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How do Buddhists live with spiders?

I know not every Buddhists chooses to cohabitate with spiders. My question is about the ones that let the spider alone. Any tips for how to peacefully coexist with spiders are appreciated. Catching them and relocating them is not an option. How would you feel if someone scooped you up out of your paradise and dropped you off in a harsh desert? Forced relocation is not peaceful.

9 Answers

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I remember that you have read about Buddhism, so have I and I have talked to friends who are Buddhists, and they have "pillars" or tenets of Buddhism. The foundation of Buddhism is compassion for all living things, even spiders, and I think that not to harm them in any way is the ideal. Would scooping up the spider really harm it? It wouldn't be like forcing a human to relocate, because they can easily build another web. In my opinion, what would go against Buddhism would be to squish it.

    I don't kill spiders, unless they're dangerous. I just don't like to extinguish the life of a living thing, it seems wrong and goes against compassion.

  • 7 years ago

    It is really quite simple, just ignore spiders and let them live. It is a whole lot easier to live in harmony with spiders than to combat or fear them. Buddhists are not the only one that have respect for life and nature.

    In my case, I grew up with loads of spiders about, I even played with many and just became familiar with them. I became fascinated by them just because they were different than a lot of other bugs,(yep, I like bugs too) When you get to know spiders, you see they are really the good guys and have no intention to harm or even bother humans.

    I have had spiders in my home many many years, and perhaps save for a messy web, have never been a nuisance like pest bugs. They even exterminate pest bugs, so they are quite welcome at my abode.

    Many are much like my little pets, and on cleaning day, I just clean around them.

    Too bad so many people live in the world of hyperbole, horror stories and myths about spiders today, but consider, 60 years ago spiders in the home were just a sign of poor housekeeping, today, they are a sign of terror, and it is just not right.

    Source(s): Been around spiders 50 years.
  • ?
    Lv 4
    7 years ago

    I used to live in a house with such a bad foundation and lots of cracks in an area with tons of spiders. They were all in our house-- both dangerous and not so much...

    We just hoped they wouldn't bite us in our sleep and kept our perception sharp in the day!

  • 7 years ago

    They are just left alone...they eat other bugs - if you keep the place clean eventually there will be no bugs and the spiders will go somewhere else where they can find food.

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  • 7 years ago

    Go live where the spiders do, no one is relocated or disturbed and every one is happy.

  • ?
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Sweep these out of the house.

    Or sweep these in a bag and let the garbage collector take these away.

    Thats the way i do it without a grudge.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    spiders eat bugs, not Buddhists

    a buddhist respects ALL forms of life.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    I have seen some religious people let RATS crawl all around and snakes and other beast.!

    But the Bible says to take care of the animals, so .................

    Source(s): TV
  • YANM
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    see my comment to jake

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