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Lv 6
SuZQ asked in Food & DrinkVegetarian & Vegan · 7 years ago

Why are radical VEGANS allowed to post their hate so indiscriminately!?

They spout their hate of the rest of the world and expect to gain believers? And Y!A does not ban them. Why!

21 Answers

  • ?
    Lv 7
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    "Why are radical VEGANS allowed to post their hate so indiscriminately!?"

    Sorry for what will be a somewhat of a long answer, but I'm going to give as much as I know, and what can help.

    As stated there are radicals, ad extremists in a lot of other areas. With over sixteen hundred subcategories, and hundreds of posts per minute, there's no realistic way, that Yahoo can have enough staff can keep pace. This is why they have Community Moderation in place. As this is the case it's up to us as good users to use the tools they give us, to work with. What we can do is report the posts, and try to remove them. There is a very small minority of users, as I understand it, who can on a single report, remove most violations. But knowing who they are is another matter. However if people who abide by the rules band together, and report such violations, the posts will be removed from view.

    As to banning them, that's a whole other problem. All Yahoo, like any other site can really do, is suspend the account of the offenders. To start doing IP bans, could result in a large number of public WiFi systems, libraries being banned by a few trolls or even spammers./ Trolls and other radicals or extremists, can be sent to the Yahoo Answers Team, to be dealt with. Trolls while a big issue on Yahoo Answers, is just a small drop in the bucket, there are far worse though. Spammers promoting scams, and/or malware, porn, pedophiles, shock images, and much more. All each of can do, is to collect their account numbers, which will be found between the = and the & symbols then submit them to the Yahoo Answers Team to be dealt with. Here is the email to send them to, Please note that the spelling is correct.

    This is the email address I use for sending in spammers those who post porn underage users (twelve or younger). It may take a few days, for someone to get to them though. But it does work. Another resource available is through Chatzy, in the Chatzy Suggestion Board chat room. Here is the link to that where if someone is in might try to report the violating content, if there is someone there.

    Remember those there are users just like us. This is the best I can do to try help out, by passing on what I've l;earned and picked up. Getting the ability though to remove violations, is very hard though. Anyone can report, but not everyone has the ability to remove violations by themselves or with one or two others. Sometimes it can take several to do that.

    Edit point:

    Some posts as posted here, also fall under hate speech. As Elym recommended, do not respond. Report and move on, as was said on the old Yahoo Suggestion Board that's been removed for a while now.

    Edit point two:

    Within any group, always remember that there are and will be radicals/extremists. They will use open sites like this, to vent/rant, and use as their soapbox. Before I came here, I was on MySpace, and saw similar behavior in some of he forums.

    Edit point three:

    Also if they answer the question asked, and that is a violation, it to can be reported. Which can result in not just ten points lost, but twenty. Ten for the answer, and then the question for ten more. It was well tested from what I understand. I'll edit in anything else I remember, if it will be helpful.

    Edit point four:

    There are no points lost for reporting comments under answers. Also a person may report effectively against someone who is in violation, twenty times a week for that account. So I would save those reports for questions and answers, where it will be more effective.

  • Jeff H
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Based on my limited experience with Vegans the two or three supposed Vegans that post those questions on here are not representative of Vegans as a whole and many believe that they are not Vegans or possibly even separate people. There is a stream of thought that Thomas, Kally, and Nokia are all the same person and even if not, there is no guarantee that they are the age they say or even Vegan. It is easy to hide behind an ID and even set up a phony Facebook page....I have seen it done before.

    Their questions are reported and I think Nokia, if a separate individual, holds the record for most questions reported in the section of Yahoo!Answers. In addition, according to it, Nokia must hold some sort of record for suspended accounts......10 according to a post it made, but all they do is come back with a new email address and set up a new account.

    You can ignore them or like several of us, laugh at the stupidity of the questions in general that they ask and report the offensive ones. In Nokia's case that means about 80% or more of the questions posted are reported.

