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Growing up hearing Voice, seeing Spirits?
I remember when I was around 6 year old, I would lay in the bed and watch my Mother eat cereal, I would see white statue in the Closet.. Its like I'm able to see thing deeply.. Ever since that day, every late night I would awake up by the screaming sound in my ear (I'm deaf, I take out the hearing aids before going to bed).. Other night I would be awake up by the voice saying "I'm Chosen by the Darkness" What does this mean? The strange thing is I felt no Fear whatsoever.. I just shrug it off and go back to bed.. I don't have mental illness.. Why I keep hearing those ever since I was growing up? What does it mean "I'm Chosen by the Darkness?"
The professional couldn't help.. I realized I'm not sick.. I heard that people are scared when they see thing of hear thing that not there.. I felt no fear whatsoever.. What does it mean by I'm chosen by the Darkness? And why do I alway get screaming in my ear though out the year (Not every day, more of like once three month or so though out childhood to adult).
8 AnswersPsychology4 years agoI thought Escorts are legal?!?
Wait a min.. Ok My understanding is that Escorts are professionals that get permission from state/fed, and get shot from doctors (Proof that they don't have aids)..This is great way for those who don't want long term relationship like bf/gf etc. Also don't this prevent rapes due to no self-control?
I understand that prostitutes are against the law, but I don't see them as Escorts.. I see them as drug addicts, that are dirty and have aids. >.<
I just assumed Escorts are legal, I think its because they're on website openly? I haven't look them up for long time lol.
What you all think about the term Escorts?
6 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police4 years agoKarate isn't in Olymphics.. How come.. This 9 year old Karate Girl is trying to achieve that Goal, will she success?
I found a youtube video of this 9 year old Japanese Girl who is 3 time Karate Champion! There other videos of her at age 5, 7 and this one is 9.
Watch the whole video, but if you want to get to where I saw this message its at 1:00. My question is how come Karate not in Olympic?
10 AnswersMartial Arts5 years agoI'm curious on your thoughts about Black Belt? "A black belt doesn't mean a mastery of martial arts."?
To me Black Belt are beginning of what you have learned from your Instructors, every moves that he/she have taught you.
You got the basic down, but haven't truly master your arts yet..
I noticed some of you feel that children shouldn't earn Black Belt, I disagreed because Black Belt isn't the end of the training.. The reason they have earned it is because they have learn everything the instructors have taught them! Now its up to them to continuing practicing the moves to be faster, stronger and more lethal.
Also they can help those who are white belt while Instructors helping others.
By the way I got this sentence "A black belt doesn't mean a mastery of martial arts." From this site
15 AnswersMartial Arts5 years agoWould you have your kid start at young age as 3?
I'm amazed that this 3 year old have the patience and discipline to go though all this. If I was her age I would probably wander around and rather play baskletball heh.
I remembered the first time I joined I was I think 9 or 10 year old, and the next morning my leg sore from doing the front kick haha. I realized they should've taught me how to do stretches.. Otherwise I would have stayed. :(
Would you force your kid to join or only see if they're naturally doing it? Like having Patience and Discipline?
5 AnswersMartial Arts5 years ago7 year old Martial Artist Video down below, Think she is future UFC Champion?
I'm amazed how well she does, must took lot of time training her. Or she just natural at it heh. Its just seem rare someone at her age to know Martial Art at this level..
Someone made comments that the girl doesn't have power because she doesn't have Muscles. I disagree, I think she got power from doing right form, breathing tech, the Stance..
I'm curious is this your first time seeing someone so young? Or its very common in your Dojo?
5 AnswersMartial Arts5 years agoWhat would you say or ask if Satan/Lucifer appeared before you?
For me, I would ask him why did he betray God, You two used to have close relationship.
Do you regret betraying God?
Also I'll ask him Why are you continuing rebelling against God and Jesus Christ? If God willing to forgive you, will you repent?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoWhy Does Satan and Demons Flee When hearing Jesus name? (read more)?
I mean its just a words, its not like Jesus will appeared all suddenly. Why do Demons and Satan tremble when hearing his names? Does it hit them with the power of light?
I was thinking couldn't Demons and Satan just ignored that name or thinking that Jesus will show up right away?
9 AnswersReligion & Spirituality5 years agoGenius are often mistaken for Insanity?!?
There lot of Geniuses that may say strange thing to commoner people that may see off the flat world map heh.
