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? asked in News & EventsCurrent Events · 7 years ago

Why aren't we aren't we doing something about the government getting away with 9/11 and other false flags?

In an article I read it said that in a poll last year "40% of Americans are fully satisfied with the official account of 9/11, while 48% either doubt the official story or do not believe it at all." It also said "Shockingly, only 23% of Americans believe the government’s story about World Trade Center 7 – a 47-story high rise that imploded for no apparent reason on the afternoon of 9/11. (What is truly shocking is that almost one in four Americans actually believes the government’s claim that WTC-7 imploded in 6 1/2 seconds due to office fires.)"

Most people know that the 9/11 original story does not add up. There is no way a plane could get that low and hit the pentagon. There was also zero wing damage at the pentagon. There is no way we could find two perfectly conditioned passports through all the debris. And there is no way WTC 7 came down because of a little fire. So my question is why are we letting them get away with 9/11? The people responsible for 9/11 should be behind bars for treason against their own country.

15 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I can't see who's posting this on the device I'm currently using but what a brilliantly composed question.

    Those are absolutely the questions we want answered, the official report is absolute bollocks, it's got cover up written all over it. I am certain Operation 9/11 was a false flag event, there is no other answer for the questions you've posed and the tens of others that remain unanswered.

    Unanswered they will remain I'm afraid. Everyone who knew something and was willing to talk have either had an heart attack or committed suicide strangely enough.

    I don't have my 9/11 files to hand as I'm not indoors but off the top of my head Barry Jennings and Beverly Echert are a couple of names if you're interested. Murdered because they wouldn't "let it go".

    Keep up the good work, God will call those responsible and justice will be served

  • 7 years ago

    People from more than 90 different nations died in the 9/11 attacks, not just Americans.

    That proves 9/11 wasn't a false flag.

    The reason it proves this is plainly obvious to sane, rational people.

    Citizens of other nations also died in other attacks as well: Newtown, the Colarado movie theatre shooting, the Boston Marathon Bombing, etc & etc.

    Those deaths are incontrovertible proof that they weren't false-flag attacks either.

    The reason it's proof is because those deaths constitute Acts of Wars against those other nations.

    -Someone would have to be literally retarded (or mentally insane, or both,) to actually believe that the US is wantonly committing literal acts of war on US soil against even its own best friends, closest allies and most vital trade partners.

    -They would honestly have to be literally retarded (or mentally insane, or both,) to actually believe all those countries would do nothing & say nothing instead of retaliating diplomatically, economically, legally or militarily over the murder of their citizens.

    -They would especially have to be literally retarded (or mentally insane, or both,) to think all the national medias of all the world's 200+ nations would or could be silenced.

    Because none of them have proved or substantiated anything claimed by conspiracy theories, either.

    The simple and incontrovertible fact that that none of the world's 200+ countries or their national media (especially nations & national media hostile to the US) have ever proved or substantiated anything claimed by conspiracy claimers or believers.

    If the truth were really so easy to uncover that any teenager capable of uploading a Youtube conspiracy video can do it, it's literally impossible that not one single government or media outlet anywhere in the world can find any hard evidence of it - actual proof that would stand up in court as incontrovertible evidence.

    That's plain obvious to sane, rational people.

    Question is: why are so many people irresponsibly letting themselves be duped into believing ludicrous conspiracy hoaxes?

    What's wrong with them that they can't distinguish between fantasy and reality to see for themselves that garbage like false flag conspiracy theories are scams?

  • 7 years ago

    I read the article, and more importantly, I read the poll questions. Those poll questions were not neutral, and thus they poll numbers are skewed.

    Furthermore, your interpretation is faulty. 38% said "I have some doubts as to whether the government’s account fully explains everything." That doesn't imply deception, merely that the gov't may not have explained every detail.

    In fact, even with that slanted poll, only 10% said they didn't believe the government.

    These 9/11 conspiracy theories have been debunked. Just picking one of yours, about WTC-7 coming down because of a "little fire." First, there was actual structural damage to WTC-7 from falling debris from the other 2 towers.

    Second, it was not only a "little fire." Additional footage shows it was a huge freaking fire. Furthermore, that video shows the exterior beams weakening and buckling from the intense and enduring heat.

    UPDATE: Video of numerous eyewitnesses saying how they witnessed a plane hit the Pentagon

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    Was the first world trade center bombing in 1993 a false flag? Was the USS Cole bombing a false flag? Was the US embassy bombings in Africa a false flag? Was the bombing of the US Marines barracks in Beirut, Lebanon a false flag? Was the bombing of Pan Am flight 103 a false flag? Was the Khobar Towers bombing a false flag?

    These all happened before 911

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  • 7 years ago

    I personally knew one of the pilots of an American Airlines plane that hit the WTC. My sister is a 9./11 survivor from NYC. Your question, writing, and conspiracy theories are extremely offensive to me and should be to all decent human beings.

  • Mark F
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Veterans Today is a conspiracy propaganda rag with a severe credibility deficiency. It would probably help a lot if you got your information from sources that had even the slightest amount of objectivity and didn't wear their agenda's on their sleeves.

    There is nothing in this question ever worth answering. Its rubbish.

  • KP
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Almost 100% of Muslims do not believe in moon-landing. Neil Armstrong walked in a desert in Arizona!

    Even today, there are people who believe that the earth is flat.

    You can generate volumes of so-called evidence to prove or disprove a thing. It does not alter facts.

  • 7 years ago

    Its not an "official story" it actually did happen as everyone saw it happen including myself on the TV from the UK. We saw at least two aircraft hit the buildings. How can that be faked. Do you think it was an hologram or something. Anyone who thinks that is utterly nutty.

    It was extreme Islamic terrorists who hijacked airliners and flew them into the buildings in a suicide attack in protest at Palestine. Is that too difficult to understand ? Anyone not born then can see the newsreels.

    Anyone trying to disprove it are terrorist and Muslim sympathisers.

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Anybody who believes in "false flags" is a half-wit. The claim that many Americans don't believe the 9/11 account is hilarious bullsh**.

  • 7 years ago

    I don't know. I think more and more people are becoming dissatisfied with the government but I guess things haven't gotten bad enough for a Revolution yet and I'm not so sure if they ever will quite frankly.

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