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What should I do in NYC for my 21st b-day?

I'm planning on going to NYC for my 21st b-day this year. My birthday falls after Christmas so I decided to have a party/ outing after finals - Friday, December 19th. Since it will probably be cold and NYC isn't exactly "safe", I was planning for an afternoon type of outing ~12pm to 6/7 pm. What can I do during that time slot? I won't want to make it touristy ( ie time square). My friends and I are from NJ, so we've seen our far share of tourist spots. Please list as many activities as you can think of!

I'm not completely against the idea of clubbing. Actually, I would really like to go to a club for the first time. I'm worried, however, for safety. We all are planning on taking either trains or paths to get home. If you have any suggestions on how I can avoid any problems in NYC and make sure everyone gets home safe, please let me know! Also list any good clubs that accept ages 20 and over. Thanks!

1 Answer

  • 7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    Well first of all, I'm not sure where you're getting the idea that NYC isn't safe. It's actually a lot safer than most areas in NJ and the rest of the country. The only issue I can see you facing is getting home. Most clubs in NYC don't even open until 11pm and a lot of the trains to NJ stop running around 1:30. So you would be kind of pressed for time. In addition, clubs are selective about who they let in unless you have bottle service (and I'm sure you don't want to spend $600 just to hang out in a club) so it's likely that not everyone in your group will get in. Instead, how about going to a bar/restaurant? Most wine bars don't card so your younger friends could get in. I'm not sure what your budget is like, but you could also go to a Broadway show or wait in line to see one of the late night talk shows (free).

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