For example Leonardo told people that he could find a way to fly and they thought he was crazy.
Here a website link that show that some Geniuses are actually insane heh
I noticed when they go overboard over thinking too much they ending up hearing things or seeing things.. Like Bobby Fischer the famous Grand Master Chess Player..
1 AnswerMental Health5 years agoOddly I wear Indoor Short and T-Shirt during Winter time! body heart question?
I was wondering when you go out in the morning to get newpaper or check the mailbox during winter and you saw your Neighbor going outside only in Short and T-shirt.. Is that strange?
I always go outside in short and T-shirt when getting newpapers or getting mails.. The way I see it, it only take 30 second or min to go outside and than go back inside. Plus I learned how to turned off my emotion when going out in cold weather.. My father used to take me on hunting trips when I was kid and heater doesn't work in his truck, I would sit there focusing on keeping myself getting warm, but somehow I managed to kill that emotion by turning off. I used to be bodybuilder and trained in Martial Art.. So I'm able to produce body heat.. Plus I gotta have some cold air in order to sleep, otherwise I couldn't sleep without feeling Cold Air.. I'm curious what your thoughts on this?
1 AnswerPolls & Surveys6 years agoWhat Right Career for me? Please Read...?
What right Career for me that required being Loner and Honest (Have high Morals, meaning willing to follow rules/Law 110%?) I'm deaf, and not very social person, Only words I say is HI, and Bye! :p
1 AnswerOther - Careers & Employment6 years agoShould Anti-depression med be taken off the market? Read Please.?
2 AnswersMental Health6 years agoWe're still not ready to accept Gay Couple yet? :(?
Just that I keep seeing Gay and Les couples continue getting hurts :( I'm sure Jesus Christ is very disappointed in us. He did say hate Sins but help Sinners.
Would be lot easier if Jesus can come down and tell us what his thoughts are. But in Old T it showed that God loathe Gay lifestyle and that he destroy 2 City, because the Cities was fill of Gay/Les.
Maybe within 100 year later maybe if next few generations will embrace you. You got to realized that we're God Fearing people!
Just that I'm having hard time fathom that People say they are born as Gay. I think its a lifestyle they have chose to be one.
I don't meant to hurt anyone here, its just that I hate seeing them going to Hell because they were trick by Satan. I know its not our place to judges people, or we'll get judged by God 10 time worse.
Remembered the part where High level Jew Priest told other Priest that it better to kill one, instead of having God kill everyone! They were referring to Jesus. The Jew Priests were Confused and Scared as well like we are right now.
Just that we don't know what to do.. We often say "What would Jesus do/say?" Would he embraced them and try to help them change their ways? Saying that Same gender isn't God will because it doesn't procreate?
So I'm curious How you guy,ladies feel about this, are you conflicted as I am? Matter fact my niece is Les and I do care for her happiness, but what if it'll lead her to suffering, and after death she may get rejected by God.
4 AnswersLesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender7 years agoHow come Soldiers that have finished serving their duty come home and start having those problems like flashback, get sicks?
My question is, shouldn't our Military by now start training the Soldiers to toughen up on their Mental part? Like be prepared to see thing that you never thought it'll have impact on your daily life once you have return home? Just that lot of Soldiers that finished their duty, and return home with mental illness/bad flash back and get very sicks. Also like the one who start going around killing Citizens or their own Soldiers here in USA.. :(
My Niece had Husband (now ex) who all sudden one night he snap and start beating on her and took her out in the wood and put hand gun to her head.. Because of thing he seen in War. I was very surpised because he doesn't seem to be that kind of person.. I thought he got lucky the war didn't affect him.
I'm hoping our top Military leaders is planning on giving a special training to toughen up our new Soldiers before going out to real war and expect the unexpected. So that way when they come home, it won't conflict with their daily life with family/love one.
10 AnswersMilitary7 years agoWhat type of Job is good for me in this area?
Just that I've high honor standard.. I got no family, no wealth and Honor is all I got. I noticed I got a gift on knowing things that other normal people don't have...
I'm not saying I'm like Sherlock Holmes..
What Job would be perfect for someone like me with high moral standard (Honor).. in Law enforcement?
Some think I'll be good in evidence room.. Where someone have to sign the paper in order to recieved Evidence..etc.
What else?
2 AnswersLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agoHuman run on it own courses, while Lucifer/Satan Stand there?
