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We're still not ready to accept Gay Couple yet? :(?

Just that I keep seeing Gay and Les couples continue getting hurts :( I'm sure Jesus Christ is very disappointed in us. He did say hate Sins but help Sinners.

Would be lot easier if Jesus can come down and tell us what his thoughts are. But in Old T it showed that God loathe Gay lifestyle and that he destroy 2 City, because the Cities was fill of Gay/Les.

Maybe within 100 year later maybe if next few generations will embrace you. You got to realized that we're God Fearing people!

Just that I'm having hard time fathom that People say they are born as Gay. I think its a lifestyle they have chose to be one.

I don't meant to hurt anyone here, its just that I hate seeing them going to Hell because they were trick by Satan. I know its not our place to judges people, or we'll get judged by God 10 time worse.

Remembered the part where High level Jew Priest told other Priest that it better to kill one, instead of having God kill everyone! They were referring to Jesus. The Jew Priests were Confused and Scared as well like we are right now.

Just that we don't know what to do.. We often say "What would Jesus do/say?" Would he embraced them and try to help them change their ways? Saying that Same gender isn't God will because it doesn't procreate?

So I'm curious How you guy,ladies feel about this, are you conflicted as I am? Matter fact my niece is Les and I do care for her happiness, but what if it'll lead her to suffering, and after death she may get rejected by God.

4 Answers

  • Emma
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    "I'm having hard time fathom that People say they are born as Gay. I think its a lifestyle they have chose"

    You will NEVER accept that we are born so, because you think the Bible says so, yet it does not. People are not born from cookie cutters we are all different, just because you can't see the difference doesn't mean it isn't there.

    Most main stream christian denominations, now accept that we are born that way, the problems come into play when they say we must be celibate.

    Watch this video with an open mind, then ""you"" should investigate what he says about the Bible and homosexuality (don't just take his word for it), and you'll find the subject is not so cut and dry, as you've been told at church. It takes about twenty minutes for him to get into the heart of the matter.

    "God loathe Gay lifestyle and that he destroy 2 City, because the Cities was fill of Gay/Les"

    Genesis 19, Makes NO mention as to what the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was, except their wicked ways, and what were those ways, lack of hospitality, raping two angels, rioting, Lot offering his doughtier and wife up for fornication and adultery witch if I'm not mistaking the adulteress would be stoned and the fornicator would have to marry her rapist (Deuteronomy 22:28-29).

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    I think you need to understand, that they might not necessarily believe in God. I don't believe in God, and I am not biased or anything but, people can be who they want to be. If they want to be gay, lesbian or anything, be it. People have different perspectives and seeing as how you said that you will be disappointed seeing them going to hell, it's hard to explain, but because of your religious views, that is how you see their life. You might disagree, but think of it like this: If God didn't exist, they wouldn't be rejected or anything. Try viewing things another way. I'm happy though, that you care for your niece's happiness, but just remember, people are different (I'm sure my question is very confusing, but this is an opinion from an atheist and even I am having trouble trying to put it into words).

  • abcdef
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    The word is "Jewish" priests not "Jew priests". Your bigotry is showing in more than one way. Don't you know that to be a Christian is to NOT judge your fellows. I think somewhere in the Bible it something about casting stones?

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Shut up! You might not be ready but god accepts anyone And most people in this section do

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