty...You're better than that.

    You are not alone in this world. There are many others that feel the same way you do. You have access to the internet, seek them out. Build relationships with them. Help each other through the tough times and share in each others good times. My email is always open. If you need to help, send me an email and I'll do whatever I can to assist you. You have a long bright future ahead of you, good luck.

  • 7 years ago

    Your Self esteem/Self confidence are the result of beliefs that you have about yourself. In simpler terms, what you think about yourself is how you feel about yourself.

    You may relate to one of the following examples of self esteem

    - I am an excellent writer

    - I am a great human being

    - I am good at explaining things to others

    - I feel I am ugly and everybody hates me.

    - I am too fat, nobody likes me

    - I am not a social guy, and I am not good with people

    - I am a bad person

    As you can see self esteem can be about a broader quality such as: I am a bad person or it can be about a specific talent such as: I am an excellent writer. Self-confidence or self-esteem is also known by lots of other names such as self-respect and self-worth, among others.

    Why is it necessary to have Self esteem/Self confidence?

    The level of success that we attain in our life is directly proportional to the amount of self confidence that we have in ourselves. Low self esteem or lack of confidence in ourselves is the primary reason for our failures in life because it prevents us from utilizing our full potential. The worse thing is that lack of confidence also prevents us from living and enjoying our life to the fullest. In order to improve your self confidence or self esteem, you badly need to change your thought patterns. Your self-esteem is dependent on conscious as well subconscious thoughts.

  • 7 years ago

    HersheyQueen is right. Ignore the other two silly answers.

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    To bad i guess being white is not a privilege.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


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