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Would I be able to get a accurate natal chart reading without knowing my exact date and time of birth?

4 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago


    The chart is a map of the sky for a particular moment (date/time) as seen from a specific location (longitude/latitude on earth).

    You cannot do up a chart without the date, time, and place.

    You can do up A chart, but you have no idea if it is that person's chart or not. No sense even trying to read a chart if it isn't yours.

    btw, even 4 minutes of clock time can change the Rising Sign, can make a difference between whether or not a planet is conjunct the angles (planets that ARE conjunct the angles are the strongest factor in the personality .. not conjunct the angles = not the strongest factor).

    Popular astrology doesn't need your specific information .. but then it isn't really giving you astrology. It is only making money by writing for the public.

    Real astrology will ONLY work with the specific website of an individual, and many astrologers will turn away paying clients if they do not have the birthtime (it is unethical to read a chart that is not accurate, and most astrological societies need their members to sign a "code of ethics" which includes being accurate and reading only from the chart).

  • Lynn V
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    Since the Ascendant is based in the 1st House, in the Aries House cusp, the physical traits are usually in the head and face. If you read about Ascendants, you may be able to narrow down your Rising sign. You can just put your Sun sign in the 1st house or 10th, but each House system has their own calculations. Placidus House system is the most popular, then Equal, or Koch and the others. Usually, if you can or have your Birth Certificate, it will have your exact date and time of birth.

    Some astrologers will use the 12 noon time without birth time, but then that is guessing too, right Been There? There is the Sun on Ascendant chart, because without the correct birth time, the Rising or Ascendant cannot be determined. The only recourse, in my opinion, is the client should read the ascendants for the physical part, the head and face for one, because a Fire sign may sometime have a reddish or ruddy complexion, a Water a moon face, melancholy face...There are so many things we can look at, without knowing the birth time, to get an accurate chart, without the birth time, is near impossible. So I would have to say No, about getting an accurate chart, as to asker's question.

  • 5 years ago

    Legend says that a Chinese birth chart (supposedly predicting the gender of a baby with 93 percent accuracy!) was buried in a tomb near Beijing for almost 700 years. The original is now at the Beijing Institute of Science. lol I just went and tried it and it is sayin I am havin a girl ( I hope it is right! I have my boy already), lol in 12 days I find out what it is. I would think though it is more coincidence than actuallity

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    People that promote astrology here are always stressing the importance of 'exact' time and location of birth. But on the business end, it seems different. Astrologers and websites are willing to take your word for birth info. Few will demand that you produce a valid birth certificate. If you really don't know, most will offer to a 12 noon time for a less informative reading. They will still take your money. But the rising sign, one of the big three, is now unknown.

    I think paying to be told what you already know is silly.

    Add on: 'Code of Ethics'? LMAO! That statement alone makes astrology credible? What can "astrological societies" do if a member does something unethical and conducts fraud? Refund all the clients? REAL astrologers never turn down a buck.

    "Look, Storm, sorry I don't mean to bore you but there's no such thing as an aura!

    Reading auras is like reading minds or tea-leaves or star-signs or meridian lines

    These people aren't applying a skill, they're either LYING or MENTALLY ILL.

    Same goes for people who claim they hear God's demands or Spiritual healers who think they've magic hands."

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