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Should this list of nearly a thousand organizations all change their names and mascots to please the Native American people?

Update 2:

Thanks Rainbow Dash.

Was I criticizing? Or simply pointing out a thorny problem?

Personally, I think they have every right to use the logo, no matter of who, including logos like "the stupid white man" as an example.

I also think that people have the right to respond accordingly.

Free speech means freedom from government intervention, not the actions that the tribes have taken (perfectly within their rights).

I've noticed that people often never quite answer the question:

Should they? Not?

Update 3:

Thanks for not making assumptions about my motives, Celestine and answering the question.

Keep speaking up.

Update 4:

Absolutely GREAT video, barbara.

Wish someone had been as polite and direct as some of you had been when I first came back to Yahoo! to ask a simple question about music and Native Americans.

Instead, they insulted me for my ignorance, laid white guilt on my shoulders and made some terrible insulting and false accusations - then double downed on it and backed each other up.

A simple "Here's why your question is not appropriate" would have been wonderful.

That video would have served. Ah well.

Update 5:

No, that's in your head, Luke. Reading in meaning that is not evident and doing exactly what you claim I am doing is rude, I agree. You haven't bothered reading my responses to others in the comments and ran to judgment as a result. You can correct it or be judged accordingly.

7 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer is not just about pleasing NAs but doing the right thing...evolving and learning about others and how to interact..b/c people are still doing the Tomahawk chop...but if someone made a dance that made fun of say a French person there would be a hue and cry...change the name it could be something that really celebrates the first peoples of this country..not tired old stereotypes..hey trace the changes of Aunt Jemima..she went from fat Mammy to the hot chick b/c of people protesting the continued use of is time to change and really this is a painless one is getting bused or being forced to accept a lifestyle...I think there have been protests that could have better served true causes.

  • 7 years ago

    I heard that Redskin is equivalent to the N word. If it is then yes I can understand why thousands of Natives would find that offensive and want it changed.Don't see what the big deal is about changing it anyway. Is the name of the team going to affect how their players play? Is some dramatic loss going to occur? I say change it. There use to be a team called the n3gro league. They don't exist anymore.

  • 7 years ago

    Try to understand where they are coming from. Teams like Washington or the Cleveland Indians have insensitive logos about Native Americans. There are even Irish people who are upset with the Notre Dame Fighting Irish logo too. Do you criticize them? Look at things though other people's point of view.

  • 7 years ago

    Am I right in thinking the question you're actually asking is "Why do people get offended by the term Redskin?"

    I have a question of my own: why do people so often resort to hyperbole to make a point instead of just speaking plainly?

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  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    honestly, it's not that big of a deal. I have a redskin jersey.

  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    @Redskins holy sh*t, just change your f***ing name already. - Seth Rogen (@Sethrogen)

    PS: You lost 158 points this week trolling Native Americans with you bs questions. Hope it was worth it.

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