    I personally do not think they are Vegans as they have been told repeatedly that they are doing more to harm the Vegan lifestyle than anyone else on here. So if they were really Vegans you would think they would act in a way to show how great Vegans are, not how violent and insulting.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    They are probably not really vegans at all. Because if they are they are not helping their cause. They are most likely just a few idiotic kids with too much time on their hands, so they just like to stir up crap. Although I have seen posts made in the comments section by someone who I think is a real vegan (albeit a rude one) who does nothing to condemn them. So I have no use for that person as well.


    Actually I've come to the conclusion that it's a losing battle. Just report them again and again. If you respond in any way, you might get reported yourself. That's what they want, is to get a rise out of people. Like a schoolyard bully who teases you until you cry. I would also suggest making all of your activity private, so they can't dig up stuff to go after you with.

    The worst change IMO in the new version of YA is the ability to comment on every answer. Sometimes it's nothing but dozens of insults flying back and forth.

  • 7 years ago

    There are radical psychos on other areas of Y!A also. Face it, the world has a LOT of seriously disturbed people and the anonymity of the Internet only allows them to be more brutal and freakish without fear of reprisal. They don't give a sh#t if they get disabled - they'll just make a new troll account.

    Edit to add: I know vegans and vegetarians IRL and they're perfectly normal. I've been veg*n and was never militant nor radical. To each their own.

    For my part, I'm going to stop answering the trolls. When I try to be reasonable and post supportive evidence it does no good. When I take the bait, I'm just being stupid.

    I'm glad to have learned from this thread!

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  • 7 years ago

    They open new accounts almost every day, so reporting them does not seem to do much good. Yahoo apparently does have the capacity to monitor users, even when they consistently use the same name when opening a new accounts.

    The few vegans that post these ignorant questions are sick children crying out for attention and by posting ludicrous and disturbing questions, they do get it. It is also possible they are the same person or 2 persons and their veganism if very much in question. If everyone refused to be baited by these kids, they would just go fade away.

  • Jay H
    Lv 5
    7 years ago

    The true vegans I personally know are not like a couple of idiots that are here, doing nothing but posting hate. That alone should tell you how short sighed they truly are. Every category has them. It's just some categories are worse then others. Have you seen some the posts on r/s?

  • Elym
    Lv 6
    7 years ago

    They're Not 'allowed' to post their hate - they do so because they know others will respond.

    When members get tired of responding, they make multiple accounts to argue with themselves which in turn brings back what I wrote in my 1st sentence.

    TBH - I've friends that are 'real' vegans. My wife & I eat with them a few times a week. While we enjoy our 'normal food' they eat their fruits & veggies. None of us care nor do we go around shoveling our beliefs down each others throats. I highly doubt said user's a vegan at all. If they were they'd Not be posting hate & making death threats on a public forum. Instead, they'd have their own site/blog and actually be educating themselves - especially in their middle school studies.

    As with All trolls on this site - if they have nothing to complain about & no one to answer their filth - they'll get bored. Maybe then they'll realize that we are Not 'meat eaters', we are 'omnivores.' It's called balance - something we can All use a bit of.

  • 7 years ago

    I HATE radical vegans just about as much as those damn radical religions that damn you to hell if you so much as think about sex.

    Follow whatever diet plan works for you. Don't push it on the rest of us! What works for one does not necessarily work for another. We all have different genetic backgrounds; some of us do better on an omnivorous diet and some do better on a vegetarian. This is all scientific fact and I don't want to hear any BS from any radical vegetari/vegans!

  • Suzy Q
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    Actually the questions of this very vocal minority among vegans (and I'm not even convinced they ARE vegans, and not jut trolls trying to make vegans look bad) are quite often reported and removed.

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago

    It goes both ways. Ever since I became vegetarian I have not once EVER told anyone what they can and can't eat. BUT I have had meat eaters on more than one occassion telling me my diet is wrong and humans needs meat. You guys are no better...

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