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FELLOW MENTAL PATIENTS: who else feels that Asperger's aka late onset autism is a bullshit diagnosis?

I'm Major depressive, anxiety, and narcisisstic. Autism is COMPLETE disasociation from the world. Come On!

6 Answers

  • Anonymous
    7 years ago
    Favorite Answer

    I seriously doubt that there are any medical professionals on this forum. And if there were, they cannot diagnose you over the internet. So, you fail. Shut up.

  • 7 years ago

    Autism is a real diagnosis and if anything, it is not dissociation, it is an inability to block out input from the environment. You have it completely backwards. i hope you are being treated with respect.I have been hospitalized also, and I was treated horribly in far too many cases, like staff theft, staff abuse, staff neglect, etc. Our mental health system is broken. Doesn't surprise me a bit you have confusion regarding what autism is and is not. I was diagnosed with bipolar all my life since my 20s, although each and every doctor or counselor said I did not quite fit the picture of bipolar, then they just stopped looking for answers. Medical malpractice. And then you get these people here and in public who think only a PROFESSIONAL should diagnose you. What a joke. I could bend your ears for hours. There are so many incompetent people working our broken mental health system, it's not funny. Yes, there are some great dedicated ones but I did not get lucky, and my entire family will back me in this. Maybe you are not getting lucky. I finally self-diagnosed (oh my god!!!!!!) after years of research, and it almost cost me my life trusting my doctors, as one medication after another endangered my very life. This was during a period of severe stress and depression, which I am through now. I have learned it is good to have a voice, one that does not listen to others when they say stuff like "no one the internet knows what they are doing" "only a doctor can diagnose you". Such bull. Again, I hope you are being treated well, and if you can, try and look up what autism really is.

  • 6 years ago

    This Site Might Help You.


    FELLOW MENTAL PATIENTS: who else feels that Asperger's aka late onset autism is a bullshit diagnosis?

    I'm Major depressive, anxiety, and narcisisstic. Autism is COMPLETE disasociation from the world. Come On!

    Source(s): fellow mental patients feels asperger 39 aka late onset autism bullshit diagnosis:
  • 5 years ago

    I have the feeling you don't realize how many similarities there are between Asperger's syndrome and autism disorder. I realize that when you look at someone with severe autism and someone with mild Asperger's syndrome, they may seem completely different, but when you get to know them you notice that they have so much in common. Asperger's syndrome and autism share nearly all the same traits and symptoms, although in varying degrees, ranging from mild to severe. It is pretty much only the speech development that is different, and the fact that mental retardation sometimes coexists with autism, but not Asperger's syndrome. Mental retardation should not be confused as a part of autism though, because it is a separate condition that just happens to coexist with autism sometimes. Those disorders have much more similarities than differences and I find it perfectly logical to classify them together on one spectrum, the autism spectrum. To me they are varying degrees or sub-types of the same condition. I have Asperger's syndrome and I have no problem with Asperger's syndrome being associated with autism. I have no problem with being called autistic and I myself sometimes use words like autistic, autism, mild autism and so on, to describe myself or Asperger's syndrome. To me those words can be used equally for all the disorders on the autism spectrum.

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  • Feivel
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    So you are narcissistic? Wonderful....just the kind of people who I like chatting to (insert sarcasm here).

    I was diagnosed later and was NOT happy about the diagnosis at all. It is not "late onset autism". It is getting diagnosed later in life with autism spectrum disorder. There is a big difference. I am unaware of any cases of "late onset autism" (though that is not to say they don't exist)

    So your narcissism got the better of you here I am afraid.

  • Edward
    Lv 7
    7 years ago

    It's getting bad again. Probably the holiday crap starting already.

    I'm standing by my point. This was not the place, and I was not in a proper state of mind.

    I'm even narcissistic about my narcissism now.

    I'll just make my shrink pull some overtime next month and ask him about it.

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