Seem like Lucifer/Satan doesn't have to do anything to lure man astray, Seem like he just let it run it own courses. All he does is sit there and sipping on Wine and watches us without having to lift his fingers. His Demons probably going insane on nothing to do. He probably thinking Did God's Son Jesus Christ died for nothing?
I know I sounded like I have no faith in humanity.. Its just seem like Man are capuable of being corrupted so easily without help from Devil and Demons, and nowdays people are not into Bible anymore..
How you all feel about the way World are going nowdays?
6 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoI feel really Sick.. About Gay and Anti-Gay questions..?
I'm in between, in the middle.. I believe in God, and the way Fred Phelps preach about the Gay.. sound right from the bible.. Except he left out the Jesus part where accept sinners but hate sins.
My Niece is Les, and I care for her happiness.. So that why I'm stuck in between in middle. But when I surf on the website other day it show two man got marry, I felt really sick!
I'm unable to convince my Niece to go stright -sighs-
What would Jesus Christ do? Just that accepting God, and trying to accept one of your family member for her/his happiness.. can't have both thing. I know I'm against Gay Marriage, its just making me very sick and its unnatural. Its like seeing Devil allowing those two man get married right there.
I wish Jesus would come down and give us an answer what to do. I know that Lucifer/Satan is very intellients and like to cause confusing among us..
What your thoughts on this issue? Have you been in stuck in middle due to accepting God and knowing its wrong for same sexes to marry.. and yet you know someone who happen to be Gay and you care about their happiness?
11 AnswersReligion & Spirituality7 years agoWhat State you think will go against the legalize of Marijuana?
So far few state have approvel Marijuana, but they're still against Fed law (DEA). I truly hope that my home state (Kansas) won't legalize Marijuana! Since its still against the Fed Law..
Plus I don't want to step outside for Fresh air and all sudden cloud of smoke from Marijuana coming over to my side! I remembered when I was 14 year old, friend of mine tried it out.. oh man it STINK as hell, I had to go 30 yard to other side just to get away from the smells.
How can people smoke that stuff? Also why did State being disrespectable to DEA/FED Law? I mean DEA sole job is to study the danger of the illegial Drugs!! They should know about those kind of drug better than anyone in this world.
My question is, What States you think will deny having Marijuana legalized? I know that Kansas won't accept it. Which is my home state, and I was told lot of people don't want Marijuana be legalized in Kansas. So that one, hear anything about your home state?
1 AnswerLaw Enforcement & Police7 years agoNew PC Gaming mainly for World of Warcraft and Future Online Games.. But (Read please for more details)?
I just got this PC Gaming two days ago, I was suppose to have 1275 watt Power supply but was told it didn't work, so they happen to have spare 750 Watts and told me it run smoothly no problem.. But the Gaming PC I got is very powerful, let me list them all below, let me know if this Power Supply will Survive many years haha.
CPU - Intel Core I7-4770K (According to Device Manager I got 8 =0))
Memory Card Ram - 32GB
HardDrive - Seagate Constellation Es.3 St1000NM003 2TB (got 2 1TB combine into 2 TB) 7200 RPM SATA3/SATA 6.0GB/s 128MB Enterprise
BlueRay drive -BlueRay Burner by LG
Power Supply - Suppose to be 1275 Watts, but instead got 750 Watts, which why I made this post.
So will my Power Supply 750 Watts survive though all this for many years ahead of time? Mainly got this for online gaming, and World of Warcraft can set Video setting on Ultra and run smoothly.. FPS is constantly above 100.
Update 1: Just in case you're wondering, after having it Build I brought it for 2,700 Dollar...Good deal? :D
2 AnswersVideo & Online Games7 years agoWhats your favorite Move in Martial Art? :)?
After getting warm up on punching bag, I do mid-air spin kick.. I'm left handed. I couldn't do the right leg spin kick.
Its like one of the Movie Actor name Jean Claude Van Damme, He always use Mid-air Spin kick when his foe get too tired.
But I don't do exactly like he does, Mine still need work on! XD
Whats your Favorite?
By the way those who got PC Gaming or Knowledge about Computer, can you please spare a moment on reading my other two questions? -get on his knee and begs- Would be great if you answered on there :) The url is
Second one is
I just made those two posts, Anyway, seriously what is your favorite Martial art move? :)
4 AnswersMartial Arts7 years ago